Yellow Submarine

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A/N: And boom! I finished Series 1😰😄 I decided to split this episode in three parts cause this is my favorite episode of the first season with the first one of course. In the next two chapters or so I won't be focusing on Series 2, since i realized there arent many episodes left to write😭i do wish they would've done a third season.

So since there are all still in college I want my oc to grow a bigger bond with the characters especially Rick since we'll see them growing closer to each other. And I want this to feel like time is really passing between them. I already have a sweet ending real soon so expect that, it'll be filled with fluff. And I don't know maybe i'll write a book later on for just Vyvyan or based on the show The New Statesman.


We stared at some fish swimming outside the window. "Oh well. well, we'll all probably get drowned or eaten by octopuses, then." Neil sighs loudly and I look at him panicked and so does Rick.

"WHAT? Phone the police!"

Neil:But they're fascists!" Neil complains and Rick annoyingly sighs and looks at him. "Whatever there's no need for that now, Telephone, Vyvyan!" I tell him and Vyvyan runs out of the room and we can hear his heavy footsteps walk down the stairs.  

Vyvyan comes back up and I blankly stare at him since he brought the phone with him, which meant he pulled the cords off the wall and brought it with him. I pinch the bridge of my nose and leaned against the wall.

Vyvyan and Rick grabbed my hands and we ran down the stairs again. "I know, switch on the radio. There's bound to be a public information bulletin!" Vyvyan listens to Rick and switches on the radio.

We stay silent and listen to the news. "And exactly how long have you been in the music biz?"

"Since lunchtime. I was working in a well known launderette in the King's Road this morning. Malcolm McLaren came in and liked the look."

"And was it his idea that you should amputate your arms?"

"Originally, yeah! I could see the validity of the idea from the beginning!" "Right! In what way?"

"Well, my music is all about urban alienation, apparently." "What? Hey, what's going on here?" We hear panicking and then it cuts off. We ran downstairs for nothing.

Rick frantically turns it off. I nervously bite my nails and begin pacing around the living room and look back to see MIKE folding his blow-up doll in his suitcase. Vyvyan is building a cardboard submarine using a small hammer, and Neil is decorating it with a small vial of paint and a brush.

"We're surrounded by water. I'm terrified of drowning, we'll drown like the people in Titanic." I mutter and continued to listen at Rick.

"That's just typical of you, Vyvyan! The house is under fifty feet of water and what do you do, build a submarine!...There's, um, no room for me in there, is there?"

"No!" Vyv shouts continuing with his cardboard submarime.


"Why don't you paint it yellow then?" I joke and look back and see Rick nodding his head. "That's not very funny, Alice." Neil tells me and Vyv glances back at Rick and I. "Because you said that, you aren't welcome either." He says in his serious voice and I frown.

So he looks at Rick now. "Of course there isn't any room in it for you! Why should there be any room in it for you? I want to see you drown! And If I want to see you drown, why should I build a submarine with room enough for you in it? Stupid! I'm not even taking SPG along!" He says now shouting again and Rick flips him two fingers.

SPG flies into the air and bites VYVYAN on the neck. "Bastard!" "How is that hamster alive?" I ask myself. 

Vyvyan falls onto his submarine, wrecking it. "Oh, wow. Vyvyan, man, you broke your own submarine!" Neil says looking at the broken project. Vyvyan grabs SPG and starts pummelling him with the hammer.

"You bastard! I've shown you a great deal of consideration over the years but THIS IS THE END OF THE LINE! YOU'RE GOING OUT TO PLAY WITH THE SHARKS!" I run over to the window and see the bloody hamster swimming with the sharks.

"That is one weird hamster." I mutter backing away from the window and decided to occupy myself and help Neil out.I grabbed the cardboard and began giving it its shape again and putting some tape on it. 

Neil who is next to me is blowing up water wings. Vyvyan is sitting on a chair and Rick is sitting on the counter smoking a cigarette. I look up when I smell that familiar scent and pouted.

"Since when do you smoke? I thought you never smoked, Rick." I say looking at him and he blows the smoke away and looks back at me and I blow the smoke away from me.

"I only smoke when i'm nervous." He's definetly lying. I glance at him when he isn't looking at me and watch him smoking quietly. I feel weird again. I hold my stomach and feel it turn.

Neil decides to speak before Rick and I can have another argument. "Hey, wouldn't it be terrible if we ended up having to eat each other. Like those sailors did in that movie, um, 'We Ended Up Having To Eat Each Other.'"

Rick just stares at him like he's stupid and pulls the cigarette out. "Yes, I suppose it would, Neil. Except that we don't happen to have any dead sailors lying around the place. Or perhaps we do, perhaps I just haven't seen them. Perhaps I should buy myself a white stick!"

"I was just saying..."

"YES, WELL DON'T!" He angrily shouts back at the poor hippie.

Mike comes in once more and shuts them up. "Alright! Alright, alright, alright! As usual, Mike, the cool person, comes up with a solution in times of trouble, and even trouble with a capital 'T'. This is, as they say, the moment of not telling too many lies... Are you with me?

"No, not at all!" Vyvyan responds from my side. "The definition of hunger: Too many guys, not enough food. All we've got to do is change the ratio! And Neil's come up with the answer."


Neil is oblivious as always and Mike asks,"Yeah, there's only one problem. Who's going in the pot?" there's a long pause and Rick has a grin on his face. "ME! No, him. It was a joke!"


I accompanied Neil to his bedroom and saw him frown he held onto a straw, "Just my luck. I was supposed to get the shortest straw. Mind you it was pretty uncool of the guys not to show me theirs, but there you go."

I mischieviously smirk and pulled out my straw. I got the smallest and no one noticed it. All of the sudden the door bursts open and Mike, Rick, and Vyvyan bust in.

"Oh, hi guys! Yeah, Come and sit down, yeah! Uh, do you want to play some records?" Neil asks and I shriek when Rick and Mike grabbed me and forced me onto the bed. "What the hell guys?!" I shout trying to get away from them.

Vyvyan turns on a hedge trimmer and I scream in fright. "Ha! She's scared! She's scared! 'Scaredy cat, scaredy cat! Sitting on the doormat! All the little doggie-wogs...will have a little bit of it.'" He notices Vyvyan, Mike and I stare at him. Vyvyan turns on the hedge trimmer again.

I continued to scream but luckily Mike speaks. "Hold it! Hold it! HOLD IT! We discovered she pulled the smallest one, but she's a woman..meaning if we're the only ones alive, we need to reproduce."

They shared looks and I tilt my head and felt my face go red when they all looked at me then grabbed Neil. I crawled away and fell to the floor. "Sorry, Neil we're hungry."

Neil screams and I utter an apology and had my back against the wall. The lads are now holding Neil down and he sits upright.

"Oh, Vyvyan? Vyvyan, could I have an anaesthetic?"

Vyv nods, "Course you can!" He hits Neil over the head with a hammer. Neil passes out, but quickly revives. Vyvyan is gonna turn out into a terrible doctor. 

"Oh, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait! Uh, uh, look...Uh, Mike, is there time for a last cigarette?" Neil asks and I stayed away in case the guys would grab me again. I held onto a knife for protection.

"I don't see why not, yeah!" He pulls a cigarette out from behind his ear and puts it in his mouth. Rick lights it. Mike takes one drag and douses it out. "Alright."

Vyvyan prepares to slice Neil in half, when a small section of the door is chopped off by an axe as Jerzei stick as much of his face in the crack as possible.

"Heerrree's Jerzei!"

I turn to my side since he was close to me and screamed out loud and held the knife tighter.

"It's Mr. Balowski!" Rick shouts and I get away from the wall and raced behind the lads. "It's the Shining all over again!"

"How did he get in here?"

"Well, you could eat him instead, actually." Neil says sitting up from the bed and we state at the man on the other side. I hadn't seen Jerzei since episode 1. 

"Little pigs! Little pigs! Let me in! Boys and girls come out to play on the busy motorway! Let me in! Jerzei wants to play 'Hospital'!"

Rick seems to get nervous and scared like the rest of us. "Oh, my God! He's turned into a homicidal axe-wielding maniac!"

Mike covers himself with a sheet and Neil speaks up, "Oh, well! Out of a frying pan, into another frying pan..."

"Shut up, Neil! Shut up!" Rico shouts looking at Neil and back at Jerzei. Neil continues to babble and Jerzei starts screaming. "Shut up! Shut up! BLOODY SHUSH! SHUSH!"

He runs to the door where Jerzei I is trying to cut his way in and peeks out. "There's nobody in here, Mr. Balowski! We're all holograms! What are we going to do, Mike?" I roll my eyes. Rick has a bad habit at asking Mike for help.

Rick looks for Mike, who is invisible, thanks to the sheet. "He's useless as always." I sigh and put the knife down. "Well, we're halfway through the show, and it's time for a half time report. I think the show has been going particularly well. I particularly like how the young lad, Rick, has been going off the joke into the dead laugh area."

I press my ear against the wall and hear Jerzei talking to himself. I look back confused and see Neil shaking his head, Rick smiling, Vyvyan smoking a cigaratte and Mike still covered by the sheet.

Why is he using a weird accent? "Oh, sorry, Paul. Anyway, the half times over now and it's back to the action" Jerzei screams and I do too and fell back luckily Neil caught me and Jerzei chops off another section of the door. He is back using his normal voice.

"Let me in, boys! Jerzei wants to finger your entrails!"

"I know, let's put Neil's speaker in front of the door!"

Neil lets go of me and I fall on my ass. He is shielding his speaker from the others. "Oh, not that speaker! Jimi Hendrix once pissed on that!"

Rick pushes Neil forward. "Then let's put Neil in front of the door!" they force Neil to the door and Jerzei grabs him by the throat. Vyvyan takes the hedge trimmer and cuts a section of the wall out.

"Yes! Yes! Bite his fingers, Neil!"

"You know I can't do that! I'm a vegetarian!"

"Well, keep him occupied while we escape." 

The three of them begin to escaoe and I stay back trying to help Neil but Rick came back and placed me onto his shoulder and rushed us out of the hole Vyvyan broke down.

"UGH! You nasty boy..."

I see Neil runs out through the hole. Jerzei chases us up the stairs. We make it to Mike's room and Rick placed me down on my feet. We stayed hidden behind the door and heard Jerzei go in where the lions arem Vyvyan slammed the door and heard him scream

We all sighed and smiled, we got rid of him. "It's a good job Bobby was here with his man-eating lions." Vyv says and Rick nods. "Yes, I'd like to shake his hand.

Mike hands Rick a severed hand. "Here." "Oh, thanks!" He shakes it and throws it away. Neil and I walk up and looked out of the window.

"Hey, wow! Guys, come and look! The house has grown!"

They all step closer to us snd we all look outside. "He's wrong, you know! The waters are subsiding!"

"What's that?"

We squint our eyes and see there's water all around us,SPG which is Vyvyan's hamster is swimming on top of the water. I stand up straight and fell onto the floor and rested my head against the wall.

" least we didn't get killed by Jerzei." I try to lighten up the mood. "Oh and time you carry me..touch my ass again and I'll kill you." I tell him and glared him hard. Rick nervously laughs and hid his face. Vyv smirks at this for some reason and we all headed to my room.

Since the lads discovered I had some junk food kept a secret from them. We all sat on the floor enjoyed our 'meal' we just have to wait a couple of days for this water to dry and finally we'll have some real food.

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