Chapter 11 - Nursing to Health

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 *Mikey's POV*

We had to move from Berlin and be stationed in London.

Its been almost 2 months somehow, and nothing from Gerard, Frank, or Bob.

I was praying they aren't dead.

Right now, some of our troops were being sent to London, since they were going to help escort some children be evacuated from England because of the war.

Right as they were about to leave, we hear a car horn.

"OUT OF THE WAY!!!" a familiar voice shouted.

The troops parted and we see it was a Nazi car. But... nobody raised their arms. They only cheered and followed behind, shouting stuff like "They're alive!" or "What is she doing here?!"

I then saw closer and realized who was in the car, wearing German disguises.

"It's them!! They're alive!!!!" Ray shouted as the car stopped near our tent and out climbed Gerard first, and I immidietly threw my arms around him.

"Thank Jesus Christ you're alright," i said as my brother hugged me back. Man, he was thin, and looked tired.

Same with Bob, Frank, and... a little girl??

Wait, who is that driving??

The driver climbed down and me and Ray had out mouths dropping to the ground.

"Lacey?!" we said.

How the hell is she here?! She shouldn't even be at the warfront!!

"Hey guys," she said as we hugged each other and she hugged Ray.

We all got them settled, even got to meet Luka and tend to her eye. Bob, Frank, Luka, and Gerard got cleaned up, fed, and changed from the stripped rags they were wearing into clean clothes and in bed to be tended, since I think they all had a fever.

Lacey had changed into a nurse's uniform as she tended to Luka's eye. She'll be attending to the First Aid tent soon.

"So, let me get this straight: You overheard an attack and came here??" Ray asked.

She nodded. "I had to. They were going to wipe out everyone," i said.

"It was dangerous for you to come here. An American ally, about to bear a child in a few months, here as an undercover spy among Nazi Germany. You were a deer wearing blood sausage links around your neck next to a lion, Lacey!" Ray said, obviously upset his pregnant cousin is in Europe during a war.

"If putting myself in danger means savign the ones i love, then so be it," she said proudly.

Ray just sighed defeatedly and hugged Lacey. "I'm just glad your okay."

She hugged him back. "You too," she said, then turned to aid Frank, who was in bed eating some clam chowder.

"Thank you, Lacey. Where would we be without you??" Frank said.

*Lacey's POV*

"I don't even want to imagine it," i said, then faced a private. "Send a telegram, tell them i saw things that will shock the world," i said, shuddering at the memories of Auschwitz.

"Later meet with me, madame," he said.

"Thank you. Dismissed," i said.

He saluted me and then we were bought up by another car horn.

"Weapons, men," Gerard said getting up, but i stopped him, Bob, and Frank from moving.

We still walked forward and saw a Nazi soldier being arrested, but i recognized him.

'Wait, stop!!! Hold your fire!!" i said. "He's an ally!!"

The men lowered their weapons hesitantly.

"Anton!!" i said running up as we shared a hug. "I thought you died!!"

"I managed to escape. I was able to clear the bombs and tanks in time. I'm most sure there will still be tanks, but bombs and tear gas won't be a problem now," he said.

"You took down Gearman weaponry??" Mikey asked.

"And you are Nazi??" Gerard asked.

"You all nearly killed me and Luka just days ago, and killed millions!!" Frank shouted as he had Luka in his arms.

"Former, Nazi. Now an ally of the U.S. willing to help eitherway i can," he said.

"He helped me save you all as well as Gerard, Bob, and Frank, as well as this little Polish girl. What i saw at a concentration camp called Auschwitz is more horrifying than your worse fears," i said. "Jews are murdered in chambers and ovens, along with P.O.W.s and many other innocent lives. I've seen it happened. He disagrees with all of that. I'm telling you, its a Holocaust, a genocide!!"

"Then why is he a Nazi!?" a soldier shouted.

"My father, he is a captain of the German forces," he said.

"Please, let him be. If he is released from us, he will be executed, and he helped me," i said.

The soldiers relaxed and led Anton to the dining hall, where they were welcoming.

"That was brave, Lacey," Frank said.

"Yes. Alright, you lot, let's get you guys to the hospital," i said, and helped them lie down as i attended to the wounds on Bob, Frank, and Gerard. Luka was still traumatized from what happened to her, so i stayed with her until she fell asleep, a nurse staying by her side.

"Lacey," Gerard called out.

"Галина, следить за Луку, пожалуйста,," i said to a nurse raised by Russian immigrants i know. She nodded and softly sang a lullaby to Luka. (Galina, watch over Luka, please.)

I came to Gerard's bed, sitting by his side and runnign the tips of my fingers across the front of his black hair.

"I'm glad you're alive," i said.

"I am, too," he said, and i lean down and kiss him before feeling something in my stomach that startled me.

In all the times i was disguised, i was surprised how well my swollen belly was easy to hide.

"What??" he asked, and i smiled.

"The baby is kicking," i said, and Gerard places his hand on my almost swelling stomach.

He smiled and then sat up a bit, a nuse placing his second meal for him. He lost a lot of weight in the camp.

"Its dangerous for you, the baby and Luka, Lacey," he said.

"I am still afraid, Gerard," i said.

"I know, but you need to have faith, il mio bella," he said, calling me "my beautiful" in Italian.

I smile and kiss the tips of his fingers, carressing his hand on my cheek.

"Ti amo, mio valoroso soldato. Non voglio lasciarti andare," i said. (i love you, my brave soldier. I don't want to let you go.)

"Ti amo, troppo. Io tornerò a casa, mia bella," he said. (I love you, too. I will be coming back home, my beautiful.)

I kissed him passionatly and then we pulled back.

I didn't want to argue about it. He was right, i couldn't stay here.

But i had to be strong, just like i was for the past few month.

"Miss Toro, would you like the telegram sent now??" the private said, approaching the bed.

"Yes, thank you,"i said, then leaned down, kissing Gerard one last time.

"Sleep now, mi amore," i said. (My love.)

I got up and followed the private to the office, Ray and Anton already there.

"First, to the president," i said, and spoke as the telegram was being written and I spoke.

"I being a military mother, had snuck undercover to spy on the enemy. What i have experienced behind enemy lines is unbelievable and will scar me for the rest of my life. Although no exact proof, I would still like to discuss the matter with you in my home," i said.

The general finished writing and then motioned for me to continue.

"To Krista Toro," i said. "I am coming home..."


Picture of Ray and Krista Toro (edited by me)----->>>

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