Chapter 12 - Back Home

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 -Days later-

I had left the military camp a day before they planned to start the first attack to Normandy.

Anton became a U.S. soldier for them and presented the tear gas for them, which they accepted and were making into bombs.

Gerard, Bob, and Frank ergained their strength and were back in the battle field. Luka has also regained her strength, and is learning english a bit.

I taken a boat, holding Luka with me in my arms. She didn't want to part with Frank or Bob, but she still stayed clutching to me, wearing a new coat one of the men bought for her, lalong with a dress and shoes.

Soon i see the Statue of Liberty.

"Jesteśmy tu, Luka," i said to her. (We're here, Luka)

"Jesteśmy w Ameryce!" she said happily. (We are in America!)


After immigration and a custody meeting for Luka, we were driven back home.

I climbed down with Luka holding my hand and then we saw Jamia run ut the door, Bandit following.

"Lacey!!!" she said as she hugged me and next thing i know, me and Luka are being embraced in hugs.

I carried Bandit in my arms and hugged her.

"I missed you, Mommy," she said.

'Baby, i missed you, too," i said, then saw Luka looking up.

"Bandit, girls, Miles, this is Luka. She will be staying with us from now on," i said.

"Oh, she's beautiful," Krista said. "Hi, sweetie."

"Cześć," she said, stuttering a bit. (Hello.)

"What??" Cherry asked confused.

"She's Polish, sweetie," i said. "Luka, spróbuj angielski, proszę. Nie mogą mówić po polsku." (Luka, try english, please. They can't speak Polish.)

Luka nodded and breathed out.

"H-Hello. I... Luka. How are... you?" she said, stumbling on words a bit, but still came out alright.

"Dobra robota, kochanie," i said to her. (Good job, sweetie.)

"Hi, Luka. I'm Bandit," Bandit said.

Cherry, Lily, and Miles then introduced themselves.

I had a feeling Luka was going to be okay.

That night, i sat down for tea with the ladies, Luka sleeping in Bandit's room.

Jamia and the kids had to leave, and so did Holly, so it was just me, Alicia, Krista, and Luka and Bandit who were upstairs.

"They were in a concentration camp?!" Alicia asked in shock.

"I found Luka and Frank about to be injected with poisons, Luka about to have something injected into her eye. That's when i stopped the doctor and anyone from attacking, and we escaped from there," i said.

"That explains why Luka's eye looks bruised," Alicia said.

Krista looked at the picture of Ray she held in her hands.

"And this Anton boy blew up an entire German artillery?!" Krista said.

"If it weren't for him, the boys would be dead. But what's more important is what i saw in that camp. It would have even scared Death himself, even the Devil!! All for being Jewish!! Even children were killed in those chambers!!" i said.

"Oh my," Alicia said.

"And i am told Auschwitz isn't the only camp in Europe. Camps in Poland, Germany, France, all over! Its horrible," i said.

"Those poor lives," Krista said.

"I wanted to save them, but they said justice will be served one day for them, so i had to believe them," i said.

"The soldiers will save them. I know it," Alicia said.

We then decided to go to bed and heard screaming from Bandit's room, Alicia and Krista running forward, me as fast as i could when we arrived.

Luka was crying and Bandit was hugging her and calming her down.

"She had a bad dream, mama," Bandit said as Luka cried.

I sighed and held the two girls.

"How about you two sleep in my room with me??" i asked.

Bandit nodded and Alicia picked up Luka as we headed to my room and i tucked them both in, Bandit clutching to Luka like an older sister, even if Luka was actually a year older than Bandit.

Luka soon calmed down and both girls were sound asleep.

"So sweet," Krsta said.

"I have a feeling they'll be best friends," Alicia smiled.

"Me too," i said.

We said our good night and i changed into my nightgown before slipping into bed next to the girls and falling asleep, too.


Picture of Ray (edited by me)----->>>>

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