Doc Martens

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I checked up every now and then at the board and continued taking notes while the professor spoke and explained to the class a few parts of the human body and next week we would inspect a body together in groups. I rested my head on my hand and began thinking of the boys, "I do hope they didn't burn the house down." I begin to imagine them together peacefully watching tv or doing their homework assignments..

Who am I kidding they are probably destroying the cellar. Neil and Rick are probably working hard while Vyvyan is shouting at them to continue digging. Have they eaten yet? They probably haven't.

The cafeteria here has decent food unlike all the junk food I had back at my collage in the U.S. I raised my sleeves and saw the time on my wrist watch. 10 minutes more and class ends. I have some money on me so maybe I should fetch some more food since Vyvyan nearly ate all of the food and my box of cereal. I should consider buying a lock so he doesn't open up the cabinets.

Today's class ended earlier since the teacher had an emergency when a car accidentlt crashed into his own car at the parking lot. The weather was still cold so I made sure to bring a scarf and some gloves to put on. 

I placed the many notes and homework I got into my bag and carried two grocery bags in my hands. Hopefully they'll enjoy today's dinner..

I spotted our building and got the key out but the door was open like always so I pushed it and no one was here. "Guys?" I called out but no one replied, I went over to placed my bags by the table and began searching for any of them.

"You all right, Vyvyan? Vyvyan?! Great! This is it! I've been waiting two hours for this. It's a revolution!" 

"What do you mean, revolution?

"Blood runs! Flags wave! Come on, everybody, throw down your tools and knock down the barricade. Come on, run into the Winter Palace. Run into the Winter Palace and stand on tables, waving bits of paper at each other! Yes! Yes!! Hello, are you the Czar? Yes, I am, actually. [points a finger] Bam bam! Tough luck, fascist!!"

I pressed my ear against the door and could hear those two talking. I might as well go back before they spot me and make me work. I tiptoed away and went back into the kitchen, "I better get these hands working."

I placed some canned foods up in the cabinets with a new box of cereak. I went over and began washing some dishes, along with vegetables, rice and cutting up the meat. I opened up the bag of powdered mashed potatoes and began dumping them into the boiling water and adding some butter and salt.

While the chicken was cooking up I was sitting down reading through my book and taking soms notes and flipping a few pages to find some answers. "Why is this so complicated?!" I'm at fault here for choosing such a hard study. Maybe I csn try something else?

I tapped my pencil and began thinking hard about the work and my parents, am I really an awful daughter? They probably didn't want to see my face again and decided to fly me across the world. 

I tiredly closed my book and got up and began to cut up the lettace and adding some small pieces of mango. White rice, mashed potatoes, a nice sald and bbq chicken. I've really outdown myself.

"What's that smell?"

I jumped up and saw that it was Mike still wearing that weird outfit from earlier and he has Buddy Holly's guitar flung over his shoulder. "Food, and is that my guitar?!" I point at it annoyed that he has it.

"Couldn't find it anywhere and found it in your room-"

"You entered my room!? That's invasion of privacy, Mike. Especially if it's from a girl." I tell him beginning to get angry which made him take a step back. 

"Now now, Alice. I'll give it to you back, yeah?"

"You better not sell it." I warn him and looked back at him confused. "Why is Jerzei here?" I point at him and a band behind him.

The tall man looks down at us, "This is the band Radical Posture, and my name is Alexei Yuri Gagarin Siege of Stalingrad Glorious Five-Year Plan Sputnik Pravda Moscow Dynamo Back Four Balowski. Me Dad was a bit of a Communist, know what I mean?"

"You know you're the spitting image of our landlord, Jerzei?" Mike says and I agree. "It's kinda creepy how similar they look..I think he's playing with us." I whisper at him and this Alexei guy smiles.

" Yeah, he's my uncle, actually, you know."

"It's incredible! You're as alike as two peas."

Footsteps could be heard and in came Rick. "Well, this is it! The massive rock and roll benefit for the oppressed workers of the hou... Hi, Mike! What're you doing here?" I turned to them and srood still listening at them.

"Never mind what I'm doing here, who are they?"

"Blimey! Search me. Perhaps they're friends of somebody's, just popped in to play a, I don't know, play a rehearsal or something. Would you like to go upstairs and lie down in your room?'

"I think I'd better." And Mike left upstairs.

"Alice!" I jumped up a bit and Rick quickly ran over to me and took my shoulders. "Christ we though you had been kidnapped, for a moment there Neil and I were considering putting up wanted posters." He says laughing.

"You know well I was in collage. How has digging been?" Rick rolled his eyes and began walking to the men. "Boring! Vyvyan got knocked out. Great! Hi, Sputnik! Or should I call you "comrade"? You know the plan, don't you? Right, at the peak of the gig, you incite the masses to rise, and we burn the Reichstag! Well, we burn Mike's room, anyway. And then, hey, presto, revolution!" 

Alexei looked look at Rick. So they know each other? "Stuff the revolution. Where's my 200 quid?"

I resumed and began checking the food so it wouldn't burn and Rick pulled out a chain of tickets out of his pocket. "Oh, I'd better go sell some tickets, haven't I?" 

Neil came in and sat down on the floor looking gloomy. "Tickets!! Anybody! Probably stuck in a queue or something. Uh, Neil, did you actually pay to get in?"

"No, I'm the oppressed workers of the house, Rick."

Oh, great. Another discussiong. I carefully from my seat watched them.

"Yes, but this is a benefit gig, you know. And the tickets are 200 pounds each."

"200 pounds? That's nearly a term's grant, man!"

"Look, Neil, this benefit is for you! This is in aid of you, to help you! And you won't even pay for it. God, how self-centered can you get! Come on, 200 pounds."

"I've only got 50p." Neil handed Rick the money. Rick handed him a ticket. "That'll have to do. Alice, would you like one too?" I crossed my arms and boredly looked at him.

I gave him a fake smile, "No thank you, Rick. You see I just spent some money on more food and I came here before the band arrived." I inform him and Rick mocks me and walked away.

Alexei proceeds to turn on the microphone and I continue reading my book. "Whoooo, yeah! It's really great to be here at this benefit, actually. Whoooo, yeah! I'm feeling kinda whoooo, yeah!"

He then paused and looked at the three of us. 

"Whoooo, yeah! This is really funky, it's kinda like one big empty room, yeah! We're going to do a number now that was a song in the charts recently about racial harmony. About black and white people living together side by side in perfect racial harmo ny together on pianos! It might be a bit stupid, like, you know what I mean, but I know pianos aren't gonna solve nothing, you know what I mean? There's one thing that unites us, one thing that we all have in common, what is it? What is that one thing?"

The band startet to play and the lights were dim. Alexei begins to sing and dances widly like he's having a stroke.

I raised an eyebrow and stared at him weirded out.

"It's not class or ideology,
Color, creed, or roots
The only thing that unites us
Is Dr. Marten's boots

Dr. Marten's boots of the world
So that everybody can be free
They're classless, matchless, ageless and waterproof
And retail for only 19 pounds and 99p

What should everyone be wearing?
Those boots with the air-flow soles
And your boots will have a meeting
And your boots will take control

Thanks to Dr. Marten everyone will have warm feet
Thanks to Dr. Marten they'll be dancing in the street
No. Don't You Want Me.
OK, Boots. Do your stuff!

Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's boots
Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's boots
Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's, Dr. Marten's boots!"

"What is happening?!" I stand up again and closed my book once again."oring! Don't you even know who's the enemy? What happened to the revolution?! God, you'd think "Devil Woman" had never been written!" Rick shouted at the band when the lights were on again.

Mike walked in again and looked at both men, "What're you two doing here? You should be down in the cellar digging for oil! I hope you realize that all this loafing around has cost us one day of being incredibly rich!"

"Will you quit it? They aren't slaves besides, dinner has been served." I point at them the food fully prepared. "Where's Vyvyan?" They all point at me and I went to the cellar. 

There I see the entire place a disaster and Vyvyan getting up from his puke and tripping trying to get up. "Vyvyan dinner is ready!" He looks around and spots me, he's been impaled by a pickaxe how is he not dead?

"I'll be right there, Alice." 

I looked back at him surprised since he finally spoke in his normal voice. "..Okay." I turned around amd left the door open. I walked back in and got five plates and filled them up with everything I cooked, I didn't place normal meat on Rick's plate since he's a vegetarian.

"Can we stay too?" Alexei said and I shook my head. 

"No! I barely know you, you got your money now out." I went over and opened the door for them. The man pouted and walked out with his band. I made sure to lock the door and walked back in and saw Vyvyan sitting down and holding his head.

The five were sitting down. "You outdid yourself, Alice." Mike complimented and took another bite. 

"I didn't have to cook this time, thanks Alice." Neil said with a shy smile.

"About time we had something else than lentils, thanks!" Vyvyan said returning to his normal self and eating the chicken with both hands.

"Blah blah blah. You're being nice to her because she's a girl." I ignore Rick's comment and pointed at his meat since he hasn't touched his food.

"Rick, I used vegetarian meat to cook your own. I do hope you at least taste it." I mutter. Rick stabs the fork into it and tasted it, he then went in for the salad and mashed potato.

"I haven't tasted anything like this..If you're cooking is like this, then I'll definetly marry you." I choke on my drink and every stared back at Rick wide eyed. 

"What did you say mate?" Neil asked.

 Rick looked at each of us and I felt my face go red. "I-I meant..Girls are disgusting." He looked down at his plate and continued to eat. I smiled and took it as a compliment. 

"I wanted to cook you all something nice since we didn't have a proper one and I wanted to thank you all for taking me in." Vyvyan nodded and Mike who was sitting next to me patted my shoulder.

"No need to thank us sweetheart, with you around we'll have proper meals now." I frowned at that but brushed it off. "Mike, where's my guitar?"

"...I sold it."

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