Chapter 9

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He sighed.
"Can it wait?"
"Well technically, this is a kidnapping, I have a phone, and I know the number of the poli-"

This was a lie. I had never had a phone, or if I did, I couldn't remember it. But Nathan didn't need to know that.

"Fine." He said, sounding exasperated.
Alec chuckled.

"Nice catch you got there Nate." Alec called back, the laughter evident in his tone.

"Don't make me crash the car again." Nathan threatened.

I raised an eyebrow.
"He didn't like me playing-" Alec started.

"Blaring." James interrupted.
"Blaring." Amended Alec. "The song 'Look What you made me Do' by Taylor Swift."

I wrinkled my nose at Alec.
"I actually agree with him."

"Hashtag later haters." Alec said in a sassy voice, flipping us off.

He turned up the song louder, which I now recognized as Japanese, because I took a class in 7th grade.

I leaned across Nathan to James, and whispered in his ear:
"What song is this called?"

It wasn't much of a whisper, but the music was extremely loud.

"The Influencer is Dead." He yelled over the blasting speakers.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N- this is such a weird song, but my friend Bella_Trash loves it so.... meh.)

After a couple minutes, I got a little sick of it. (A/N- me too.)

Reaching forward, I pressed a button on the radio, turning off the song. I hadn't realized originally, because the music was so loud, but it was pouring rain outside. Now that the music was off, the thundering sound of rain pounding on metal filled the car, seeping through my skin and imprinting the sound forever into my mind.

It was then that I noticed the absence of something extremely important to me.
"Where is my backpack?" I asked in a threatening tone. I swear, if it's laying in a muddy ditch somewhere over the rainbow, there will be murder and blood on my hands.

"Chill, it's in the trunk. I put it in, because Nathan was too busy fawning over yo-"
James said chuckling.

"Hey Elena, didn't you want an explanation?" Nathan hurriedly interrupted.

"You know, I think I'd rather hear what James has to say first." I say, smirking slyly.

"Actually, your flirt-fest will have to wait." Alec said, smirking.
"We're here."
Hey, two updates on the train to Florida! Not bad! Since I'm feeling proud of myself, I wanted to give you guys a bonus scene, featuring Nathan's POV. Happy Thanksgiving y'all.
Extra: Nathan's POV
James and I had been searching for Elena for a while now. I was beginning to get antsy. Thomas would never let me live this down if we failed another mission.

Then I saw her, standing in the rain, holding a rock in her trembling hand. Bruises peppered her face.

As if in slow motion, she began to collapse. I ran forward, stumbling and slipping on the mud, trying to get to her.

Just in time, I caught her, saving her from hitting her head on one of the bigger, sharper rocks below.

"Elena...." I whispered, my voice trailing off.

Her face was covered in bruises, and her cheeks were tear stained. I cradled her in my arms.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" I asked, my voice cracking.

What type of pain could ever prompt a person to hurt themselves?

James came running up behind me, breaking me out of my stupor. I didn't want him to see this.

"Call your brother!" I shouted behind me.

"Did you.... find..... her?" He panted, our of breath.

"Just call Alec!" I screamed at him. All I knew, was that if she died, we would fail our mission. I would fail him. His last wish.

It began to rain harder.

About 20 minutes later, Alec pulled up in a white van.

"Need a ride?" He said, smirking at James.

"You sound like a child molester." James retorted, going around to the other side and hopping in.

He turned to me.
"How abou-"
The smirk slid off his face when he saw Elena.

"Woah, who's the chick?" He asked worriedly. When he wanted to, Alec could be caring and compassionate. He was like a brother to me.

"A friend." I said, sliding into the backseat. James was next to me, and he looked up to let me know that he had put Elena's backpack in the trunk.

For some reason, Elena seemed to be really protective of it.

"Where to?" Alec asked. I couldn't have gotten a better guy. He has a lot of respect for us agents, and knows the boundaries of a need-to-know basis.

"Just take us to base." I say.

James looks at me, confused. Sometimes I forget he is so young and still untrained.

"Not a hospital?" He asks, tilting his head a little.

Alec answered for me.
"They can track us down there. It's safer to head to base, where we have skilled doctors and surgeons, better than what a hospital can offer us." He says, ruffling James's hair.

We had been driving for a while, James chattering away, but I wasn't paying him much attention.

Elena's head was in my lap, and it was all I could do not to stare at her. I was worried. As she lay there, I began to see her as more of a person than a package, or a mission.

She truly was beautiful. Even with bruises covering her face, you could tell. The way her eyes glinted with fire when she spoke, the way she smirked at you like she knew something you didn't. Damn, this woman was something.

You could almost forget about her annoying, stubborn attitude. Almost.

"Elena is getting married." James said.

"What?!" I said, my head snapping towards him so fast I'm sure I got whiplash.

"Finally I got your attention." James moaned.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" I asked angrily.

"Well, I went through Alec is high, we're driving into a river, there's a snake in the car, I see a unicorn, and we just ran over your ex." James stated matter-of-factly.

And why, pray tell, were you doing this?" I asked, still fairly pissed.

"Well when I noticed you were ignoring me, I decided to test something. I would say a bunch of scenarios designed to get your attention, and whichever one you tuned in on was the most important."

"And?" I prompted.

"Well, the only thing your subconscious deemed important enough to recognize was 'Elena'. So, my evidence goes to show, in my theory, that you fancy her." James said, sounding like a toffy British professor.

"Not true." I retorted.

"Is true." James shot back.

Sending the upcoming argument, Alec turned up his music in an attempt to tune us out.

"Not true."

"Is true."

"No way."

"Yes way. I just proved it!"

"No you didn't, all you did was some stupid little experiment!"





I went silent. Ouch. Ouch. Ouchouchouchouchouch oh my god. I looked at Elena. She was smirking, sitting up.

"*** **** you **** how ******* dare you ***** god that hurt like ********* ****** woman where did you learn to ******* **** like that."
After I calmed down a bit, I looked her in the eye and said
"What the hell was that for?"

Hope you enjoyed! I might need more time now to scrape some updates off the bottom of my brain, but I will try. I have a scene planned out, I just think I may have to incorporate it in later in the story. Thanks for reading!

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