Chapter One: Kidnapception

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(Astrid's POV)

Astrid and Stormfly soared above the clouds, care free and happy for once. Ever since Hiccup had become chief, things hadn't been the same with them. She was happy for him, but they never had the time to just, you know, take a flight with Toothless and Stormfly. He had to protect his people, he said. And she understood. But be alright with? Not the easiest thing to do. They had been through so much in the past year, from meeting Paintsplash to almost dying.... Twice!, and they had survived. But they didn't thrive. Hiccup would still mutter Mist's name everywhere they went. Ever since Mist had left to become a Guardian for the children of the future, it has been incredibly hard for him to let her go. Was he this depressed when she was being tortured by Cinderpaw? Or did he love Mist more than her?

These were the thoughts that pondered in her head, until the huge Storm Cutter pushed her out of the sky. Literally. She didn't even notice it until the last second.

"Stormfly! Mo-"


They came spiraling down towards what looked like a huge meadow. Stormfly locked Astrid into her large talons and hurtled towards the ground.

The large Stormcutter landed, and someone leaped off its back.

It was a girl.

The girl had a makeshift, yet dangerous, spear aimed at Astrid's face, and a terrifying glint in her eye that confirmed she would show no mercy.

"Are you with Drago?!?!" She yelled.

The girl looked a bit older than her, with strawberry colored hair. She had a simple brown dress with what looked like a green apron over it. She had bright blue eyes, and a feather tucked in her braid. Furry boots covered her feet, and to top it all off, she had a butt load of freckles and a heavy accent.

"Wait, Drago?!?! No! I hate him!!! And he died anyways."

She lowered her spear and stared at her in dismay.

"No... But he was heading to a town called.. What was it? Bern, Beck, Bunker-"

"It's Berk." Astrid interrupted. "Yeah, I'm from there, so you might want to consider your words when you talk about it."

The girl lifted the spear again.

"Am I the one with a spear in my face? Didn't think so."

"Yeah, but it's not a great choice to put a spear in the face of the chief's girlfriend."

"Wait, wha-"

About a month ago, Hiccup made a wire trap for her, telling her to use it if somebody was threatening her.

Well, better now than never.

The girl was struggling in the confusing wires that had encased her body. Her Stormcutter was screeching and trying to cut the wires, but it was no use. These wires were dragon proof.

She finally relaxed. Well, more of stopped struggling. Astrid walked over and kneeled next to her.

"What's your name?"

"Sæhildr." She spat out.

Oh my gods.

This was the girl who was one of her bedtime stories, the one about the strongest girl in some tribe called the Vonderbits. She ran faster, climbed higher, carried more, and fought harder than anyone else in her tribe. When a group of dragons would come to her village, she would be the first to kill one. And she was only ten!

One day, some bigger, scarier dragons came, and Sæhildr couldn't stop them all. She and her tribe were killed, and that was the end of the story.

"You're Sæhildr?!?! That's... That's amazing!!! But you died! How.. How could you still be alive?!"

Sæhildr looked gobsmacked.

"Wait, how do you know me?"

"My parents used to tell me about you, the Vonderbits, everything! You were literally my hero!"

She stared at Astrid uneasily.

"Henaka Dun Ip Bujhung agh Sluidge Gorg?" She muttered.

"Come on, we've gotta take you to the chief."

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