New Apartment

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A/N: I never expected people to vote and read my book so quick yesterday. Thank you all for reading it! It really brought me joy. Just to be clear this book will mostly focus on my oc's relationship with Rick and Vyv since they are my favorites. I hope that is okay😄 do enjoy this chapter..


"Crap, crap." I mutter and continue to run up the crumblings stairs and carefully stepped out of the window where Rick was still tied up. "Someone get me down!" "Will you shut up?!" I carefully step closer trying to not fall due to my long skirt.

"Christ, can you be any slower?!"

"Shut up I'm trying."

I untied one of his hands and was about to do the last one when there was another boom and I ended up sliding down and desperately dug my nails down. "I'm gonna die, i'm too young to die!"

Rick quickly untied his other hand and came over to help me. I grabbed his hand tight, "You're too heavy." I ignored his comment and made it back inside safely with me. We jumped up from the stairs and quickly saw him and the rest of the boys grabbing their belongings and running back out.

"Oh great! There goes our plan, Mike!" Vyvyan looked at Mike who rolled his eyes and we stared for a while looking at the house being demolished.

"Neil, you should've given me your pot full of lentins. Maybe I could've it to them." I refer looking back at the men who stopped and the entire roof fell down.

"How the hell did a plan suddenly crash down here?"

"That's what I always ask. Many weird things happen to us." Neil gloomly said. I held my luggage with Mike helping me with one and we began to walk away from our home.

The five of us continued to walk and we made it up to a two-level house, very similar to old one. Neil is carrying a suitcase and a guitar, Vyvyan has a duffel bag and skeleton, Rick has several bags like myself, and Mike has his suitcase.

We stopped and examined the building from the outsìde. "Oh, bloody heck! Is this the new house?" Rick was the first to speak and looking at it disgusted.

"Well, I think it's very beautiful, Rick." Neil tried to make things better.

Mike said and we followed Neil and opened the gate. "No, it just makes a change from the old one."

"Well, I think it looks like a giant lavatory." Rick insisted. We walked up the the stairs to the front door.

"Boys it doesn't look that bad."

"Look, it's got a letter box. That's going to be really useful."

Neil agreed with me but Rick was fast to say otherwise, "For what?"

"For looking out of it when people knock.c

"And look! It's nice to have a front door! Finally we won't have people barging in." I placed my bags down and examaned the door.

"We had a front door at the last house." Vyvyan tells us. "Yes, Vyvyan, but it was nailed to the ceiling in the living room!"

"Rick, it had to be done."

"Yeah! I had to! I was drunk!"

"Well that isn't happening again with me here. Just give me the key." I look up and hold my hand out. Rick removes a key on a string around his neck, handed it to me.

"No watch this very closely." I hold onto the key and turned it around, opening the door. "You see? I don't know the place too much so I'll need one of you to help me make some copies in case any of you get the key lost."

They all ignore me and race inside. "Boys!" I glare at where they left and they didn't even bother in helping me with my bags. Such charming boys and I thought British people were polite and helpful.

I angrily grab my bags and made it in and locked the second door behind me. "Finally I won't sleep on a couch tonight." I begin to sway a bit back and forth when I climbed the stairs and heard the usual arguing.

"This is my bedroom!

"Oh yeah?

"Yes, I was here first!

"You got any witnesses?!

"Look, I don't need witnesses! Just get off my property!


I stood still staring at both men pinching and punching each other. Rick then threw a pipe but missed it and broke the window.

"Look, it must be my bedroom. All my clothes are here."

Nexe thing Rick threw Vyvyan's clothes out the window. " No, they're not, Vyvyan."

Vyvyan then strikes a match and set the bed on fire.

"All right then, have the bedroom."

"I don't want it. It's not mine."

"Yes, it is!"

"Will you both shut up! It hasn't even been fifteen minutes and you've already destroyed a window and burnt the bed. Mattresses aren't cheap you know!" I remind them.

Vyvyan and Rick looked at each other and together they ran out to stairwell, "Alice, your bedroom's on fire!"

My mouth fell open and I let out an angry screaming and raced over to the bathroom and poured some water on the flaming mattress. "Neil, your bedroom's on fire!" I yelled and quickly grabbed my bags and ran down the stairwell and found an empty and nor broken bedroom.

"Mike, would you mind helping me out?!"

"No can do my sweet, Alice. I'm terribly busy." I heard him shout from upstairs. I was curious as to why he was busy so I climbed the stairs again and peeked my head inside his room. It was dark but his suitcase was on the bed.

There was an inflatable female sex doll. With some lingerie scattered around the room, and s hanging a bra on the doorknob. "Eww." I pulled my hand away.

"Oh, Mike! Please! Don't stop! Oh! Oh!! Oh, no!! Yes!! Yes!!!" Mike played a tape and a female could be heard moaning. I gagged and felt dirty.

"What is wrong with this creep?" I rubbed my eyes and turned my head sideway and there was Buddy Holly hanging upside down by a parachute, covered in spider webs??

Mike stopped the awful recording and noticed the singer. "You're Buddy Holly!!

"That's right! You know something, I just love your English beetles. Mind you, after 20 years of the suckers, I ain't got much choice!"

Why is Buddy Holly suddenly here and upside down?

"I thought you were dead!"

"Lots of folks did, but it ain't harmed my career any." Buddy laughs and continued to listen to Mike, "You got any new material?"

Buddy nodded his head. "Well, it just so happens I've been writing a song up here. It's a song concerning my diet. It's called "Kinky Daddy Longlegs". You wanna hear it?"

"Oh, yeah!"

"Right now?"

"Well, there's no point in hanging around."

Buddy begins to play the guitar and sings. "Saturday night. Hanging round for a bite. Find a real cutie with the dust mite blues Hangnail, high tail, fairy tale, very well. Finding anything that I can chew."

I continued to listen to him strumming his guitar and wondered how his glasses nevee fell off his face.

"Coo coo daddy longlegs. Rough it up, rough it up, oh oh oh oh. Rain fly pie with a mosquito side salad 23 years on a meat-free diet Beetles, crickets, gonna get you sick. It's here's a little sucker and you ought to try it. Coo coo, daddy longlegs. Hope it makes more money than "Peggy Sue" "

Right then buddy's parachute lets loose and he crashes down, his head breaking through the floor. I covered my mouth. I just witnessed Buddy Holly die!

Mike sighs, and puts down the calculator, goes over to Buddy. "Well, I'll probably get a few quid on the guitar.

Mike began to get closer and I hid when he went someplace else. I walked inside the room and grabbed the guitar before Mike came back. I stopped and glanced back at Buddy Holly. "I'm sorrry." I muttered and ran down to my room.


"There all done..mostly."

I smiled at the result of my room. My bed was right next to the window with two small tables on either side and a lamp on my side. I placed a carpet in the middle of the room, placed all my clothes in the closet and placed a desktop with a mirror near the wall with a small stool.

All that's left is to make it a bit more of my style and paint the walls. I wonder if there's something to eat! I walked down and heard the usual bickering.

"Three! Where's my supper?!"

"Well, it's not quite finished, actually." Neil sounded netvous at Vyv shouting at him. Vyvyan grabbed a plate and smashed it over Neil's head. Neil falls, sprawling on the floor.

Rick also joined in and shouted at an unconcious Neil. "Oh, that's right, Neil, yeah! Lounge around! Have a good time, while we starve to death! Beatnik!"

"And you've broken my favorite plate!"

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to cook our own supper."

I stepped closer and watched back at Mike carrying Buddy's body. "Hold up you two! Neil isn't your slave. You both hands, no? So why not cook yourself."

Both exchanged looked and looked down at me. "You have hands too, so why don't you cook for us." Vyv told me and Rick attacked me as well. "Aren't women suppose to be in charge of cooking and cleaning the dishes too?!"

And SMACK. I slapped Rick and felt no regret, Vyvyan began to laugh at Rick's expression. "If you want lunch then I'll for you this time, I'll need a pair of hands so you'll both come with me to the supermarket."

I proudly told them. "...Alright since you're new and all." Vyvyan looked away from me and ran out of the house, thankfully he didn't break the door.

I ran after him and Rick without saying a word and holding his red cheek followed me. I hugged myself when it started to get chilly and breezy again. "You're gonna like here! We aren't far away from the usual stores and the grocery is just a few blocks away."

Vyv spoke and had his hands shoves into his pockets and ignored the stares he got from some people. Well they were probably looking at us three.

"Glad to know we aren't that far from society." I tease and shivered at the cold.

We made it to the grocery and I began to shove all kinds of food in the cart. "Rick, Vyvyan would you mind bringing me the cereal?" I asked looking down at my list of groceries.

None of them answered. I looked at my surroundings and both weren't around, did they ditch me?! I huffed and went to the next aisle and grabbed the remaining food. I placed my short hair in a pony tail and began to carry the many bags and walked out the store.


I turned around and saw both of them running up to me. "And here I thought you both ran off. If you did I would've punched you both." Rick sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Here!" Vyv shoved something to me making me place the bags down and hold the item he held out. I unfolded the item and saw that it was a denim vest similar to Vyvyan's but it has black sleeves with a black hood.

The jacket had a few pins from bands like Sex Pistols, The Clash, Joan Jett, Siouxsie and the banshees and a patch of England's flad on the left shoulder.

I felt emotional and happy. And to think they were being dicks to me. "Aww guys you're too sweet." I hugged Vyvyan and kissed his cheek who gagged and tried pushing me away.

I leaned up to do the same to Rick but he pushed my face away and I frowned. "Well I'm starving! Let's head back before Mike and Neil make a mess."

"You coming, snot face?"

I placed my jacket on and watched the both of them carrying the heavy bags I had. I smiled at them and raced after them with a blush on my face.

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