Chambers and Secrets

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Despite Western king asking them return before dark, it was past dinner time when River and Einar got back to Castle of Calamis .

Einar furrowed his brows at River ,who was dragging his feet behind him, looking very spaced out .

"Are you good ,deciple ?" He questioned , visibly worried . "Did I tire you out? Im sorry "

" huh? Chicken !" River smiled .


"Sorry , I thought you asked me what's for dinner , What was it ?" River apologized.

"Never mind " Einar waved his hand dismissively "Get some rest "

They plodded down the dim-lit hallway for a while before Einar came to an abrupt halt.

"Why are his lights on?"

Kaizer's office , which should technically be shut down for being a danger zone ,had a soft glow of a lamp flooding out of its opened doors. It casted eerie shadows on the walls, sending chills down River's body.
The gaurd was gone too,amplifying the silence that hung thick in the corridors .

Einar cautiously advanced towards the doors, two hounds and River in tow . The anxious whimpers of the beasts echoed through the stillness ,like they could sense some impending disaster.

River held his breath , the steady thump -thump of his heart pounding awefully loud in his ear. He grabbed Einar's sleeve ,shamelessly taking cover behind the man who could be easily blown away by wind.

There was an incoherent ,omnious mumblimg coming from inside the abandoned office ,making River's shirt drench instantly in cold sweat .

Its a ghost! It is a fucking ghost!

Einar extended a arm that could be broken by a three year old with a slightly stronger grip,as if to shield his deciple from whatever peril that awaited them .

Master!My admiration for you has skyrocketed!

Einar peeked in and yelped, which made River cry out in alarm.

"Kai! What are you doing !!"

The West King sat behind his desk ,cladded in his pristine white night gown, which made his paleness stand out even more. He was mumbling something to himself very incoherently ,like he was in a trance . The scene was so disturbing that River was certain -its going to haunt his nightmares for the indefinite future.

Good sir! Im going to need three life times to recover from this .!

Einar approached Kai and gently tapped on his shoulder , but earned no response from the younger man . He picked up a large pitcher ,which had been casted to a side by his friend and sniffed at its contents.

He made a face and shook it softly. Judging by the non existenant sloshing ,it had about three drops of the liquid left.

The West king kept slurring ,spewing nonsense . Despite his best efforts ,River couldnt figure out a single word.

Sir, are you even speaking the same language as rest of us ?

"Kai , you need to go to your room" Einar tapped his shoulder again . "You are drunk "

Drunk ?! Are you drunk -summoning a demon? Why cant you be drunk like a normal fucking person ?


"Yes,yes" Einar pinched his nose bridge,exasperated "Its Einar "

Kaizer stared at him ,mouth open and eyes wide ,like he was seeing ghost of West God .

Einar pulled him on the forearm,hoping to get the drunk man up but Kaizer jumped back like it burned him.

"DOOOOOOOOONTTEH TOUCHHHH MAYYYYY!" He slurred, sounding alarmed to his bones.

His visage betrayed no feelings . It was still his customery long face he wore when he was sober. But his voice was a full octave higher that it felt like someone else entirely was dubbing his actions .

This is 3 parts funny and 9 parts creeepy.

Einar put his hands up in surrender.
"I wont ,I wont !"

Kaizer buried his face in his palms and tugged on his locks " Pleassssseeeeeee ,I dooont meaaan..tahbah.. rudeeee"

Sir, your devine ancestors are jumping down from heaven in embarassment .

' I know , I know " Einar soothed him, hands still up.

"You haaaaaaaate maaay " Kaizer rubbed the heels of his palms on his eyes , like he had three piles of overdue missives to stamp.

"I dont ," Einar signalled River to go fetch someone .

"No" River whispered back.

Einar hissed "why ?"

"This is hillarious " River grinned.

"Bad deciple !" Einar hissed back, but he was holding back a violent fit of laughter as well.

'Pllleeeeeeeaseeeeeee staaaayyyyyy awayyyyyy frommm maaay " He pointed a finger at Einar.

Sir, how do you manage act so regal while sounding like a dying goose?

"I will"

"Whyyyy areeeeee yaa agreeeeeinnng" he slurred.

Missy, do you want him to stay away or no ?

Einar dragged a plam down his face " I just want to sleep"

"Yaaaaa'll haaaayt maay" he grunted in distress "yaa don knooo ..if yaa knoo yaaa haaayt maay "

"I wont " Einar assured "please get up before I forget we are friends "

"Immm ayyy monsterrreh " Kaizer slammed his hand own on the arm rest. 'yaa willl haaayt me. Yaaaall nevrree ffffoooorgibemayy"

Sir,this man had whole heartedly forgiven a mass murderer. What are you babbling about ?

"Kai, I dont hate you . But please get up before I reconsider "

"Monssssssstrreeeeeee! ShaaaaayymeeeeeWhatttttttyavIduun"

Please , dont even sniff wine in public..ever

"Lets go " Einar nodded to River .

"We are leaving him ? Like this ?"

Master, dont betray him like that ! What if someone else find him like this ? How will he rule the kingdom ?

"He's a lost cause " Einar giggled "Lets pretend we didnt see anything tomorrow "

* * * * * *

It was past midnight.

The castle of Calamis was drenched in serene moonlight ,the very image of a heavenly palace. The maids have retired for the night leaving the dimly lit corridors and opulent halls empty. Only the steady footfall of soldiers on patrolling duty broke the heavy silence that lingered in the castle.

As is customery ,a troop of 100 soldiers stood at attention on the flight of stairs leading to Calamis. The only hole in the defence tonight was the absence of the West King's two hounds ,who were laying next to their blacked out master, steadfastly refusing to abandon him in his defenseless state.

Under the cloark of darkness in the corridors , a figure tiptoed , wary of the patrolling gaurds. They were cladded in a black hooded robe and a veil, practically blending in with the shadows.

Their bare feet made no noise against the marble floor ,allowing them to glide along the halls with the stealth of a cat. They stopped infront of a large ebony door which seemed to be the destination of this perilious adventure through Calamis.

They slipped a golden key in to the keyhole and it unlocked with a quiet click . The cloarked figure crept inside swiftly and shut the door behind them .

Inside, they walked passed ceiling high shelves of gleaming weaponry ,not sparing the golden blades and bejeweled hilts even a passing glance. Once they reached the end of the hall they unlocked yet another door that led them to a workrooom .

They trod carefully across the room ,hands extended as not to trip over anything or knock anything over. Once they reached the the wall ,they patted the bricks until they found a single block that was slightly different in texure . They gave the brick a solid push and it sank in to the wall .

There was a muted rumble as a section of the wall moved away and slid to the side ,revealing a dark, narrow chamber with a low ceiling They stepped within ,and the wall returned to its previous position devouring the stranger in its guts of darkness.

The pitch black claustrophobic chamber lead to a long passage. The mysterious figure paced excruciatingly slowly along it ,vigilant of where they stepped on . After a while the floor gave way to a flight of stairs.

They went down the steep granite stairs,nearly tripping on moss and plummeting to their death several times. After a long while the ground became level again.
They had reached the bottom and were face to face with a narrow apeture hidden by a stone slab.

They touched down,discovered a projecting leaver and pulled it down. The stone slab lifted with difficulty ,revealing the foot of the mountain. Cool,fresh night air smacked them in the face as they emerged from the secret stair case onto a dense patch of forest.

Regardless of the tight security in Castle of Calamis ,someone had successfully managed to creep out of West king's residence tonight.

Author has something to say

Thank you for reading my story !! I appreciate it so much !!

Please comment your ideas and remember to drop a vote !!

Author touched grass and talked to real people . It was a grand experience! Author plans on doing it more often !

Einar- *walks up to Kaizer ,pushes a strand of hair behind his ear and kisses his neck softly*

Einar- *whispers* If you ever ,ever touch my cookies again ,I will end you!
(Prompt from pinterest )

River Verlice

Azize Verlice

Valour Verlice

Ayla Yearwood

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