The Flood

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The party was a complete disaster, every one destroyed eveeything in their path which led to one the boys carry me to my room, I don't know what happened later because I fell asleep but thing is when I woke up, the place was kinda spotless and it was just the five of us again. That's all that mattered.

I rested my head on my arms which were crossed against the table, I had cereal and drank a pill since my head was hurting just a bit. "You're lucky we were around before you made a fool of yourself."

Rick tells me and I notice him with his face pressed against the window, looking outside. "You almost lifted up your skirt for everyone to see."

I feek embarassed. I stand up and walked over to. "Well thanks for bringing me upstairs anyway, Who are you watching?"

"I've just seen the most amazing thing in the garden! Neil biffed himself in the face with a frying pan!"

We see the back yard which is a graveyard. "I never knew we had a backyard." I comment peering outside and see it is heavily raining, Neil is out hitting himself and there are strange men outside with funny clothes.

"Rick, you've been looking out of that window for three hours now." Mike finally speaks.

"Yes, well it's hardly surprising, is it? Vyvyan put super glue all over the pane!" I lean closer and it seems like he is stuck?

Vyvyan is reading a comic on the couch. "Did I? That was a good joke!"

"I'll probably be disfigured for life, Vyvyan, and you'll have to pay! Ha! And then who will be laughing, ha!  Not you, matey. That's for sure!" He says and snorts lioe he always does.

"Yeah, well just don't break the glass when you tear your face off, that's all."

"I won't. I won't because..." he quickly moves away from window making me take steps back surprised he isnt glued to it. "it's not true! It was a joke I made up, and you fell for it like the fascists you are!" I shake my head starinf up at him weirdly, he pouts and walks past me.

"God, I'm bored! I might as well be listening to Genesis! Marrow...Meringue...Boomerang...Long blue boomerang..."

"Oh, shut up!" Vyv shouts from his spot on the couch. "I'm trying to free form! "I'm trying to read!

Rick walks closer to Vyv and looks at him funny. "OH, REALLY! I learned how to do that years ago!  And what is it you're reading, Vyvyan? A bit of Pretarkian verse, is it? Little bit of French drama?"

"It's called, 'SS Death Camp Criminal Battalion go to Monte Casino for the Massacre'.

Rick steps closer and snatched the comic, "That's MY bloody comic!"

"Give it back!

"Can you stop acting like children?" I ask stepping between them but Rick pushed me down on the couch and steps closer to Vyv.

"No, Vyvyan! It's mine!" He opens the comic and sits doen next to Vyv. "Anyway, there's no point in reading comics, they're stupid! They treat the kids is if they we're...well, as if they were, you know, kids! Nothing but war in them! War! War! Bloody war! Why can't they have stories about love and peace?"

"Because it's sissy, you girly!"

Rick seems offened by it and turns to the punk. "I'm not being girly, Vyvyan. Longing for a peaceful world is not being girly."

"You're sounding like a hippie." I mutter back and opened up my book to read but has my attention on these two.

"It is! It's being soppy and very very girly!"

"I AM NOT BEING...Look, this entire discussion is completely sexist anyway and I don't intend to continue it! But, for your information, it is not soppy of me to long for a world where a man will love his brother."


"You're deliberately trying to provoke me, aren't you?"


"For one man to love another, Vyvyan, is not poofy. It's actually very beautiful. It's only when they start touching each others bottoms that it gets poofy." I hide behund my hook and silently begin to laugh. Them not noticing me doing so.

"I'm going to tell Mike and Neil that you said you love men. Hey, Mike...

"Look, all I said was this comic is a reactionary militaristic pamphlet! All they ever do is fight all the time!"

"And what's so wrong with that? I suppose you think we should all go around touching each others bottoms! 'Dan Dare touches Algie's bottom!' 'Exciting new story: Batman gooses the Joker's crack!'" 

I can't help it and I begin to laugh out loud which caught both if rheir attention but theh ssid nothing and continued to argue. "Alright! Alright! Alright! What's this?" I look back up and Rick makes weird hippie body movement.

"Being poofy!" Vyv points out.

"No, that's peace! What's this?" He then places his bottom in Vyvyan's face. "That's my bottom, isn't it? They're two completely different things!"

"Well, can I have the comic, then?"

"No, it's mine! I paid for it, and I intend to read it!"

Vyvyan stays silent and looks out the window. "Five past eleven and it's still raining. I wonder how hard it is?"

Neil walks in and hits himself in the head with the frying pan, looks for a response from the others, and walks out when no one does. What is he doing? I stare off at where he left.

"I think it's probably not very hard seeing how it's only made of water!" Rick responses which made Vyv grab the comic and rips it in half and throws it over his lap.

Surprisingly enough today has been a normal day so far. I smile to myself and resume with my reading and felt Vyvyan walks pass me toward the window behind me.

"God, this stuff is so reactionary! Why can't they show us some real heroes?" Rick asks readinf his comic and begins to talk out loud to himself.

"You gay, black bastards! We're going to victimise you!" "Who can help us now?"

"Oh, no! It's People's Poet!" "Gosh, People's Poet! Is it really you?" "Yes, it is! And you pigs are in for a pretty big shock! Right on! What do you think you are doing pig?"


"Do you really give a fig, pig?"


"And what is your favorite sort of gig, pig? Barry Manilow. Or the Black and White Minstrel." "Thanks, People's Poet! Now the pigs wont hassle us anymore." 

He continued spekaing to himelf and I stared at him who had his eyes closed, taking all this in and enjoying it. Neil appears again and walks in from outside, and dumps the water in the frying pan on Rick's lap, waking him up from his strange daydream. 

Neil then hits himself in the head with the frying pan and prepares to leave. Rick looks surprised and with his comic tries drying himself up, he looks at and hides his face under the comic feeling embarassed.

"I feel bad for whoevee your future might be." I answer and resumed by reading.

Mike then stops Neil from going away again, "Hey, Neil. Come over here."

"You want to know why I keep hitting myself in the head with a prying pan, don't you, Mike?" "No, I don't." "Where's my breakfast?" I give Mike a look and shake my head disappointed. "You have both hands and feet don't you, Mike?" 

Vyv then speaks again, "Yeah, where's the bloody vindaloo, hippie? You said you were going to the shops two hours ago!"

"Are all of you blind?! It's raining cats and dogs outside." Vyv gets up and runs to the window to inspect and pouts looking back at me. "Why you gotta lie to me like that!"

Neil looks at us and frowns. "Oh, come on, guys! It's always my turn to go to the shops! Well, it's raining. My hair will lose its shape! Anyway, I haven't got any money!"

"There's plenty of money in the kitty!"

"Yeah, but he's constipated, isn't he?"

Vyvyan is no wielding a dagger for some reason "Well, let's open him up, then!"

Rick sits up and starts pointing at the floor and I see a cat appear dressed in a tuxedo doing a stand-up routine. "There he is, Vyvyan! GET HIM!

The cat then screams and runs off when Vyvyan starts chasing him and the cats drops some coins as he runs. I ran after him and saw him running outside. I managed to grab it without it escaping from me and the guys noticing it. 

The guys all rush to Vyvyan and since they are all distracted I run up to my room with the tuxedo wearing cat and placed him in my bed and gave him some food, "Don't make a single sound, they cannot know you are here." I warn the cat who meowd and began eating. I smile and oetted his heas and ran back downstairs.

"Look, guys, I know exactly whose food is whose, right. Cause I do all the shopping around here. And I do all the cleaning. My function around here, I might as well be your mothers!" Neil says pouting looking at everyone by the table.

"But Neil, we don't hate our mothers!" Rick tells him.

"Alright, so most metaphors don't bear close examination! Anyway, for example, This glob of green mould on a saucer is Rick's."

Rick crosses his aems and moves his head uo and down. "Yes, and I've spat on that, Vyvyan. So I wouldn't advise you eat it!"

Neil continues on. "The urine sample and the Super Mousse are Vyv's."

"Yeah, my potion! It's a potion I've invented where when the patient drinks it he turns into an axe-wielding, homicidal maniac! It's basically a cure. For not being an axe-wielding, homicidal maniac. The potential market's enormous!"

I look at the fride disgusting by how dirty it looks. "You all better clean that up cause I won't." I tell them before they choose me to do it. Vyv placed his potion in a Coke can saying "so nobody drinks if by mistake."

"You should become a scientist instead, Vyv." 

"Yes, I bet that as well. That's just the sort of crazy, imaginative thing that happens around here, isn't it?" Rick waits for repsonse and no one does. "I said, 'Isn't it?'" Still no response, and Rick sulks in his spot. 

Neil shakes his head and pulls out a pad of paper and pencil. "Well?"

"Well what, hippie?"

"What, do we need?" I open my mouth but Rick beats me to it. "Look, we need everything except urine samples, green globules, and...and Super Mousse!" We watch him writing away which made Rick shout at him.


We hesr thunder and it doesn't stop raining. The lads are quiet like never before and Neil walks out of the door and goes outside where it's cold and wet. I rush to the window and pressed my face against the glass and watched him walking away with a frown on his face. I sometimes feel bad for the hippie...

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