Abbey Road

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Mike, Neil, Vyvan and I are on the sofa watching the TV. The couch was small but surprisingly enough we all fitted in, the hoys were watching a weird tv show. Didn't they say that the tv didn't work? Rick is in the hallway looking upset. "Something wrong?" I ask concerned for him.

Rick huffs and and crosses his arms. "Bloody Hell! There's no room for me on the sofa, as usual! I'll have to sit on the rickety chair! Right! Oh, goody goody gumdrops! Just in time to watch 'Oh Crickey!' on ITV!"

He went forward and changed the channel to something else. Everyone else looked at him.  "Oh, Rick! We were watching 'Bastard Squad!'" Neil complains.

"Oh, were you? Well, get up and change it back, I don't mind."

Neil starts to get up, then realizes somethings up. "Oh! Um, no! I've hurt my back!" He sits back down.

"Oh, what a shame!"

The tv cuts to a program titled Oh Crickey. A man and lady are playing around on the couch. The people there kept using the title as a catchphrase. Vyvyan had enough and got up to switch the channel.

 Rick quickly leaps on the couch. "Ha ha, fooled you! Thought you'd been really clever, but you fell right into my trap! Now you can sit on the rickety chair!"

"Oh, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah!"

Vyvyan shoves Rick off the couch and sits back down. Rick pokes his head up from behind the couch. "I'll just sit back here if it's alright with you lot, then? Not bothering you at all, am I, Mike?" I glanced behind and see Rick poking his head out between where I am and Mike.

"This is my favorite program! It would just be typical if it was interruppted..." Vyv starts to tell us but right then the program stops and a test pattern comes on with voice over. We all groan and tv came back on.

A news reporter comes up and is standing in front of a building. "We interrupt tonight's scheduled program, "The Bastard Squad", to bring you up-to-the-minute coverage of a seige which is now underway in North London. We join BBC's reporter, Dan Prick, on the spot. Dan."

It cuts to the outside of a house. A swat team in out there, along with a newscaster.

"A man, believed to be a lunatic foreign terrorist, one of those greaseball raving reds who seem to crop up everywhere since we stopped running the world, is now taking refuge in an insanitary slum dwelling in North London. The sort of plase where you normally get squatters anyway. A police and army seige is now underway."

Rick stands up and sits on the rickety chair he hates. "Oh, Christ! Boring! Look, now we get a shot of a street for the next three hours! Nothing ever happens in these things!] Well, if it does happen, we don't get to see it!"

"Yes, it looks as though something is happening now! The police and army are moving in." I lean forward and squint trying to see the house.

"Isn't that our house?" I ask checking the tv.

"Don't be stupid, Alice. Nothing interesting happens to us." Rick trys telling me.

Suddenly the door is broken down and there are loud noises. My mouth falls open when I see Arabs barging into our home holding guns. I keep my eyes on them and listen to Rick speaking.

"Right on! Rue Britannia! Tiny figure at the back jumps over a fence. Rue Britannia!" Right then an Arab fires the gun. I cober my ears and stare at the men quite afraid and surprised by this happening.

"hey're dubbing that sound on! That's never real!" Rick says and waves his hand and I see the boys fully concentrated on the screen. 

Some members of the swat team grab the Arab while another wheels in a missile and launcher. During this, a live hand grenade falls in the cooking pot and explodes. "The the f..guys!"

"Shhh we're watching the news." Mike shushes me. "B-But the-"

"Isn't that your car, Vyv?" Neil aks when we see a bright yellow car.

Vyv shakes his head and stares at it. "No, mine's a yellow Ford Anglia with flames up the sides.

"But that's a yellow Ford Anglia with flames up the sides! Are you blind?!" I raise my voice at him.

"Yeah, but it's not mine, is it?" 

The men behind us fire the missle which hits the Arab. The Arab screams as a blast of light fills the room. The only thing left remaining of the Arab is his arms. The swat team leaves as Vyvyan waves the air away. "God, that was a loud one!"

The newscaster appears again. "Well, that's it. We're sorry we couldn't show you 'The Bastard Squad', but at least we got the mad coon with the gun, eh?"

Rick gets up and switches off the TV. He turns around and looks angrily at the chair, then sits down and everyone sighs looking disappointed. "Hey, guys! Why don't we eat? Yes, eat!" Neil suggests and runs to kitchen and grabs utensils.

"The stove just for exploded again! Didn't any of you see the arabs and the swat team? I ask genuinly curious if any did. "No." They responded.

Neil ran around and began to pour something in when the grenade in the pot explodes, sending the food everywhere. Now this grabbed their attention! Everyone looks at them and Neil looked surprised.

"Neil, that's our tea! You've just blown up our tea!" Rick says looking at the poor hippie.

"But I didn't do it on purpose, Rick!"

"And we paid for that! 15 pence, come on, play up! Now!" He said holding his hand out along with Mike and Vyv."

"But, I haven't collected this weeks money yet!"

I get up and ran over to fetch the grenade but quickly let it fall down since it was hot. "Didn't you see the grenade. The news was here at our house."

Rick doesn't seem to care at what I say. "Well, that's herdly the point, is it?"

"But it was an accident, Rick!" Neil starts to sob. "I just looked at it and it blew up, Rick! But there's still some on the walls! Maybe we can save some of that. Get some portions together for supper, then."

Neil scrapes some food off the walls with a spoon, then goes to the kitchen and tries tidying up. I

"Let's do something, we're bored stupid!"

I begin to clean some things uo and heard an empty bottle break and saw Rick on the floor, "You didn't know I was going to do that, did you?"

"Vyvyan will you stop hitting him?!" I then proceeded to wakk over where Rick was and grabbed him by the ear and made him fix the door back on. Rick pouted and held onto his ear. 

"Well let's head out!" Miks calls us out and I being all giddy I run after him and we all began walking doen the streets. A smile remaines on my face since it is the firts time we all get to hang along outside of the house. I had to keep up with them since they are wuick and havd long legs umlike me.

I stopped when I spotted a familiar street and gasped taking a few steps back. "Is..t-this.."

"Abbey Road." Rick says rolling his eyes.

"It's Abbey Road!" I squeal happily and took out a small camera I always carry with me. "What are you doing?!" Vyv asks looking at me weird.

"Taking a picture of the street."

"You're a weird one, Alice." Mike chuckles.

"Come on, man. Let her be happy." I listen to Neil and I continue taking pictures. 

"I've always wanted to visit this place. You know if someday I have a daughter I will name her in honor of this street and The Beatles!"my inner beetlemania fangirl is coming out.

Rick begins to chuckle to himself, "I wonder who the poor bastard will be." right then Vyvyan smacked his head. I spotted a man walking past us and I asked him if he could take a picture, he was nice to do it.

"What are you doing?!" Rick freaked out when I grabbed his hand and called the rest of the boys. "I want to make soms nice memories before I leave, now smile." I stood in the middle of them and we did the iconic Beatles walk and stood still and looked at the camera. I smiled and made two peace signs with my hands.

I really love these boys.

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