Chapter 17 - It's Time!!

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 *Gerard's POV*

Everyone looked as they saw Lacey was in pain and i immediatly ran up to her, Anton running up with her.

"Clear up, clear up, she's going to give birth!!!" I called out as nurses rushed forward and me and Anton helped Lacey into the hospital, everyone watching curiously.

"Oh, god," he breathed out before letting out another scream and then an injured soldier from Russia i think i recognize got up from his bed, which was closer, and limped out of the way with his crutch.

"Okay, okay, relax Lacey, it'll be okay," Alicia said as a nurse prepared her for birth, everyone waiting outside.

"Wait, its happening now??!" Mikey asked from his bed.

"Yes, and she better start pushing. Get me some hot water and towels!!" a nurse in a Russian accent shouted.

Only ones in here was Anton, me, Mikey, the nurses, Alicia,  Anton, the Russian soldier who sat on another patient's bed, and the other patients.

It wasn't long until both me and Alicia were holding Lacey's hands and she was pushing, screaming, and crying.

"You're almost there, you need to push, Lacey," the nurse said.

"I'm trying!!! AHHHH!!!!" she cried.

God, I hate to see her in pain.

"Come on, you're almost there!!" Alicia said.

Lacey breathed in and let out a scream of pain before we hear a cry and see teh nurse holding my baby upside down, and smacking its bottom, and it began to cry.

"It's a boy," she said, a young nurse running in and taking the baby in a towel to get it cleaned.

I smiled and kissed Lacey as she panted out of breath and then Anton ran out eh hospital.

"Its a boy!!!" he shouted and an eruption of screams made the windows shake, only did i realize it was quiet, people waiting for the moment of truth.

Anton then walked in, holding Bandit and Luka in his arms as Jamia, the kids, Frank, Bob, and Holly followed.

"Daddy!!! Mommy!!!" Bandit said as Anton handed her to me and she hugged me tightly.

"I missed you, Daddy," she cried with happiness.

"I missed you too, Bandit," i said as i clutched to her.

"Gerard, wróciłeś!!" Luka exclaimed. (Gerard, you're back!!)

"Yes, I am," i said as i hugged her, too.

It was then the nurses came in holding a small bundle and handed it to Lacey as we all crowded around her and she opened it to reveal my newborn son.

"Awww," Jamia said, looking like she was going to cry more tears of joy.

"He's beautiful, looks just like his father," Alicia said, holding Mikey up since he was eager to see the baby, as well.

"What do we name my new baby brother, mommy??" Bandit asked.

"Let's name him Cupcake!!!" Cherry said happily, making us all laugh.

Lacey looked up tiredly at me. "How about Dylan? I've always liked the name," i said.

I smile. I like the name. "I love it. How about its middle name... Noah. It seems like a cool name."

"Dylan Noah Way... I love it," she said, and we look down at him.

The nurse filled out the birth certificate and gave it to me as i looked it over and then signed it, Lacey signing it.

I smiled down and out of the corner of my eye, i noticed Anton smile... sadly... then leave outside to where everyone continued celebrating.

"I'll be right back, alright??" i said, kissing Lacey's head as  a nurse handed Ray the baby and Lacey started to fall asleep.

"Hey, Anton!!" i said, and he turned around.

"Eh, congradulation, Gerard," he said.

"Why looked so sad back there??" i asked curiously.

He sighs and looks down before looking up.

"Its just... seeing how healthy that baby is, makes me think so much. Lacey was very brave, and if they found out she was an American spy, they would have killed her... and taken another defenseless life," he said sadly as if going to cry.

"What do you mean??" i asked.

"You've seen the camps, but you haven't witnessed what they've done to the children, Gerard. Its awful. That child reminds me of the poor little ones my horrible family used for, how you say, target practice. They've forced me to do that, but i refused and was beaten for it. I then had to watch the horribles unfold," he said.

"Hey, listen, its not your fault. You didn't have a choice. You were at gunpoint just like i was. What's important is now the war is over, and the Polish and Jewish are being rescued as we speak. On time or not, there will still be justice, as well as making sure Hitler pays for his crimes," i said.

He smiled at me. "Thank you, Gerard. Maybe here in America, i will make a new life. Who knows," i said.

"Well, you got a new family that cares for you, and a godchild who needs you," i smiled.

"Godchild??" he asked.

"I want you to be Dylan's godfather," i said.

He smiled. "Of course."

"Ah, come here," i said as we shared a hug.

Life is going to be pretty great now, i can tell.


Picture of Frank (edited by me)---->> 

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