Punk Party

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The door bell rang and Rick went over to open it and Neil dragged the giant sandwich to the other side placing it on the floor making it like a couch. "Who the bloody hell are you?" I heard Rick asking when he reached the door..

"Oh, hello, Rick. We're, er, here for the party."

"Well, it's a bit early, isn't it? It's not supposed to start for another five minutes. I distinctly remember telling you seven-thirty. Are you calling me a liar?" Yet again he's having an argument.

"We could go to the pub." I head a woman tell the man. "Oh, you can go to the pub can you? Oh that's all right, yes go on. Piss off to the pub. I just thought you were my friends, that's all." I roll my eyes and sat down by the stairs boredly looking at them exchange small talk.

"Now, look, Rick. It's only five minutes."

"Only five minutes? Tell that to Roger Bannister."

The guests then come in and look around the place asking for Mike. "Well, you might as well come in, then. Make yourselves at bloody home." Rick tells them and the girls head to the kitchen.

"It's a bit smelly in here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it smells like a Gents." "A gent's what?"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Do you mind just sitting over there until the party's ready." Neil indicates that they should sit on the sandwich. Vyvyam comes downstairs with a botle of beer and smiles when he sees the girls.

"Hi, girls.Do you want to see how many press-ups I can do?" He quickly gets down and starts doing press-ups but it seems like he's thrusting the floor. Rick struggles  to open the door and when he does a man stands there and Rick smikes and tries to impress him

It's his sociology lecturer. "Oh, Hello Doctor Morrisson. I didn't think you could make it. I'm gla. I'm glad you did though, I've been meaning to talk to you about Trotsky. Look, I've got some trousers like the ones you've got. They're great, aren't they?" He asks tryinf hardly to impress the man who looks at him boredly.

"Oh, look at me being stupid. Hi, come in. How are you? How did you get here?"

"I came in my car."

"Amazing. Do you know everyone? Erm, can I get you a drink, please?"

I boredly look at where they left and heard all of them talking. "Hello, girls. Hi, Sue. Hi! Jim Morrisson - Sociology. Hey, nobody's drinking!"  "Yeah, well we'd like to, but the party hasn't actually started yet."

"Rick, has the party not started yet?"

"Yes - yes, of course it has." He then hides the bottle of wine behind the bread board in the kitchen. "I don't know what the matter is with you lot. One minute you don't want a drink, and the next minute you do. You're all completely potty! Oh well. That's my flatmate, Alice and Vyvyan."

He indicates at Vyv who's still on the floor and reaches to grab me and makes me stand by him "Shut up, you girl." Vyv shouts.

"Ha ha ha. He's incredible. I'm not a girl at all! Mind you, we're all pretty potty in this house. Last night, right, we were all watching the television, and it was a programme we wanted to watch, you know, and then we were just watching it, and right in the middle of it, I just got up and turned it off. Mad! I don't care what I do, you know. Unless it's work or something. You know, last Wednesday we stayed up until one o'clock in the morning!"

Now he is also flirtying with the girls. I scrunched up my face and glared at him.

I hide my face feeling embarassed when everyone gives him no reaction when he continued. "OK, pop music - lets go! Anyone here like the Human League? OK!" He holds up record of "Dare" by the Human League. Rick puts the record on and starts dancing to 'The Things That Dreams Are Made Of' when police burst in and smashed the record player.

"You can't just barge in here and break the record player!" 

The police men ignore me ssid said the mysic was too loud. "Fascists!" Rick shouts when they leave. "Yer, I'd really like to join the police" "Shut up, Vyvyan." Rick sits down on sandwich, "Er, anyone got a straight?"

"A What?"

"Er, a cigarette."

"You smoke?" I curiously ask since i have never seen him smoke. Rick grabs the bag a woman nearby has and digs through it. "Yeah, sure. Oh, it's tinted - amazing! You've bought me a present. What is it? What do you do with it?"

My mouth falls open when I see him holding a tampon and the girls look surprised as well but say nothing. "Rick..put that down."

"No, don't tell me, don't tell me. I'll guess.  It's a telescope - a telescope with a mouse in it - brilliant! Bouncy bouncy bouncy bounce! Hello Rhiannon. Are you glad you could come to the party? Here, have a drink, mousy. Bouncy bouncy bounce!" he then dips it in the girls drink.

"Rick..." I hide my face feeling flustered and look away.

 "Oh, it's gone all big. I'll get a tissue, it's all right. Oh, you've got a whole box of them in here! They're called... " seems like a switch went on and Rick realized what it was and looked horrified. "I think I'd better go to the lavatory." Rick rushed off upstairs.

"I am so sorry, he's just an idiot." I say waving my hand and the guy behind one of the girls looks horrified as well.

The girls hid their faces snd the blonde one looked at me, "That happened to him for being so bloody stupid, want to have a drink with us?" She offered. I hugged myself snd debated wether to join them or not. 

I've always been awkward at parties which is the reason I never go to one and always avoid them. I just hate having to interact with a crowd of people, but I have to try and change, it's the reason why I came here.

I shrug my shoulder and nodded my head, "Sure why not?"

They handed me a drink and I felt so relìeved and I felt amazing. I began to laugh hysterically when one of them asked if I was dsting any of these boys. "Not at all they're all stupid!" I drank some more and overheard some punks talking.

"That's nothing. I kissed two girls on the lips last week."

"Lying toerag."

"Eh? Why aren't you pregnant, then?"

"I might be. But I don't care if I am. I don't care if I live or die, mate."

I got out my record player from my room and placed on one of my favorite bands. Public Image Limited. I began to sing and dance on top of the table to the lyrics and saw Neil smoking weed and flying away, Tommy Balowski also drunk and dancing like a maniac.

Even Santa Claus joined the party and I watched Mike run in after he disappeared with Neil between teo punks and Rick shouting something at everyone.

Everyone then began to push,kick and fight each other. I paid no attention and continued to sing with a bottle of wine in hand, just then someone smacked the wine from my hand which crashed to the floor and hoisted me uo to their shoulders and carried me to my room when the riot continued.

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