Chapter 2 - A Friend

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[Raven's POV]

"And this is your room," the nurse said, showing me a boring white room with just 2 sterile white beds, a table with no pointed edges, and a door leading to the bathroom.

The front of the room just had my name. Its meant for 2 people, but its all for me right now.

"Your clothes were bought here early, which you are aloud to keep, but your laced shoes and stringed hoodies had to be removed. And your schedule is framed up on the wall over there," she said. "Any questions, nurses are anywhere, just go to them."

I nodded as she left and looked around, and went to read my schedule.

Patient: Stone, Raven

9:30 AM - Breakfast

10:30 AM - Play Room

11:00 AM - Group session w/ Dr. Charles

12:15 PM - Visiting Hours

1:00 PM - Lounge Room/Outdoor Time

1:15 PM - Lunch

2:00 PM - Medication

2:30 PM - Private Session with Dr. Francis

3:15 PM - Free Time

4:15 PM - Recreation w/ Mr. Kile

5:00 PM - Movie Time

8:30 PM - Dinner

9:00 PM - Medication

9:15 PM - Bed Time

Well, the bed time is early, but at least it all seems somewhat alright.

And recreation? Does that mean arts and crafts or something?

I decided to change from the hospital scrubs I was in and changed into a Misfits tshirt, realizing I only had my black TOMS, and some black sweatpants.

I slipped that on, along with a grey hoodie, and checked the time.

2:00 pm.

I guess some time in the lounge room wouldn't hurt.

I walked out, seeing some patients aimlessly wander around or talking with one another.

I tapped a nurse in the shoulder gently.

"Umm...." I said.

"You must be new. If you're looking for the lounge room, its just down the hall, last door to the right. Can't miss it," he said kindly.

I pursed my lips shyly and nodded my thanks before walking and following his directions.

I arrived and saw it looked like a dental office waiting room.

Weird games, old books and magazines, bean bags, a television with shows and black and white movies, and some board games.

I sighed and just grabbed a bean bag and random book and sat in the corner to read.

It ended up being some boring romance novel about cancer patients, so I sighed and tossed it aside after 3 pages.

Man, this is boring.

"The guy died in the end," a voice said.  I turned to see a scrawny  pale yet rather cute guy stood there.

"Yeah, John Green is some sadistic bastard for chick flick loving girls," he chuckled.

I didn't know what to say, so I stay quiet.

"Ah. Strong, silent type, I suppose?" he said, giving me a smile as he sat in another bean bag next to me.

I bit my lip as he then took my hand, reading my name.

"Raven, huh? Cool name. Like Edgar Allen Poe,"

Okay... He's got my attention...

"Y-You like Poe?" I asked in a somewhat low voice.

"Oh, so she does speak," he chuckled. "And yeah. I'm not a big poem guy, but I admire his work."

He then noticed my bandaged wrist and frowned.

"You and me, I guess," he said, pulling up the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

There were a bunch of healing cuts there, one long one that stood out, which went down his wrist.

"Oh..." I said as he pulled his sleeve back down.

"My name's Bret," He said. "I take it your new."

I sighed and nodded.

"That's okay. We can keep each other company," he said. "I mean, the other patients aren't that bad, but talking with them can sometimes just be one sided," he shrugged.

I sighed and nodded. "Thanks."

"Anytime," he said, and then three soft chimes echoed through the halls.

"Lunch time," Bret said, getting up and stretching. "Let's go, I'm starving."

I shrugged and got up, following him.

At least he's friendly and I am able to talk to him a bit.


Picture: Bret

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