Chapter 1: A New Chapter

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Here it is, the first chapter of the second story. I hope you enjoy it. Also there are going to be songs in this story that are from different movies/TV shows so look out for those. Now, with that taken care of, the Golden Guardian 2!


Heroes: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, Liella, Eris, Cragger, Darel, Lavertus


It has been a few weeks since the duel between Timothy and Marmoo and a lot of things have changed since then. Ever since Timothy got, "resurrected," there has been a symbol on his chest right where he got stabbed. After that, Darel and Stinger's group went back to Nova Australis, but Darel said if we ever needed help, we can just, "call" him. Anyway, Laval became the new king of the Lion Tribe, but I, Timothy, have a long way to go to become a prince.

"Timothy." Lucy called with a smirk while leaning on a door frame behind Timothy, "Stop narrating already, we all know this story." Lucy added with a giggle as she walked into his room. "You are right, everyone does know this story." Timothy said smirking back, "If I recall, you were scared to death when I got stabbed." Timothy added. Lucy giggled a bit more while walking towards Timothy, "It's not my fault that I love you." Lucy said as she kissed him on the cheek, which made Timothy blush.

Lucy walked passed Timothy and looked out his window while Timothy lifted his shirt to look at the symbol, "What do you think this symbol means?" Timothy said while looking at it. Lucy turned to look at him and the symbol, "Honestly, I don't know." Lucy replied with a shrug. "Perhaps my brother, Samuel knows, which who I need to look for." Timothy said. Lucy then just realized something, which Timothy noticed, "What is it?" Timothy asked with a concerned look. Lucy smiled while looking at Timothy, "I just remembered something, I got a surprise for you." Lucy said with a giggle while leading Timothy to the surprise.

Lucy led Timothy to a mountain top above the Lion City and below Mount Cavora. As Timothy was about to see it, Lucy halted him, "Before you see it, you have to close your eyes." Lucy said with a smile. Timothy did what Lucy said and closed his eyes while Lucy guided Timothy. "Can I open them now?" Timothy asked "Not yet." Lucy replied as she guided Timothy to a certain spot. "Now can I open them?" Timothy asked again. Lucy looked behind her to see if it was ready then looked back at Timothy, "Yes, you can open them now." Lucy replied. Timothy opened his eyes and saw a structure behind Lucy and was indeed surprised, but not in an exciting way. "Woah, a building?" Timothy said with a confused look. Lucy giggled at his reaction, "That's not even the first half of the surprise." Lucy stated and led Timothy inside the structure.

What was inside was a table with chairs around it. Timothy thought the table looked familiar, then a picture appeared above the table and it showed a map of not only Chima, but the lands around Chima. Timothy was really surprised this time, then Laval and Darel came from under the table and yelled, "surprise." Timothy's eyes watered when he saw that, "Aww guys, did you really plan this for me?" Timothy asked with a smile. "Of course." Laval replied. "I mean, how are you going to discover other lands?" Darel added. Timothy gave each of his friends a hug and looked at the map, "Thanks guys, this really surprised me." Timothy said with a smile. "We all thought you really needed this." Lucy said, "Also, I've studied each piece of land this map shows." Lucy added. 

Timothy looked and smiled at Lucy, "That's incredible." Timothy said as he hugged Lucy. Lucy hugged him back then broke it, "Well, which land are we going first?" Lucy asked. Timothy was confused, "We?" Timothy asked. "Yes, I'm going with you." Lucy said. Timothy had a concerned look on his face, "It's going to be dangerous." Timothy stated. Lucy just laughed a bit, "Timothy, I laugh at the face of danger." Lucy replied. Timothy saw that Lucy made up her mind and decided that a companion on the road would make it less lonely. "Alright, you can come with me." Timothy said with a smile.

Lucy smiled back as she and Timothy walked towards the map. "There are at least ten pieces of lands out there." Lucy stated. "Including Chima." Laval added. "And Nova Australis." Darel added. Timothy looked at the map and saw something, "Do you guys see what I see?" Timothy asked while looking at the map. Lucy, Laval, and Darel all looked at the map and shook their heads. Timothy pressed a button on the table, which caused the map to be on the table, "The pieces of lands are separated between the five pieces of lands inside and the five pieces of lands outside." Timothy stated as he pointed at Nova Australis on the map and a piece of land called, "the Archipelago" that was separated. Lucy, Laval, and Darel saw that and nodded, "So are you suggesting that you two are going to explore the inner lands, well what's left of them?" Darel asked. "I am, actually." Timothy replied. 

"Okay, let's see what's left of the inner pieces of lands." Laval said as he looked at the map and said what was left, "'Beacontown,' 'Ninjago,' and 'the Valley.'" Laval said as he was reading the labeled lands. "Where do we go first Timothy?" Lucy asked while looking at him. Timothy thought about it and he made up his decision. "I think we should head up then down, which means we go to Beacontown first, Ninjago second, and the Valley for last." Timothy said. "That's an idea." Laval said. Lucy looked at the map then looked at Timothy, "Whatever you choose, I'm with you." Lucy said as she hugged Timothy. Timothy hugged back then they broke the hug and started getting ready for the journey ahead.

As Timothy was in his room getting ready to leave, Laval walked up to him, "I wish I can go with you, but now that I'm king I can't leave my kingdom." Laval stated. Timothy smiled then hugged him, "I understand, and that reminds me, a king needs a queen." Timothy said with a smirk. Laval paused for a minute then blinked, "What do you mean?" Laval said with a nervous chuckle. "Laval, we both know you need a queen to rule by your side, and I think I know who should be your queen." Timothy said still smirking. Laval knew who he was talking about and blushed a bit. "I haven't talked to her about that yet." Laval said. "Laval, you and Liella are perfect for each other, just tell her how you feel and ask her." Timothy said with a reassuring smile.

Laval smiled back and hugged him again, "Thanks, brother." Laval joked, which caused Timothy to chuckle a bit. "Are you ready Timothy?" Lucy asked as she was ready to go. Timothy broke the hug and looked at Lucy, "Yeah, I'm ready." Timothy replied as he walked with her out of the Lion City. "Okay, which way is Beacontown?" Timothy asked Lucy. "It's North." Lucy replied as she and Timothy head straight North, heading for Beacontown.

Next time on the Golden Guardian 2: Timothy and Lucy are off discovering a piece of land called Beacontown, but when they get there they see that the town and the people were in a weird texture. Will Timothy find the mystery behind the symbol on his chest? Will he figure out what it means to be Loyal, Brave, and True? Will he ever find his brother Samuel? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian 2.

What did you think of this chapter? Was it good? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Later.

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