Chapter 4 - Programs & Movies

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[Raven's POV]

"So, how have you fitted in so far?" Dr. Francis asked.

I stayed quiet as he held his pen firmly against a paper in a file.

He was a patient man, even though our time was almost up in 15 minutes.

Thing is, I wanted to cooperate, but I just couldn't find it in me right now.

I just didn't feel so motivated.

He sighed as he put his pen down.

"I saw you were with one of my close patients, Bret," he said.

I pursed my lips a little, nodding hesitantly.

"He's a good guy. Does some volunteer work filing some papers in the record room," he smiled. "Which reminds me, how would you feel about joining the volunteer program here, or would you prefer the scholar program instead? You can take any classes you want, and how many you want while you stay here, 5 hours a day, we bring in private tutors in the county. Bret is in the program as well, studying history and art. You can pick either one or both."

Curious, I bit my lip, hesitating to talk, but decided to do so.

"If I want both..." I said, making him look up. "What can I do for the volunteer program? What's it about?"

"Well, the program helps for community hours as well as helping with communication with other people, as well as find some sort of comfort in focusing on a certain task," he said. "Many of my patients who suffer from severe OCD and anxiety found themselves becoming more and more relaxed at organizing files or medicine cabinets and their stress levels decrease by time."

I nodded as he continued.

"You know, we can have you help in our childrens center," he said. "Many children are institutionalized, or become ward of the state from different disorders or certain substance abuse. Seeing someone young like you could help put them at ease. Unless you prefer a quieter setting and help organize some records in the lobby."

I thought about it. "Lobby sounds fine. I'll think about children's center," I said.

He smiled. "Great. Would you also like to join the scholars program?"

I nodded. "Is there a literature class?"

He smiled, nodding. "Are you a reader?"

I nodded.

"Yes. Our literature teacher, Miss Costello, is a lovely young woman who teaches reading, language arts, and creative writing," he said.

I nodded. "And art?"

"Absolutely. Let me just get you a form to sign and I'll have a nurse give you your bracelets tomorrow so the staff will know where you go, and also give you a new schedule," he said.

I nodded as he looked around his drawer, then pulled out two forms, filling each out before facing them to me, and handing me his pen.

"Sign here.... Here," he said, pointing to me where to sign, then having me sign the other form. "Your initals here.... signature right there.....  a last one here," He said.

I finished signing before he took the papers and I hand the pen back.

"Great. I'll turn this in and you should be starting your classes on Monday, and your volunteer work this Saturday," He said.

I nodded and then his watch beeped.

"Guess our time is up. Movie hour is in a bit. I'll see you again in a few days and see how you're doing. If you need to see me before, do not hesitate to ask, so long as you let a nurse know."

I smiled a little bit and nodded. "Thank you."

We shook hands and I left the office as he went to fill some stuff in my file up.

I walked out and saw Bret waiting outside for me.

"You waited for me?" I asked.

"Yeah. Saved us some seats for The Iron Giant. You interested?" he asked.

I thought about it and shrugged. "Eh. Why not."

"Great," he smiled.

We walked over to the cafeteria to see some tables moved aside, and a big projector set out pointing to an empty white wall, some seats set out like a little theater.

A patient, most likely a volunteer, was working a popcorn machine and Bret and I walked over as he handed us 2 paper bags full of popcorn before we took our seats, a nurse handing us a bottle of coca-cola.

"Thanks, Janet," Bret smiled, and I nodded my thanks.

She looked at us a little nervously, mostly at Bret, and I scrunched my eyebrows as she continued passing out drinks.

"The nurses look at you nervously," I said.

He shrugged. "Janet's always worried about us. I mean, you get as many bracelets as I do, its obvious you get worried looks," he said, tossing a popcorn into his mouth.

"Why do you have so many bracelets and so much liberty? I doubt they'd even let you step foot out of your room without a straight jacket," I said.

"The bracelets are protocol here. But the nurses trust me, and I'm not some psycho," he said. "If you aren't someone who lunges at people with a fork in hand or biting their ear off, then you're good to go, so long as nurses supervise you."

I nodded in understanding.

Soon the patients were seated before I decided.

"I signed up to volunteer," I said.

He looked over. "Really?"

I nodded. "And the scholars program."

"Cool. What classes?" he asked.

"Just literature and art," I shrugged, munching on a popcorn kernel.

"Sweet. I'll see you in art class," he smiled as the lights dimmed and the movie started.

I guess everyone is right. Its not so bad here.


Hope you're all enjoying the story.

♡~ sapphire.

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