Bored To Death

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"I'm awake!" I jumped up and looked around. "Oh, I'm in my room." I lazily got up and continued rubbing my eyes, i fully opened them and remembered I stayed up late last night finishing my homework. Thank heavens I don't have classes till tomorrow. I went out to the bathroom and peeled my pajamas off and turned thd shower on, I went in and sighed at the sensation of the hot water running down on me. 

I finished quick and quickly ran out back to my room and changed myself in my usual black clothes, a black long sleeve dress with ripped tights, doc martens, my denkm jacket and I blow dried my hair. Still being sleepy and feeling the same routine is getting boring to me.

"Morning boys." I yawned when I walked and saw all of them together, they were quiet for once. Vyvyan and Mike groaned in response. I went to the cupboard and grabbed a bowl, I made myself cereal and saw down next to Mike.

He began pulling cornflakes out of the box one by one. Neil is just staring off into space and Vyvyan is writing something on the back of the cereal box.

"Well, I finished the new car competition. I'm gonna win a Ford Tippex any minute. It's quite easy really, all you gotta do is match up six pictures of
famous noses with six pictures of famous bogeys! Thought that would shock you! Well, it's not through because then you have to say in ten words
what cornflakes mean to you. So I put, 'Cornflakes. Cornflakes. Cornflakes, Cornflakes, Cornflakes. Cornflakes, Cornflakes, Cornflakes, Cornflakes"

"Pathetic! You'll never win, Vyvyan!" Now this made Rick finally snap.

"Why not?"

"That's only nine words!"

"Oh, yeah. 'Cornflakes.'" Vyv continued to write and I keep glancing between them, Rick begin to play with his ear. "Anyway, you'll still never win because nothing interesting ever happens to us!"

"Stop being so boring, Rick." Mike says.

"Oh, that's nice, isn't it? That's very nice! Coming from someone as boring as you!"

I knew this morning would start off with yet another argument. "Look, can you guys stop hassling each other? I'm getting really bored with it, alright?" Neil begs and I pinch the bridge of my nose getting tired of it.

"Oh, dear me! Poor old Neil's getting bored! The most boring person in the whole world is finally getting a taste of his own medicine!" Rick shours glarinf at Neil.

"Can you both just shut up, I'm getting bored of listening to you too discuss." I try telling them and Mike speaks up.

"Alright, I think we're overdoing the boredom motif in this conversation here. It's time to extend our vocabulary." He's right..

Neil looks uncertain and watches us. "Alright, Mike. All I said was that I was getting bored."

"Yes, we heard what you said and it was very boring!" Vyv and Rick finish saying and both are looking extremely boring.  "Vyv, I thought we decided..."

Mike tries to say but Vyv shouts again. "Yes, YOU decided, Michael!"

Rick the speaks again. "Guys! Guys! Look at us! Squabbling! Bickering, like children. What's happened to us? We never used to be like this!"

"Yes, we did." Vyv replies.

"Yeah, he's right, Rick. We've always been like this." Mike agrees.

"Always talking and having arguments." I whisper eating the last bit of cereal.

"Yes, I know. But that's just exactly my point! Nothing ever changes! Nothing ever happens to us!"

I begin to think, "Hmm we should leave and have some fun around town. A bit of adventure won't hurt us." Maybe they'll listen to me.

Few seconds pass and Vyv speaks. "Monopoly?"

"No, that's boring!" I whine and leaned back in my seat. 

Rick sighs and agrees to it. The three of us sat down on the floor and I attempted to play this dumb board game. Mike takes his piece and moves it. "Ha ha, Mike! Landed on Old Kent Road. That's mine! Rent! Come on! Pay up, now!" Rick extends his hand to Mike.

"Alright, I think the Mike Exchecker can handle a debt of four pounds."

Rick way to happily about this snatches money from Mike,  "Yes! wouldn't it be amazing if all this money was real?"

I yawn and closed my eyes listening to them talk. "That is the single most predictable and boring thing that anyone could say whilst playing Monopoly!" Vyvyan once again starts.

"Well, what about 'Vyvyan'? I could say, 'Vyvyan', couldn't I? I think that's boring!" I groan annoyed and shut my eyes tighter.  "You have won second prize in a beauty contest! Smash Rick over the head with the bank!"

I open my eyes and Vyvyan hits Rick and I can't help but laugh "It did not say that! Michael, Vyvyan is cheating! And Alice is laughing at me!"

"No, he's right, Rick. That's exactly what it says."

"In biro, Mike! In biro over the top of the print!"

"But we had to change the rules because Monopoly is so boring!" Vyv continues and Rick reads a card. "'Congratulations! It is your birthday! You may set fire to Rick's bed!'

Then he reads another one. "Get out of Jail free! You may keep this card, sell it, or stick it up Rick's bottom! VYVYAN, YOU'VE RUINED THE GAME!"

I hold my stomach from how much I am laughing and Rick angrily reaches over me and sits on my back so I don't get to hit him back.


Mike rolls his eyes and looks at us. "Yeah, well that's nothing! Neil got so bored he's gone to the garden to kill himself, and it's his go! Rick let go of her before this becomes innapropiate." Mike raises his voice and Rick got off of me.

"Maybe we csn do something else, any ideas?"


This is boring. I'm bored to death here. Mike and Rick are at the table, whils Vyvyan is on the couch with me and Neil came back in and Rick began attacking him.

"Oh, so you've decided to come in now, have you, Neil? Well, we finished playing Monopoly now, and you lost!'

"Oh! I'm amazed I lost it as much as I did."

There's a knock at the door. I lazily look behind me, "There's someone at the door, Rick." I shout.

"Someone at the door, Vyvyan." 

"Someone at the door, Alice."

"Someone at the door, Neil."

"There's someone at the door, Mike." Neil tells Mike.

"I know! There's someone at the door, Rick!

"There's someone at the door, Vyvyan!"

"There's someone at the door, Mike!"

"There's someone at the door, Neil?" Neil tells himself.

Not any of us want to get up. Mike looks back at him. "Well, don't look at me. I'm in Paris."

"You haven't left the house all day!"

"Vyvyan, you ever heard of cloning?"


"Oh, that's good! Would you swear to that?

Vyv nods his head and runs over and looks at Mike "Certainly, if that's what you want. Big Jobs!" Rick screams jn pain and yanks his legs away when Vyvyan sits down on him.

The knocking continues. "Hey! Hey, guys! Great Idea. Why don't we, right, decide whose going to answer the door, right? And then that person can go and answer it, right? And then, and then find out who it is and who they want to see, right?"

I close my eyes, Vyvyan yawns and Rick bursts into tearsat being tired from listening to Neil which makes me chuckle but feel bad for Neil. "And then, like, come back in here and tell whoever it is that there's somebody who wants to see them, yeah?"

Mike looks up from his seat at the hippie. "Neil, do me a favor."



"So I suppose I have to go and answer it myself, as usual!"

The front door comes flying through. someone similar to Alexei and Jerzei enters with a bike. He passes Neil, who doesn't even see him. "Hey! You need to pay for that door!" I shout at the man from my spot and hear Rick crying some more.

"Billy Balowski. Yes, and who needs pleasure? Hello, Billy." I hear Mike say and I keep my eyes on the tv which is off.  "What do you want, Billy? You got a message from Mr. Balowski?"

"I'm Mr. Balowski!"

"No no no, your bother, Jerzei. You got a message from him?"

"Got a piece of paper. Whoever called a taxi, they can have the message!" This Billt guy says. Rick stop crying amd speaks up, "Alright! Alright, I called a taxi."

"Okee dokee, Skip! Where do you wanna go?""

"I don't want to go anywhere!" Rick shouts at Billy and the man does the same.

"Then what the bloody Hell did you call a taxi for then? I had to come all the way from Brazil for this. You stop me having me wages, you know how much a taxi driver earns? I can't even afford to buy new showlaces!"

The three conrinue to shout at each other.

"Well it's a good job you're not a taxi driver then, isn't it?"

"Good job I'm wearing Wellingtons!"

Vyvyp also grows exasperated. "Look! Just give us the note!"

I felt irritated by this obnoxious mans presence when he continued ro speak and had a cactus in his hand, "Come on, everybody, let's play Daleks!"

"Shut up you'll never be a Dalek! They are intelligent beings unlike you!" I call out and moved my head back to see him.

He continued ro run around, "Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!'Ere, 'ere, look! What am I now? What am I now? Come on, Quick quick quick quick quick! What am I now?"

"A pain in the arse?" Mike says, the man shakes his head.

"No, I'm a hairbrush, dobs! Ok, let's try another one! Let's try another one!
Here we are. What am I now? What am I now? Come on!"

"Clinically insane!" Rick tells him 

"Nope, 'Little House on the Prarie!' Hee hee hee hee!"


"Sir Billy!"

"SIR Billy." He corrects himself.

Vyvyan and I shout at him. "Look, why don't you just go away?"

"Because I got a message for you!"

Vyv shouts back. "THEN GIVE IT TO US!"

The man smiles and takes rhe note again, "Oh, doesn't he get excited!" Vyvyan screams and Billy continues, "Right! Here we are. This is the message, I shall read it to you. Are we ready, clocks? Right, here we...Hang on! There's no words on this!
Oh, I think they must have fallen off somewhere. Oh! No, it's alright! There on the other side. That's okay, right! 'Dear...'"

Rick got up from his seat and snatches the message from Billy's hand. "Finders keepers, losers weepers." He says snorting like a pig at the end. Rick hands the message to Mike.

I finally get up and run over to the table, "What does the note say, Mike?"

"Dear boys, Don't let Billy near the goldfish bowl. Your friend and landlord, Jerzei Balowski." Mike crumples up message and tosses it away. Neil re-enters the living room. "Is that all?" I ask grabbing the message again and there's nothing more written on it.

"There's no one there!" Neil tells us and Rick rolls his eyes and yawns. "God, how boring!"

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