Chapter 2- The prison

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Doing magic was a rush I must tell you. It was a strange feeling that I could never truly get use to. It felt like a rush of adrenaline rushing through out your body all the way to your finger tips. Of coarse not old enough for a wand yet, I was very limited on my witching abilities.

However nymph magic was different. You didn't need a wand to do all magic. Just a clear mind, a lot of focus, and yourself.

You can imagine the struggle of the daughter of Sirius Black trying to clear her mind and envision where she wanted to go, when there was so much rushing through her mind.

"Ugh! Come on!" I shouted/whispered

I had followed the steps.

1. Clear your mind
2. Envision the body of water you wanted to appear in
3. Snap your fingers

But after my fourth time I grumbled going to kick my bed post in frustration, but stopped myself last minute knowing for sure it'd wake my godfather up.
Sighing I went back over to the book laid open at my feet. I picked up the one of Azkaban and started at the cover.

Azkaban was a ruthless prison. I couldn't even imagine being forced to live in such a place. Only the most terrible go there and get the happiness sucked out of them.

My father was there...

I had to do this.

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. A blank sleet. Nothing. Than I envisioned Azkaban. The rough choppy waves. The rocks. The structure itself. That's where I needed to go.

I slowly raised my hand.



Teleporting was a sensation that once again I could never fully explain. It's like I'm working through reality and than I just stop.

Well in this case thrown around.

I realized I really should of changed into a bathing suit rather than remaining in my night clothing. And also I should of realized how dangerous the waters truly were of Azkaban. I was admitly hit with the cold harsh water.

It churned and waves crashed onto me trying to pull me under. I tried to scream for help at first, but water simply rushed into my mouth into my lungs. I tried swimming towards the rocks hoping to cling onto them. But swimming with one arm, a book in the other, with wild waters pulling you in every direction proved difficult.

I knew the only way out was to teleport into the prison. Before I could act I was pulled under by the waves. I knew I couldn't panic or it wouldn't work. I closed my eyes, envisioned the prison, and snapped.

Soon I found myself on my knees coughing up water onto the cold stone grounds. I was heaving my lungs absolutely burning.
Because I was half wizard I wasn't born with the ability to breath under water. I could hold my breath for a good period of time but not forever. Remus told me that might change with time and practice, but as you can tell I certainly don't have that ability yet.

Once I got the ocean out of my lungs I stood up shivering looking around. I was in a random hallway on a random floor. I opened up my damp book and to my surprise... the map of the castle told me where exactly I was.

I remembered a story Remus told me of how James, Peter, my father, and him made this map where it could literally show you where everyone was in a building.

Surprisingly though it only showed where I was.


I didn't have time to dwell on the thought when suddenly the room got move colder than it was and I turned around to see the shadow of something floating coming down the hall.

Gasping I already knew what it could be and starting running, water dripping off my damp body behind me, my bare feet slapping the ground.

It had to be a dementor, and from what I've read they aren't particularly pleasant beings.

I looked at the map as I ran and realized I was heading straight for the prison cells, and I didn't have time to really think about my actions before I swung a door open and walked inside.

Breathing heavily I leaned up against the door taking a deep breath.

"Alright Lyra you are officially a criminal."

"Welcome to the club sweet heart!" I nearly screamed as I man shouted to mean trying to grab me through the bars. He was beaten down with a crazy look in his eye.

I fuller and started walking the line of cells, clutching my book to my chest, looking for any sign of my father.

It dawned on me of the true nature of the prisoners. Murders, ex death eaters, real life villains. I was surrounded by them. Some reached out crazily towards me, or taunted me.

And for the first time in my plan I felt true fear. I realized how poorly I planned this all out. And there was absolutely no sign of anyone remotely looking like the man I've seen in photos.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the grabbing of my arm. I let out a startled scream and a evil cackling filled my ears of a women.

"Oh precious little pet what on earth are you doing here!"

My eyes meg those of a women with curly brown almost black hair and eyes practically like sharks. Her skin pale as the moon.

"You'd be an excellent play thing. Don't you want to come in and play with me?" Her nails dig into my arm and I hissed in pain struggling in her grasp.

That's when I heard his voice

"Balatrix you dastardly bitch leave her alone!"

I couldn't turn around to see who it was till I got the guts to bite deep into the ladies hand causing her to screech in pain and pull back.

I fell on my bum and she yelled in frustration clutching her hand. I realized I broke skin. That was definitely leaving a scar. She spat at me in discuss and yelled
"Filthy whore!"

I scooted back all the way across to another cell and I screech in surprise when I felt a gently hand on my shoulder and jumped.

"Ssssh ssssh it's ok."

My head snapped up to the voice and... a pair of brown eyes met my blue ones. A man who had way to much facial hair, covered in dirt, and with long crazed brown hair looked at me in complete confusion.

He looked different from his photos but I knew.... I knew it was him.

I was so shocked I barely knew what to say.

"What on earth is a child like you doing in here?"

"I..." I tried again "You're Sirius Black."

He looked shocked at my accusation. And before he could question me I snapped my finsgers and I was inside his cold cell.

He nearly gasped in shock and sudden realization started to dawn on him.

"You... you teleported but... I've only seen... in order to do it like that you have to be-"

"A nymph. I know..." I gulped walking towards him "I'm half water nymph."

Sirius dropped to his knees before me getting to my level. He raised a shaky hand to my cheek brushing some of my brown locks out of my face and looked into my blue eyes.

"Lyra..? Is that you sweetheart?"

I gulped down the lump and with a shaky hand pulled out the necklace hidden underneath my damp night gown. He sucked in a shaky breath taking it in his hands, his fingers running over the rings. Than he flipped the locket and his bottom lip quivered look at the photos.

Before I could even process what was happening I was drawled in quickly into his arms and pulled tightly abasing his chest. I heard the quiet sobs shaking his body and the tears in my hair.
I didn't have time to even consider that this man truly was a murderer because I started hugging back just as fierce. The man I've been longing to meet for so long was here right in front of me.
After a while he pulled back wiping his eyes and chuckling getting a good look at me.

"Oh look at you! You have your mothers eyes and her beautiful face!" He excitedly squished my cheeks with both hands and kissed my forehead briskly, them continued to ramble. "You got so so big! Merlin! Last time I saw you, you were barley the size of my hand at only 1 years!"

I couldn't help but giggle. Remus was right he did get excited quickly. Probably the most he has been happy in years...

"Remus raised me... he... misses you."

Something flashed in his eyes full of pain and regret and anger. He removed his hands from my shoulders
"He hates me. I know it."

I knew I didn't have much time
"Listen... dad..." the word so foreign on my tongue "I came all this way for the truth. I need to know. Did you do all those terrible things... did you betray the potters... did... did you kill my mother?"

I didn't need an answer. I saw it in his eyes.

But before he could open his mouth I was suddenly thrown back into the bars of the cell by a cold dark force. I myself felt colder and began to shiver.

"No! No don't!" I heard Sirius yell at something behind me.

I whipped around and to my horror was met with a dark floating figure. It looked like the grim reaper itself  was staring right at me. Suddenly it made this sucking noise and I gasp as I felt my soul literally being drained.

I saw out of the corner of my eye Sirius try to lung forward and shout

"Stop she's just a child!"

But another appeared and soon started shucking out his soul too.

Everything happy like was draining from me. I heard a women screaming in the back of my mind, and I couldn't tell if it was my own or not.
I felt my eyes getting heavy and I thought I was near death when


There was a very bright light and the dementors fled away with a loud screech.

I dropped to the ground very weak and guards of all sorts flooded the halls and the cell door vanished with the wave of a wand.
I felt familiar arms frantically pull me into his lap
"Lyra! Lyra can you hear me!" It was Remus and I felt him push my damp hair from my face and feel my frozen face.

"Mooney I-" Sirius started weakly but in a blind rage Remus's wand was out pointed at him threateningly.

He growled as if any moment he'd turn wolf

"Don't. Come. Near. Her."

I tried to say something breathlessly to protest but my body was weak and begged for rest. And before I knew it I had passed out.


I spent days in the hospital recovering, than two more weeks in the ministry getting questioned and Remus also being questioned.
I barely saw Remus in those few days spending time in a foster house. Those were the most scariest times I had ever experienced.
I truly thought my actions would cost me my only family I had left. I didn't even have time to apologize to Remus.
The ministry thought that due to Remus's past relationship with Sirius that maybe he'd use me to try and break him out. Remus was a loyal order member and it angered me that after all he had done concerning you know who, that he'd be accused of such actions.
Maybe it was all because from the start they didn't believe Remus was a suitable parent cause of his condition. They just needed another reason to finally take me away.

Even explaining the truth behind my actions did not help.

It wasn't till the great Albus Dumbledore stepped in during a hearing about my placement did they ministry finally allow me to return home with Remus.

First night I got home we were silent for a good hour till Remus ordered me to the kitchen and I knew I was in for it.

"Lyra James Black what the bloody hell were you thinking?!"

I tried to lighten the mood a bit and chuckled nervously
"Haha guess just getting my sea legs aye? Get it.. cause I had to... you know... transport myself into water..." I stumbled awkwardly clearing my throat.

At this point Remus was red with anger. I didn't blame him. It was a stupid choice on my part. But I couldn't regret it. The feeling of being held by my real father was a feeling I'd never forget. And... I knew. I knew in that moment he was innocent.

"This isn't a joking matter young lady! Do you- do you even realize how stupid of a choice this was?!"

My head hung low and I felt tears well up in my eyes

"Yes." I sniffed "I know."

"I could of bloody lost you! What if that man killed you?"

Anger started to boil through me and my head snapped up looking my godfather in the eyes like daggers.

"He'd never do that and you even know it!"

"I-" he threw his hands up in frustration "Ugh! I don't know what to think! He's changed Ly and he's done terrible things!"


"NO HE ISNT!" His fist banged on the table loudly scaring me a bit. "THE SOONER YOU ACCEPT THAT THE BETTER OFF YOULL BE!"  To be honest I didn't know if that line was for me or something he's been telling himself for all these years.

I screamed in anger and started towards up stairs and on my way up I screamed

And slammed my door behind me.

Before I knew it was was crying angry tears and flung myself onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. I knew I didn't mean all that. I loved Remus like my own father. I was just so upset by the out come of all this.

An hour later I had calmed down and was trying to distract myself with reading when a soft knock was heard on the other end of my door. I sighed softly closing my book
"Come in."

My god father opened the door, walked in, and closed the door behind him softly.
He slowly walked over and I refused to look at him as he sat down at the edge of my bed.

He sighed gently
"Look at me you stubborn twat." He joked

I looked up and my bottom lip started to quiver and with a soft "come here sweetheart." I practically threw myself into his embrace and embarrassingly started to sob from guilt and sadness.

Remus rocked back and forth as if I was still a baby and rested his chin on my head.

"I'm s-sorry moons..." I sniffed my voice slightly muffled

"I'm sorry too. This is my fault. I should of talked to you about him more."

I pulled back shaking my head trying to wip away my tears
"No no Remus this was my plan I... I just wanted to meet him... I wanted to see if it was true..."

Remus gently rubbed my shoulders
"Lyra... sometimes the truth isn't always what we want to hear or believe. But we must accept it for what it is and move on."
I didn't want to argue further on my belief of the truth so I just simply nodded and smirked

"Oh and don't worry I don't want you to go to prison."

This caused him to laugh out loud
"I certainly hope not. Your father would of never survived as a single parent especially raising a child like you."

"I was about to say because you'd never survive a day in prison in your life!"

"Why's that?!"

"Because you are a softy Moonpie and you'd be given no chocolate!"

"You know what come here you little know it all!"

Before I knew it he'd pulled me into his lap and started tickling me mercilessly causing me to howl in laughter and try to get away from the loving torture.
Eventually he stopped and allowed me to get under the covers. We shared a chocolate bar and before he bid me goodnight he put a stack of letters on my nightstand

"These were dropped off while we were away. All from Mr. Potter. You should go pay the poor lad a visit tomorrow."

I smiled widely at the thought of Harry and being back with my best friend.

Remus smiled and leaned down and kissed my forehead a little longer this time and said
"Night Lyra. I love you very much."

"Love you too Remus."

As I drifted to sleep that night a thousand thoughts raced through my mind. I had so many questions unanswered. But I knew in my heart they could wait. For now I was lucky with what I had. I had all the family I needed.

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