Hide and Seek

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"It's pissing down now!" I look up at Vyv who stuck his head out and held up a full glass of water. It's pouring outside! I have never seen this much rain before. Rick looks extremely bored and stressed about this whole thing, he slams the refrigerator door and turns to us.

"OKAY, THAT'S JUST ABOUT THE BLOODY LIMIT! It's...I mean I only put it in there on Wednesday, you know! It's not as if they grow on trees or anything like that!"

Mike who's by the table looks up at him. "Rick, what have you lost?

"I had half an apple in there. Alright, own up, who's taken it?"

Vyvyan who's on couch too opens up a can ignoring the other punk. "What were you doing, saving it for teacher? Trying to keep the doctor away?"

"If he's anything like you, YES!" I look up from my studies and see him with weird wide eye smile, in typical Rick fashion. "You're so weird." I mutter closing my book, I have oficialltpy finished my homework. Rick turns to Mike,who has two avocado slices over his eyes and is using a small electric fan.

Rick ignores my comment and talks to Mike. "Did you take it, Mike?"

"Well, if you're going to sin, you might as well be original." Mike responds paying not much mind to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I'm going to look in your bin for the pits!" We watch Rick run upstairs. "He shouldn't do that." 

Mike tells us and I look st him confused, "Why not?"

"There's a lion tamer in my bedroom." We hear Rick scream from above us and I see Vyvyan laughing at him. I stand up from my spot on the couch and hit his head with the comic Rick left and in came Neil carrying two kittens and pulls more from his pocket.

"Aww Neil, they are adorable. Where'd you find them?" I ask getting on the floor and petting the small kittens who are softly meowing. 

"I've never seen rain like this. These kittens were near the sewers." He gloomly says and looks down at me. "Well you did good bringing them here." I comment and held a light brown colored kitten and awed at it being so cute.

Vyvyan turns back and glares at Neil. "Well, where's breakfast, then?"

"Oh, no. I knew I went out for something." 

How could Neil forget that? Sure he rescued these kittens but still, who can forget to buy food? Mike looked over at Neil slightly annoyed too. "Neil, if your head was on straight you couldn't even pick at your nose!"

"I'm starving, you bastard!" Vyvyan shouts at him and I pick uo the kittens and held them to my chest. 

Rick then enters the room, "Yes, so you keep saying, Hitler! Well, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and go to the shops yourself? And what are those you're holding?" Rick points st the kittens and steps away from me.

I hold them up and smile, "Aren't they adorable? This one reminds me of you. I think i'll call him Rick." I joke and see him cringe at the name and the cat. He doesn't like them.

"Don't you dare name that cat like me!" 

"Yes, Vyvyan." "Because I don't want my forehead to rust!

"A little rain never hurt anybody! Anyway, you could take your stupid car!" Rick looks at Vyvyan and he looks and points at the window. "I could if it was tied down properly!"

We all turn aroynd and looked outside the windoe and Vyvyan's car was floatinf away. "Blimey! Look at the water out there! Now we're never going to get to the shops!" I step closer to Rick and watched the yellow car disappear.

"Holy! Does this always happen here?!" I ask surprised by this flood. Rick shakes his head still silent and watches outside. 

Vyvyan behind us stood on a chair and stared down at Neil while holding his dagger. "Hey, Neil! Can I have a look at your tonsils?"

"Why, do I sound ill?"

"No, no! I just want to pop myself a breakfast." 

I ran upstairs and placed the four kittens with the bigger one I had hiding in my room. I made sure they were okay and walked back downstairs and saw the four of them together and Rick who was slowly loosing it.

"Oh, for Heaven's sake! Why can't we all start to act like civilised people? I mean, we are students after all. We're old enough to vote. We're old enough to do things to girls. We can go to prison. We can drive. Last week I even got into an 'X' film, for Christ's sake. So, how about finding some nice adult pursuit to keep us going until the rain stops? Michael?"

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared angrily at Rick who met my eyes and looked at me surprised and took a step back. "Do things to girls? an X rated film? Is that why your sheets were stick-"

Rick ran to me and covered my mouth. I glared at him and pushed his hands from me. "Well what else are we supposed to do?!" Rick asked avoided the question I made. We all looked in the distance.


I peeked over and saw Rick covering his eyes and counting. We're 22 and we decided to play 'Hide and Seek'. What have my life become? I didn't want to play but what the hell, there's nothing else to do.

"Sixty-seven...Eighty...Two thousand, five hundred! Coming, ready or not!" He shouted and I ran behind the tv where the curtains are and hid behind them and crouched so I wouldn't be visible. I peeked and saw Mike huddled up in the cabinet.

"Found you, Mike!"

"No, you haven't!"


Mike rolls his eyes and starts explaining to him, bloody bastard. "Listen, I'm the best at playing games in this house, so you better go find the others first."

"I'm sorry, Mike."

"That's alright, that's alright. Just come back in five minutes when they've lost the game."

"Right." Rick closes cabinet door. He starts to walks away, but returns, knocks on the cabinet door, and opens it. "Great hiding place, Mike!" He closes door and walks to the stairs. "He's so stupid." I whisper and looked to my left.

Vyvyan is sitting there, lighting a cigarette and Rick sees him. "Well, for Heaven's sake, Vyvyan, I've found you! Why won't anybody play this game properly?"

"Look, I haven't started hiding yet, have I?"

"Well, would you mind doing it now, please? I'll give you five."

Rick closes his eyes and Vyvyan hides in the wardrobe. "FIVE!" Rick opens his eyes and looks around. He can't find him.  "BASTARD!" He runs up the stairs and I get up from my spot and hurried after Vyvyan who went in the wardrobe.

I looked around and saw it was snowing. "What the-is this Narnia?" I ask looking around the snowy area. This is too confusing. I step back and and exited the wardrobe. "Oh, what is the bloody point? Alright, Vyvyan. I give up! What sre you doing here?!"

Rick looks at me and I turn to him. "Damn it I lost!" Rick looks around and starts calling at Vyvyan who suddenly appeared and waved "Coo-ey!! Behind you!" 

Rick shuts cellar door. "You bloody cheats! I thought we said no hiding in the cellar!"

"Then what are you looking in the cellar for?" Vyv shouts back and took my hand to get me to stand behind him.

"Uh...I'm not looking for you, actually. I just came down here to tell you I didn't want to play your bloody childish game anymore!"

"What do you mean? It was your idea to play 'Hide and Seek'!"

"It was a joke! I was playing another joke on you! And, Ha Ha Ha, because you fell for it!" He says and puts his hands on hips and gives smug look. 

Vyv is thinking for quick comeback. "Well, I didn't fall for it because...because while you were counting to one hundred, I went up to your bedroom and set fire to your Sociology file!" 

Vyv smiles and Rick's smug look has turned to a look of pure anger. He takes out his biro, digs it into Vyvyan's head, and backs away laughing and takes me hand and pulls me away from Vyv.

Vyvyan, on the floor, shakes the cobwebs out and throws a crowbar at Rick. I stepped back and saw the crowbar on Rick's jacket by the right collar and attaches him to the cellar door. Vyvyan picks up a hatchet and prepares to do Rick in. Rick screams and I do too closing my eyes and luckily Neil opens the door.

"Lads! Lads, come quickly! Rick's bedroom is on fire!" Neil looks worried and Vyvyan grabbed a gasoline can, "Great! Come on." I follow him and shut the door leaving Rick behind. I hear him fall to the ground with a thud. "They've hurt my bottom!"

A siren is heard in the background and I run upstairs and see smoke coming from under the door. Neil, Vyv and I wait outside and see some more smoke. "And I was just...I was just hiding there in the wardrobe, right. And it was getting really hot. And then...and then I thought, 'Oh, no. I forgot to put out that Sociology essay that was burning on Rick's desk!'"

Vyv looos at Neil and back to his gasoline can. "Yeah, I started that! Try to make Rick think I was hiding in his bedroom."

"That was quite rude of you, you know how hard work is." I tell him and Neil agrees with me,  "What? You set fire to Rick's bedroom? I think that's a really selfish thing to do, Vyvyan! I was hiding in there, and you could have given me away"

Rick runs in, holding his bottom and he starts shouting. "Help! Help! Call the firemen!" He runs past us and enters his room, his bed is ablaze. I walk in and he opens the window and waters comes pouring down putting out some of the fire.

Rick falls to the ground snd the water has soaked him completly and my feet at now wet. I tried stepping back but I was already wet. 

 Neil steps in and so does Vyvyan "Blimey! That was quick!" He sits on the bed and I put the remaining of the fire behind him out. Rock is sitting on the floor with a fish flapping about in his jacket.

Rick stares straight ahead and seems angry. "Well, super! Perfect! Lovely! Wonderful! Good old Vyvyan! Big tip, 'A' plus, ten out of ten, go and see Mater and get up another bit of tuck! Bloody great, isn't it Vyvyan? Just think, I won't have to put my...my...my bed in the toaster now."

Mike enters with a suitcase and a cigarette in his mouth. "Hey, Rick. You've got a fish sticking out of your shirt!"

"I hate sharks!" Neil says and I look at him confused and so does Vyvyan. "Don't be stupid, Neil. That's not a shark!"

Neil points to window. "No, but that is." 

We all look at the window and see a shark swimming. I quickly take a steo back as my mouth falls open and see the shark swimming. "That's just the most completely brilliant thing I've ever seen...A flying shark!" I furrow my eyebrows together and look at Vyv.

Mike comes over and rests his hand on my shoulder and continues to smoke. "Uh, Vyvyan. Sharks don't fly."

"Oh, wow! That's what those sirens must have been, of course. Shark warnings!" Neil tells us.

"Look, I don't want to be a wet blanket or anything, but if this house is a bottle, I'm the one with a message."

Neil turns to look at Mike by my side. "What do you mean, Mike?"

"Simple, London has flooded." He says and exited the room. Rick is in shock. Vyvyan's fascinated. Neil is pondering. And I am getting nervous. I don't know how to swim!

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