Chapter 9 - Another Secret Ally

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 *Lacey's POV*

The fact that my fiance was there, along with my friends, shocked me. Gerard looked so thin and exhausted and sick. I just hope i can save them on time.

We soon arrived back to the offices as i sat in my bedroom, looking through my things.

And to explain where i am, I am at some strange house, where there are offices as well as bedrooms.

I share with 5 other working ladies, but usually keep to myself.

I then entered and sat down, still in shock from what I saw at the camp. Why on earth hasn't anyone said anything about this?!

If i don't act soon, Gerard, Frank, and Bob will die just like those poor people. What have they ever done?!

These Nazis, they're worse than i could ever have imagined before.

My thoughts were interupted by a knock at the door. I gulped and stood up.

"Hereinkommen," i said, standing straight. (Come in.)

The door opened and there stood the Nazi man who helped me.

"Hallo. Ich kam, um zu sehen, ob du gut fühlen, Jutta," he said. (Hello. I came to see if you were feeling alright, Jutta.)

I nodded. "Viel besser. Nur ein bisschen Grafik, was ich heute erlebt. Danke für die Hilfe," i said. (Much better. Just a bit graphic what I experienced today. Thank you for helping me.)

"Ja, das verstehe ich. Es ist das erste Mal, nachdem alle. Pardon, aber, was haben Siemit dieser Gefangenen außerhalb des Gebäudes auf dem Camp, wenn Sie nichts dagegen haben, mich zu fragen?" he asked. (Yes, i understand. It is your first time, after all. Pardon, but, what were you doing with that prisoner outside the building at the camp, if you don't mind me asking??)

I gulped. He saw me and Gerard?!

"Was ... Was meinen Sie?" i asked. (What... What do you mean??)

He just chuckled playfully. Then he spoke what i never imagined he would speak.

"Come now, miss, you think you could have fooled me?" he smirked. He had a hint of an accent.

I froze. I then reacted quick and poited my gun at him. I had it hidden in the pocket of my jacket.

"Alright, who are you?" i said, keeping my voice low but strong.

"Relax, miss. Lo sono un alleato. Si può abbassare l'arma," he said, speaking in Italian now. (I am an ally. You can lower your weapon.)

Strange... Italy is part of the axis.... But there are a few Italian alie back home... Still strange...

I relaxed, kowing Italy had surrendered long ago. "Who are you??" 

"My name is Anton, and I take it you're not even European," he said.

"American, but a bit Italian and Russian. My name is Lacey Toro. I came here after some German soldiers spoke of a deadly surprise attack. My entire family is in this war," i said.

"You speak German so fluently. You are good," he said.

"Danke. I speak many languages," i said. (Thank you.)

"That prisoner... who is he to you??" he asked.

I gulped, and sighed.

"That was the Lieutenant, my fiance, and father of my children, one on the way," i said, holding to my stomach.

He seemed taken back when he realized what I meant.

"What on earth are you doing here in the first place, then?! You're an ally spy, and if they find you they will kill your baby and then you," he said. "You have to get out of here."

"No, not until i rescue my fiance and friends," i said.

"Go against Auschwitz?? You are mad," he said. "You've seen what they did to the jews just today."

"I love him, and one friend has three children already," i said. "He'll be experimented if i don't do something," i said. 

He was quiet, and I was afraid he'll run and tell someone.

"I will help you. Just tell me more," he said.

Its tricky to trust him, but so far he would have had me hung or shot by now.

"I heard of the June 6th plans, and basically almost everything else. Why are you killing the Jews??" i asked.

"Hitler believes they will over populate Germany's economy, so he gets rid of them. He rids Polish, most Europeans, whoever he saids," he said.

"That monster," i said. 

"But look, I will sabatoge the tanks and missles, and you can rescue your friends, and then you can steal the gases," he said.

I had my doubts.

"How won't i know you're lying??" i asked.

"I lost my family because of Hitler. Its time i avenge them, including little Yvonne. She was my sister," i said.

"I'm so sorry," i said.

"Schweitzer!! Hirsch!!" We hear a shout and stood straight, me hiding my gun, as someone entered. The general.

"Es sind zwei. Komm, wir sind jetzt," he said. (There you two are. Come along, we're leaving now.)

"Ja, allgemeine," we said and marched forward. (Yes, General)

Anton gave me an small nod as we headed to the car.

I have to trust him. I just hope I'm making the right decision.

*Bob's POV*

Frank has been a nervous wreck since he overhear they were talking about experimenting on the number H454196. We all saw what happened to another lab rat.

His entire mouth and a right eye is gone now and he's going to starve and die now. And i don't even want to bring up what the wife looked like, but let's just say i will never be able to sleep again.

"Frank, you have to stay calm," Gerard said.

"I can't stay calm!!! They're gonna mutate me and make me go blind!!!" he sobbed. "Or worse!! I'll never see Jamia or the kids again!!"

"Cicho, wszyscy! Albo nie zobaczymy jutro światło dzienne!!" A Polish man said. (Quiet, all of you! Or we won't see daylight tomorrow!!)

I grunted. "Fine," i muttered as we lied down.

Gerard just had a blank face. I was afraid he was getting sick, and Frank was mortified with fear.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the picture of Holly i was able to save. It was of us on a date in New York City.

"I will be back soon. I promise," i said, kissing the picture and putting it back in my pocket, turning over in the uncomfortable barrack as i tried to sleep.


Picture of Holly Bryar (picture edited by me)-------->>>

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