House Demolition

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The band stopped playing and I watched them normally leave without saying anything. I glanced back at the guys and locked the door behind me so no more random strangers would appear. Vyvyan stood up from his seat, "Listen, Michael, there's no need to worry! I've got a plan with which to thwart them!"

Vyvyan then threw a teacup against the wall where the sink used to be. The noise of suddenly flowing water on the otherside of the wall could be heard. He then jumped through the hole he made and came back in through the door breaking it then ran and crashed over to the neighbors and Rick followed him and he shouted at Vyv. 

"Vyvyan! This isn't our house!

"Well who's is it, then?"

"Somebody else's!"

I begin to giggle on my spot on the couch and both of them came back in. Rick then came and fell down on the couch but further from me. "Will you stop it, Vyvyan!" Rick shouted from his spot.

Vyv took a seat and I could tell he wanted to break more things. "Listen! If we don't smash the house up, the council are gonna demolish it, tomorrow!

"That's all very well! But finally, after years of stagnation, the TV people have woken up to the need for locally-based minority programs! Made by amateurs! And perhaps of interest only to two or three people! It's important, right? It's now! And I want to watch!"

Rick turned the tv on and Vyvyan runs past us. I glanced back and saw Neil sitting behind me on the floor, why does he have his hair over his face? Also wasn't he going to kill himself?


"Ssshhh! Shhhhhhhhh! Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Shhh-shhh!" He gestured for me to shut up. Some program started and not long after I shrieked when Rick raised his shoe and began to kick the tv. He stands up angrily and Mike does too. I look behind me and see Neil is no longer sitting there.

"Did you see that? Did you? "The voice of youth"! They're still wearing flared trousers! Why don't you try a bit of poetry, you hippies!" Rick takes things way to seriously.

"Rick, Rick, the council are gonna knock the house tomorrow!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes--so you keep saying! But they'll never do it! This is a student residence! A seat of learning?"

"The council have okay'd it, babes, okay?"

Rick suddenly realizes that Mike's right. "Oh, right on! Right on! Typical! Human beings are the last consideration! Take a street, any street, an English street, filled with life, and hope, and poetry--

"Not the whole street, just us! It says we're a health hazard."

"But I live in the launderette!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's okay. It's okay, because... because the letter is signed, "T. Smith, Miss." See? You see, "T. Smith, Miss"?

"Yes, yes, yes.

"Yeah, yeah, I even believe it's perfumed. Dust off the duvet, lads. I'll handle this."


Mike and Rick had placed a curtain in the hole Vyvyan made so it wouldn't make me uncomfortable and give me some sort of privacy from the neighbors. I was in my pajamas and had my luggage next to me, I was huddled on the sofa clutching my blankets and holding a bat I found lying around, it was probably from Vyvyan.

The living room was dark and I jumped a bit at every noise I heard, I was terrified. About two hours ago I went up to visit Neil in the bathroom and he told me he was never down here with us, meaning that figure I saw early sitting behind me wasn't Neil.

There were no other rooms available which meant I had to sleep on the couch. The boys came by earlier and tried to agree where I would sleep. 

Mike is a flirt and could make a move on me.

Neil said his room was dirty.

Vyvyan could probably attack me in my sleep.

Rick said no girls were allowed in his room.

There was a loud crash behind me and I quickly got up dragging the blanket with me as I ran up the stairs. And stood on the hallway which room belongs to them? "Screw this I'm not dying in England." I opened the first door and felt my breathing quicken.

"What are you doing here?!" I looked to my side and saw Rick on his bed reading something. "Please let me sleep here!" I begged him and even placed my hands together. Rick stared at me weirdly as I began to tell him everything.

Rick began to laugh and wiped his eyes. "You're scared of a ghost? Ghosts aren't real! Only stupid people like you believe in them. Go on shoo." He said standing in front of me and trying to shoo me away without touching me.

"Insult me or do whatever you want but let me stay!" I whined and clutched his shirt ans he tried to push me off of him. "I'll buy you a Cliff Richard vinyl of whatever you want, I'll even clean the entire house if you want."

"Don't be stupid girl, we have to demolish it tomorrow." He succeded in pushing me but he looked away from me and he looked different, his cheeks almost looked red. "I warn you I don't want a single sound coming from you." He warned me and sat down on his bed and got under the covers.

I smiked and rapidly nodded my head and locked the door just in case. "Thank you, Rick." He didn't reply. I ran to the other side of the bed and covered myself and rested my head on the blanket. I could feel Rick slightly pushing me closer to the edge with his foot when I closed my eyes and heard the lights turn off.


We woke up early and luckily the five of us began to talk and get to know each other some more. Yesterday was strange and awkward for me and considered moving out if they continued ignoring me which was strange. I never cared if people ignored me or calles me names, I've only known these 4 for a day and they've grown on me.

My bags were still laying on the couch and I went outside to get rid of some garbage and heard Rick rehearsing something. I looked up and saw him attached to a cross right outside the house. "What the hell are you doing?" I mouthed at him when he saw me.

He rolled his eyes and I saw a lady walk past me and Rick began to say.  "House! House! House! O, you're made of stone! But you're not a lone-ly house! I am here!" "I've got myself a walking, talking, living, walking, living doll!"

 "Excuse me!"

"If you're looking for the house that's going to be demolished, it isn't this one! I think it's the one on the other side of town!" Rick shouted looking down at the woman.

"Excuse me!" She continued.

"Old lady are you deaf?!" I shouted from my spot. I looked up again and saw Vyvyan who broke the window with his head and "Another half-hour, just a little more time, okay?"

He then bit off a brick with his teeth. Surprisingly, the brick explodes in his mouth. "Some of these bricks explode! That's good, innit?"

"Excuse me."

"I mean, why don't you just go and live in Iran, right? Or Russia?"

I began searching around the place and found some balloons we filled up with paint and begsn to throw it making the different colored paints splatter against the walls. This house means a lot to the boys so I'll defend it with them.

As I continued to throw Neil emerged from the house carrying a huge pot. "Listen everybody, I've, uh, stewed up some lentils and some seaweed as a sort of a last positive action. Hey Rick, man, what are you doing with my cruicifix, man?" He looked up at Rick confused.

"I'm protesting!"

"Yeah but I really think I should lay this one on you, man, that's a really negative way to kill yourself, you know, like, I've tried it, hundreds of times. There's no way you can hammer in the last nail."

The woman then spotted us and came closer, "Excuse me, are you the lease owner for these premises?

Neil began to stutter"Oh, uh... I'm being hassled in the street by a chick! She's making me paranoid, man!"

"Stop making him paranoid, you slag!" Rick shouted at the woman. Is she deaf or stupid?

"You wouldn't want to go in there lady. There was corpses inside the house and the very sight of them will make you wish you were never born." I say trying to scare the woman. Hehe that's what I always did with people who were afraid of goths.

I hugged my cardigan to myself trying to remain warm and Neil backs up uncertainly with his pot, runs into Mike and falls to the ground. Mike is standing coolly wearing a tuxedo, sunglasses and carrying a pool cue as a cane. He chalks the cue, then confidently eats the chalk. "Hiya, baby."

I try my very best to not laugh. Neil tries to sweep the lentils back into the pot. "So who turns on your bulb in the wee small hours?" He considers this flirting?

"I'm sorry?

"If the world's an egg, Border collie, then this kid's the lion, stamped on the side."

"Thank you, now what I really need is your rent book."

"You know the French for duvet? I'm talking a hundred-percent cotton. Mmmm! I'd like to find your duckdown stuck to the soap."

"Uh, that's enough. Now what I really want is--"

"Open-mouth surgery? Feel my scalpel. You ever done it on a beanbag? Baby, I do it inside beanbags!"

"All right."The woman suddenly grabs Mike's shoulder and turns to the van, singing out a piercing operatic note. Men exit the van with implements of destruction and make for the house. I run away from the men and covered my ears, that's when Vyvyan emerged from the house.

"Don't worry lads! These bastards won't get away with this!" 

Vyvyan ran past us and to his bright yellow car, and drives it into the gate surrounding the house. Neil ran ahead and places his head between one of the demolishers' hammers and the wall.

"Yeah, come on, man, you'd be doing me a favor." Neil closes his eyes and waits for the blow. The man hammers around his head.

"See our plan didn't work!" I shout back and threw a huge snowball at the woman who fell to the ground. I've never fekt this excited in my whole life! I continued to throw until we heard a nearby plane.

"Oh no! That plane is going to crash on us!" Rick shouted at us. The five of us looked up with concern and Vyvyan inside the car looking up with excitement and then BOOM!

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