Chapter 1

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Its been 2 years since the last game, 2 years since they graduated high school and started college. Star was at her locker grabbing her bag and put her stuff in there before closing it and runs through the hallway avoiding people as she does so. Kise walks out of his class with Akashi next to him before seeing Star running past them blinking. Akashi watches before hearing footsteps coming over to them and looks over seeing Midorima stopping in front of them. 

"Akashi, have you watch the news recently?" he asked pulling his tablet out 

Akashi shook his head, " no I haven't, whuy do you ask Midorima?"

Midorima pulls up the news from yesterday. Akashi watches blinking. 

"So Victor, is it true that your taking this season off to figure out your career?" asked the news person

  "Yes, this season I'm coaching a new person to claim gold this year at the grand pre figure skating. This is Yuuri  Katsuki, he is my new student who I will trained to win this year" he said grinning pulling a black hair man next to him 

"I see, what do you have to say to our viewers. I bet some people are happy that you are taking this year off  but if you could say one thing to your biggest rival Akashi, what would you tell him?" 

"Well I would tell him that he was a fool for quitting this sport and if he had guts, I would challenge him" he said smirking 

"Ah what would be that challenge for him" 

"Akashi, I challenge you to come back and try to take the gold from my student if you dare or you can find someone who you can trained to win but I highly doubt it that you can do that since you haven't figure skated in a long time" he said looking at the camera 

"Well Akashi, looks like you have a challenge. We all will be waiting to see how you respond to this challenge" said the news person 

Midorima turns his tablet off and looks at him, "well Akashi what are you going to do? He challenge you"

Akashi clenches his fist before starting to walk towards the direction that Star was heading not saying anything. Midorima and Kise glances at each other before walking after him. 

"Akashi, why did you quit in the first place" asked Kise walking next to him

"Its a long story Kise but I'll give you the short version. When I was 6 my parents had me do figure skating so I did it since I never disobey them. My 2 year into my career I met Victor who at the time was just starting out, came really close to my skill and that lead us to becoming rivals. After I reach middle school I started out for basketball and you know the rest about that. But my parents didn't like that idea so that year I finished my season after winning my last gold medal, I told the press that I was retiring from figure skating to focus on basketball" 

Kise and Midorima blinks listening as they walked next to him.

"So yeah that's why I quit but even if I wanted to take the challenge. I don't know anyone who has the skill and figure to compete in that level" he walks out to the ruby field going over to the bleachers and sits down watching the practice

Midorima sits down next to watching. Kise jogs over to the team and stands next to Star watching. Star helps the team with some practice drills while having Kise show them some moves from the other teams that they will be playing against. Akashi thinks about the challenge as he watches. Midorima looks at his tablet at some videos of their games. He noticed something about Star in the game and looks closer at it before realizing the answer that Akashi is looking for and taps his shoulder. Akashi blinks and looks at him before seeing what Midorima was showing him before watching Star feet work with the team. He put the two and two together as his eyes widened. 

"Wait! Star! She can do it. She has the figure and the feet work. She might be enough to beat Victor student "

Midorima nods, "exactly but the only problem is trying to convince her to do it but that's going to be hard since she is stubborn"

He nods, "I know, I'm talk it over with her parents tonight since I'm going over there to help her with some school work and figure out the new lineup for basketball" he goes back to watching the practice 

Midorima nods putting his tablet back away again before watching the practice. Akashi and Midorima didn't noticed a white hair man watching Star from the tree. Star works with Kise through the practice with the drills. After 1 hour Star had the team stretch out before going back to club room to get change since they were done for the day. Kise grabs his bag and waves at her putting his headphones on and walks out of there. Star watches before putting away the equipment away. Akashi walks over after saying bye to Midorima. Star hears him walking over and picks up her bag locking up the doors before turning around to face him. 

"You ready?" he asked 

Star nods fixing her bag before walking with him out of the field. Akashi and Star walks in silence as they made their way to Star place. 

(Small Timeskip)

Star and Akashi made it to the Forger apartment. Star pulls out her key and put it into the lock, unlocking the door opening it and goes in. Akashi follows her in and closed the door. Star leads Akashi into her room and opens the door setting her bag down next to her small table. Akashi does the same before following her out. Star and Akashi walks to the living room before stopping.  Loid and Yor looks over at them along with a white hair man with grey eyes. Star and Akashi looks at each other before walking over there sitting down on the floor. 

"Um dad, mom? Who is this man and why is he here?" she asked looking at her parents with her bangs covering her left eye 

"Star, this is Ki Tanmoku. He is your fiancé" Loid said looking at her crossing his legs 

Star quickly stands up, "What!? There is no way that I'm going to go through this! This is so unfair!" she yelled pointing her finger at him as she glares at him

 Ki looks at her with a calm expression before slowly standing up to face her, "I understand that your not okay with this and I'm not either. I didn't know about this until last year. I know how much this is a lot to take in" 

"No you don't, you don't understand what girls go through when they hear that word or even know about it!" she yelled before running out the apartment grabbing her phone and keys slamming the door shut 

Loid sighs softly rubbing his head. Akashi gets up

"I'll go and get her" he said before turning around and starts to head to the door 

"No Akashi, let Ki get her. Star always acts like this, it's her way of testing them to see if they are ones she can trust. She has always done this with everyone" Yor said looking at Akashi before glancing at Ki and nods "go and find her Ki, show her that your not going to give up on here"

Ki nods before walking to the door and grabs his jacket putting it on before walking out. Akashi watches before remembering what he was going to talk to them about and looks at them.

"Loid, Yor, I need to talk to you about something" Akashi said walking back over to them and sits down in the chair 

Loid and Yor nods looking at him. Akashi pulls out his phone and sets it down. 

"I need your guys help to get Star to do figure skating"

"Why do you need her to do figure skating Akashi? She already has a lot on her plate with playing basketball and coaching ruby" Loid asked looking at him

"Because I just got a challenge from an old rival back when I was doing figure skating myself. Star has everything that I'm looking for to train. She has the speed, figure and feet work to do it. I would be coaching her through it all. Please" he said looking at them straight in the eyes 

Loid glances at Yor ,who nodded at him, he looks back at him, "alright, we will help you with her" 

He smiled, "thank you" 

Yor smiles and nods, "your welcome"

Akashi nods before looking out the window hoping that Ki found Star. Meanwhile, Star had stop running and put her headphones walking to the bridge to get a view of the ocean. She leaned against the railing looking at the water once she got there listening to her music. There was a slight chill in the air from the wind blowing gently. She smiled feeling the nice breeze as she looks up singing softly to the song that she was listening to. Ki walks through the park looking around for Star pulling his collar on his jacket up to help keep him warm before seeing a young girl with silver hair leaning against the railing looking at the ocean. Ki slowly walks over figuring that it Star. As he got closer he saw the wind blow gently making her hair blowing to the side from wind. He stop once he hear her singing and watches from his distance. Star opens her eyes looking at the sky singing softly still not noticing him. She slowly felt all her worries and stress go away before looking at the ocean again. Ki watches with wide eyes. He had never heard someone sing with so much feeling into it. Star keeps singing letting the breeze hit her body and hair. The night sky made her hair look white as the moonlight that shined in the sky. Ki shakes the thoughts away before walking over to her and stands next to her glancing at her. Star finishes singing looking back up at the sky. 

"You have a nice voice, Star" he said softly looking at the ocean

"Oh, Ki" she said surprise before changing her posturer "how long were you listening" 

"Long enough to know that you had a lot of feelings in the song" 

She glances at him, "why are you here Ki? Shouldn't you be with my parents bonding with them"

"Yes but I wanted to get to know you, I'm mad that I had to go through this too but it can't be that bad to try and see if this works out"

"True but..."

"There's not buts Star, you just have to give me chance. Let me show you that I'm the right one for you" he gently moves her bangs away from her eye and puts it behind her ear " please, give me a year to prove it to you. If I can't get you to fall in love with me by the end of the year than I'll tell our family that it's not going to work out between us. Do you think you can do that for me" he asked softly looking into her eyes 

Star blinks as a slight blush appeared on her face before looking at the ocean and nods, "alright Ki....I'll give us a shot"

Ki smiles and nods at her repose. He was happy with what he heard. "alright let get back to your place. It's starting to get a little chill out here" 

Star giggles a little and nods before turning around starts to walk back to the apartment. Ki turns and follows her. Star and Ki walks in silence as they made their way to the apartment. Star glances over at him before putting her hands in her pockets. 

"I'm guessing you go to the same college that I go to"

He nods, "yep, I've seen you play basketball  with all those boys"

"Really? You've watch me play with my team"

"Yep, plus I've seen how you also coach the ruby team. They are very lucky to have you as their coach"

She blushes a little as they walked to her apartment and opens the door taking her jacket off hanging it up and sets her phone and headphones on the counter. Ki closes the door once he was in and hangs up his jacket going over to her. Akashi, Loid and Yor looks over and smiles a little seeing them walking in together. Star blinks walking over and sits down in the other chair. Ki walks over and sits in front of her leaning against her legs. Akashi was surprised by how these 2 were close and starts to wonder what happen between them. 

"Star, I have something to ask you" he said looking at her

She looks at him, "let me guess it's about figure skating and I'm willing to train under you to beat your rival"

He blinks surprised, "really?"

She nods, "yep also you should know that you shouldn't tell Kise if you wanted to tell me cuz he will always tell me" 

He groans softy, "right....I forgot"

Star giggles smiling. Yor gets up and walks to Anya room to see if Anya was asleep. 

"Well I want you to meet me at the ice rink tomorrow after school, Star. So I can see how good you are on there and know what I need to teach you before the first match" 

"But I have Rugby practice tomorrow after school with Kise, Akashi. I really can't miss it since they have their first game in 2 weeks from now"

Ki thinks glancing over at Akashi before looking up at her, "why not have Kise run practice tomorrow for you? You said that you two are the coaches for the team. He should know what to do and what drills to work on with them"

"Yeah but he really doesn't do the coaching, he mostly just shows them plays for them to try and beat so they are ready for when someone on the other team tries that move"

Akashi looks at her, "Star just let Kise run practice tomorrow please" 

Star sighs softly leaning back in her chair, "fine, I'll text him right now to let him know" she pulls out her phone and texts him before putting it away

Loid smiles watching his daughter make decision on her own before getting up, "alright, I'm going to head to bed. Akashi, Ki, your more than welcome to spend the night in Yor old room since it's dark if you guys wanted to. Just don't do any funny business with Star" he said narrowing his eyes at the two boys 

Akashi and Ki blinks nodding. Star rolls her eyes and pushes her dad into the hallway. Loid laughs and kissed her head before going into the bedroom closing the door. Star groans before walking into her room and closes the door. She turns on her headphones and unlocks her phone looking through her music before clicking on it listening to it. Ki moves into the chair that Star was sitting in and looks at Akashi. 

"Do you really think she has what it takes to do this? I mean didn't she hurt her ankle in high school and it hasn't fully recover or healed yet?" Ki asked leaning back 

"Yeah but I know she will do it. I'm going to need your help on making it possible for her. I'm going to need you to make sure that there is a pool that she can train in without people watching it"

" Okay but why do you want me to do that? She barely warming up to me and I highly doubt that she will do what I tell her"

"That's the thing, you won't have to tell her. It will be my job to tell her since I'm going to be her coach for this  so you will be safe, Ki" he said before getting up, "we should probably call it day since its going to be a big day tomorrow"

Ki nods before getting up, "yeah....I'll sleep on the couch. You can take the guest bedroom, Akashi. I'm fine with sleeping on the couch"

"You sure cause I can make room"

"Yeah I am plus I think it will be weird seeing 2 college boys sleeping in the same bed" He chuckles going to the couch and lays down 

Akashi nods before walking to the hallway turning off the light as he left the living room. Ki lays on his back with his arms behind his head looking at the ceiling thinking about stuff before slowly closing his eyes not quit falling asleep. Akashi walks into the guest bedroom and closed the door as he gets ready for bed and lays down on the bed thinking about how he was going to accept the challenge from Victor. He slowly falls asleep after he figures it out. Star was still awake in her room tossing her basketball in the air and catching it as she listens to her music. She slowly thinks about what happen today and what she agreed to. She noticed her bedroom door open and glances over seeing her sister rubbing her eyes standing in her doorway. Star catches the ball and sets it down before taking her headphones off and turns the music off. Anya yawns still rubbing her eyes. Star smiles and slowly gets off her bed and walks over to her gently picking her up looking at her.

"Anya, why are you still up silly? You have school tomorrow and you need your rest" she said softly walking out of her room holding her carefully 

"I couldn't sleep....I want to sleep with sissy tonight" she said sleepily resting her head d on her shoulder 

"Have a bad dream?" Star asked softly walking down the hallway and turns the kitchen lights on

Anya nods leaving her head on her shoulder. Ki opens his eyes hearing footsteps and looks towards the kitchen seeing the lights on and sits up watching the sisters. He smiled at the sight of it and stays quite before getting off the couch and walks over to the bar stool and sits down. 

"Okay you can sleep with me tonight" she adjusted her hold on her as she opens the cupboards grabbing a small cup 

Ki gets up and walks up to her reaching above her grabbing the cup for her. Star blinks and looks behind her before looking away not saying anything. Anya had her eyes closed slowly falling back to sleep on her sister shoulder. 

Ki smiles softly at her still holding the cup, "I thought I would help you out" 

"Um thanks, can you put a little milk in it and heat it up a little for me" she asked softly 

Ki smiles and nods opening the fridge grabbing the milk and gently pours it into the cup and put it in the microwave and set the timer for 10 seconds. Star carefully leans against the counter looking at him. Anya slowly opens her eyes sleepily looking at Star. Ki pulls the cup out once the timer went off and hands it to her. Star smiles a little taking it as her finger gently glazed his finger tip before holding the cup for Anya. Star and Ki blushes a little looking away from each other. Anya slowly drinks it as she hangs on it. 

"You and your sister are close aren't you?" he asked watching 

Star nods before glancing at him, "yeah we are....she is my world. Everything that I do is for her, I want her to be raised the right away with a happy family who care about each other" 

"I see, well you are doing a good job at that from what I can see"

"Why are you out here? I thought you were in the guest room with Akashi" She asked gently setting the cup in the sink once Anya was done drinking it 

"I was but than I thought it would be weird so I told him I would sleep on the couch" 

Star blinks, "oh  well I guess that would make sense" she thinks "let me put her in my bed and than I'll get you some blankets and a pillow for you"

Ki chuckles softly and nods. Star walks back to her room and gently set Anya in her bed before tucking her in and walks out. She quietly closes the door and opens the closet in the hallway grabbing some blankets and a pillow before walking back to the living room. Ki turns the kitchen lights off since the hallway light are on and made his way back to the living room. Star was already in the living room holding the stuff. Ki looks and smiles softly taking them from her. Star looks away blushing slightly. 

"There is everything that you will need for tonight. If you need anything else just wake me up, okay" she said smiling 

"Alright I will" he said as he put the pillow on the couch and lays down pulling the blankets over himself slowly falling asleep

Star smiles before walking back down the hallway shutting the light off and goes into her bedroom closing the door quietly. She leans against the door thinking before walking over to her bed putting her hair up into a ponytail and carefully gets into bed pulling Anya closed to her as she slowly closes her eyes falling asleep.

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