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"....I hate scary movies." A young woman by the name of Maureen said as she and her boyfriend phil stood in line to watch a sneak peak of the movie premiere of STAB.

It was based on the novel written by Gale weather's. It's called "the woodsboro murders."

"It'll be okay, baby, I'll hold your hand." Phil told his girlfriend with a smile, and Maureen sighed.
"If we hurry, we can still catch the Sandra Bullock movie." Maureen told him, and Phil shook his head.
"We got free tickets." He pulls her close, snuggling with her.

Maureen and Phil reached the office box and gave their tickets. They were handed Ghostface mask and costume.

"What's this?" Maureen questioned, "the studio sent them." The employee replied.

The small theatre is nearly packed to capacity. Maureen and Phil enter, moving down the aisle searching for two

A young girl screams, whizzing by them as a ghost masked man chases after her. The crowd laughs. Everyone is having fun.

Maureen and Phil find aisle seats down towards the screen just as the lights dim. People fake scream in terror. A very lively crowd.

On screen, credit rolls as the movie begins. The studio logo appears followed by... "A ROBERT RODRIGUEZ FILM"

Maureen turns to find a ghost face mask in her face. Phil has slipped it on.

She shook her head, " I don't think so."

Phil gets in her face, playing with her. She swats at him. "Take it off."

"But..."Phil's protested was cut off by Maureen. "Now." He obliges.


Maureen looks behind her toward the rest of the audience. A sea of white ghost faces fill the theatre. The publicity masks actually glow in the dark. A chilling sight that leaves Maureen extremely spooked.
On screen The movie begins. A house in the middle of nowhere. Lights burn from within.

Inside the house, a young girl,  Alicia Silverstonish, is taking a shower. The water cascades over her nubile body. Suddenly, a figure is glimpsed through the curtain. It's all very psycho.

"Now, why does she have to be naked? How does that serve the plot?" Maureen questioned, looking towards Phil, who just shush her.

On screen The phone rings.  The young girl pulls the shower curtain aside to reveal a robe hung on a hook. She grabs it, running from the bathroom, into the living room, grabbing the phone.
" Hello?" The girl answered
A menacing voice responds. "Hello?"
"Who is this?"
"You tell me."

Maureen is not having a good time.  " I hate this shit."

On screen The phone rings again.

"Why did you hang up on me?"

"Who is this?"

Maureen shifts in her seat. "Why doesn't she just hang up and call the police? Stupid.."
"Shush." Phil shush, and Maureen rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna pee. Do you want anything?
He nods. Maureen stands and moves up the aisle.

Maureen emerges from the theatre and into the small lobby. It is dark and shadowed. She moves down a long hallway to a staircase. A "BATHROOM" sign with an arrow points downstairs.

Maureen hits the stairs to a small lounge, leading to two bathroom doors. Very low lighting. Maureen descends the stairs, heading for the large bathroom. Five stalls line one wall. The door Creaks open. Maureen enters and shoots for a stall.
A few minutes later, Maureen finishes up, fastening her pants. Suddenly, the bathroom door creaks open. Maureen listens. Footsteps are heard. Loud and heavy.

Maureen eyes the crack in the stall door. Not much is visible. Suddenly, a shadow sweeps by. The footsteps stop.

Maureen finishes up quickly. She flushes, throws the stall door open, and rushes out to find...
The bathroom is empty. The stall doors are all closed. Maureen shoots for the door. She rips the door open as a figure rushes her a young girl followed by her friend, both perky and loud. They hurl past Maureen, laughing and carrying on.
"I got so scared my bladder rolled." One of the girls said, "You chicken shit. It's just a movie." The second girl told her with a small laugh.
"No, it really happened. It's a true story." The first girl replied

Maureen is out the door. Now thoroughly spooked.

Alone, Maureen moves for the stairs when a figure emerges from the shadows. A ghost mask shape appears behind her lunging at her, grabbing her, spinning her around. She screams madly as the Ghost starts laughing. The mask comes off. It's Phil.
"You ass." Maureen said, glaring at him.

Phil chuckled. " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I had to. It was too easy."

Maureen rolled her eyes. "You are so not funny."

Phil takes her in his arms, "Come on, baby. Lighten up a little,will ya?"

Maureen sighs. " I get scared really easy,okay?"

"You gotta go with it. Scary movies are great foreplay." Phil replied

He's sincere. He leans down and plants a kiss on her. She caves, kissing him back. Sweet and sensual.
She pulled back a bit, "I just have a hard time with insipid, sexist violence."

Phil nibbles her neck,"We can still Sandra Bullock it."

Maureen nibbles back, "Sandra started without us. We can stay." He kisses her again, then breaks away.
"Yeah? Okay. I gotta whizz. Meet me upstairs?" Maureen nodded, "Want some popcorn?"


Maureen moves up the stairs out of sight. Phil turns,reaching for the bathroom door just as a ghost mask figure appears in his path. Phil steps back, surprised. Suddenly, a flash of silver shoots forth as Phil is pierced with a long, sharp knife. Quick and silent. He bellies over just as the Ghost Shape strikes again. Phil goes down without a scream.

Maureen is at the concession. A girl at the counter hands her change, and Maureen is off with soda and a tub of popcorn.

Screams and gasps from the audience as the movie plays on.

On screen, a patio chair comes flying through a glass door. The young girl in the movie tears off running, screaming, flying through the room.

The crowd is really with the movie. Some even talk to the screen. "You dumb bitch. Get out of the house." etc.

Maureen makes her way back to her aisle seat. She sits down next to Phil.

Who sits with the mask on. The reflection from the movie bouncing against it in the darkness.

"Give it up." Maureen told him.  She sits down with the popcorn.  " How many stabs did I miss?" She questioned

On screen The young girl slips out a side door, completely terrified. In her hand, she holds a portable phone.

Maureen offers Phil popcorn. "Why doesn't she run?"

Phil turns to her, bringing his finger to his masked lips, Ssshing her.

On screen The young girl runs by a window. She looks in. A ghost masked killed stares back. The Figure crashes through the window attacking her. She fights him off, getting away, running...

Everyone in the theater is screaming Maureen tries her best to detach herself from the movie. She eats her popcorn. "This is so tired."

She turns her attention to Phil. "Hey, you... pasty face..."

Phil ignores her. She reaches over in the darkness putting her hand on his knee. She inches it up. The Ghost-masked Phil just stares ahead.

"What's the matter? Can't I get your ghost?"

On screen The young girl is running through the yard. The Ghost Killer is right behind her, chasing her... she screams...

Maureen pretends to watch the movie while her hand continues to move between Phil's legs. She stares ahead, wincing at what's about to happen to the girl on screen.

She doesn't notice as Phil pulls a long, sharp hunting knife from inside his coat jacket. Maureen's hand moves up Phil's jacket... something stops her. She feels
something on her fingers... something wet. She pulls her hand back, the reflected movie illuminating bloody fingers.

Maureen stares at her hand...

On screen, the Ghost advances on the young girl, grabbing her,pulling her to him, raising high a long, hunting knife. The young girl is helpless...

Maureen looks at Phil, confused... as if seeing for the first time... it's not phil. She pulls away when the Ghost-masked Figure grabs her with one hand, the other one clutching the hunting knife.

Maureen sees it, her mouth billowing forth a loud scream that is matched by the entire audience as they scream at the screen.

On screen, the young girl is stabbed in the heart.

Maureen is helpless. The knife comes fast and furious, striking her in the stomach. She falls forward into the aisle as...

On screen, the young girl clutches her bloody chest... drags herself, crawling across wet grass... the killer behind her... raising his knife again.

Popcorn flies as Maureen falls forward into the aisle, clutching her bloody stomach. She's speechless, unable to scream. She holds her bloody hand out for all to see, begging for help. She stumbles down the aisle.

Someone yells, "Sit down." Maureen turns to several people who begin to react. She turns behind her to see the Ghost Face coming at her again... knife raised.

On screen, the young girl is slashed again.

The knife slices into Maureen again... then again. The theatre audience is starting to take note as the Ghost keeps slashing at her repeatedly with the knife. It was a horrifying sickening sight.
Maureen stumbles forward, her bloody body moving down to the front of the theater. Suddenly, the entire audience begins to applaud and cheer.

Maureen, swaying from side to side, turns to the crowd and emits a horrendous blood curling scream.

On screen, the young girl lets out an enormous ear piercing scream that mirrors Maureen's as the killer attacks one last time, stabbing her, silencing her forever.

The Ghost slashes out one last time, direct and fierce. Maureen falls back against the movie screen... very much dead.

Her arms flail across the screen... smearing blood over the wide screen image of the



Word count - 1692


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