Chapter 1

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Ray P.O.V.

It was another training day for me since the princess made me her knight before trapping herself inside the castle. I was one of the few knights that was still alive since Calamity Gannon rosed. I walked out to the training area and looked up at the sky seeing all the guardians patrol the castle since they were under Calamity control. I sighed softly as I picked up my sword and shield before hearing Zelda voice.

'Ray, it's time for you to find the last champion that it still alive...go to the Great Platue and you will see a boy name Link. I want you to help him become who he was before 100 years...please go and help him'

I looked around before nodding softly and walks to the stables to grab my steed that I got from Zelda and boned with. I hided behind some pieces that had fallen down from when the guardians attack Hyrule once my father rosed up to destroyed Hyrule. I always felt different from my dad, like I didn't want to follow in his footsteps but instead I wanted to put a stop to him. Maybe that's why Zelda let me be one of her knights. Anyways, I watched the guardians waiting for a moment to make my run to the stables without getting attack or seen. I got my shield ready incase they do catch me. I took a deep breath before making my run to the stables. I didn't look back as I keep running but I stop when I saw a guardian blocking my path. I got my shield ready as I made my run to the guardian. The guardian locked onto me as I made my run. I jump up and defected the laser that it locked on me. It hit my shield and then went back to the guardian and destroyed it. I put my shield away and ran to the stables closing the door behind me. I looked around as I walked down the stalls looking around.

"Midnight, where are you girl" I called quitely looking around

I heard a quietly neigh coming from one of the stalls and I followed it. I smiled seeing a black horse with silver hair peeking over the stall door.

"Hey girl, you ready for an adventure" I asked petting her before grabbing my knight horse tack

Midnight snorted and pawed the ground. I giggled and open the stall door setting the tack on the stall door. Midnight nuzzles me and I giggled putting on her tack making sure that it was on and tight before putting on the bridle. I grab the reins and leads her out of the stall and opens the door looking around before getting on her back.

"Okay girl we need to get out of here without the guardians seeing us. Can you do it girl" I asked whispering into her ear

Midnight snorts as her ears twitch and paws the ground. I smiled hanging onto the reins. Midnight snorts before taking off running away from the castle. I hanged on looking around making sure that there was no guardians coming at us. Midnight keeps running. I looked ahead before slowing her down once we were away from the castle. I looked back behind us and sighs softly.

"Come on girl, let's get to a stable and change our outfits so we can blend in" I said

Midnight snorted and pawed the ground before walking along the road. I hanged on looking around sighing softly putting my sword and shield away. I looked up at the sky thinking about how we are suppose to find this Link person. Midnight snorts and looks at me trying to tell me that we are close. I blink looking at her petting her before giggling before hearing two wolves howls and turned around. I saw a white wolf with a black face along with a white wolf with gems around the top of her eyes and one gem on her forehead. I smiled and go over to them.

"Hey you two, I haven't seen you guys since you were puppies" I said petting them

The both wags their tails looking at me. I giggled.

"Do you guys want to come with me and Midnight on our journey" I asked them softly

They both bark and locked my hand. I giggled and stands up

"Alright, we are going to stay here for the night unless Midnight wants to keep going"

Midnight snorts and nods. I looked and giggled.

"Alright I guess we keep going then, let me change my outfit then we can head back out" I said before changing my outfit and walked back over

I grab Midnight tack and put it on her. Midnight watches. The two wolves watches me as I do it. I finished putting on the tack and pulled Midnight out of the stall and lead her outside before getting on her putting my sword and shield on my back. The two wolves walk over to me and stood next to Midnight. I smiled before telling Midnight to run. Midnight rears up before taking off. The two wolves took off keeping pace with Midnight. I smiled as I hanged onto the reins. I looked around seeing all the damage that Gannon had done to Hyrule. I sighed softly and looked at my two marks that are on my arm and hand. I don't know or remember how I got these two marks. I closed my eyes trying to remember how I got them. I open my eyes and looked around before looking up seeing a person flying down to stables and I pulled to a halt and turns her around before having her go back to the stables. The wolves followed me and Midnight back to the stables.

Link P.O.V

I slowly opened his eyes after hearing a voice telling me to open my eyes and wake up. I blinked a few times before slowly sitting up looking around trying to figure out where I am. I slowly got out of the water container that I was asleep in walking around before hearing the same voice that I heard earlier. I looked around trying to figure out where it was coming from.

", go forward and pick up the sheikah slate that is on the pestal..." The unknown voice said to me

I looked around before seeing the thing that the sheikah slate was on and walked over there. I looked at the slate before I picked it up. I looked around before seeing an exit and I slowly made my way over there. I climb up a small wall and saw two chest and made my way over there. I open both of the chest and put on the clothes that were in there. I made my way out of the shrine and put my hand over my eyes to help my eyes adjust to the sunlight. I blink a few times before running to the ledge and stop looking at the castle that was swirling around with red and black stuff that I didn't know what it was.


I heard that same voice looking around before seeing a path. I turned around and walked down the path looking at everything before seeing a man sitting under a rock with a fire. I slowly made my way over to the old man. The old man looked up at me when I stop in front of the fire. 

"So your finally wake young man" he said 

I blinked at his question but slowly nods as I grab an apple that was baked already. The old man nods and talks to me as I sat down and listened to him tell me what happen to Hyrule over 100 years ago. The old man told me to go to the four shrines and activate them then meet him over at the temple of time when I was done but start from the tower so I can see where the four shrines are at. I nodded and got up as I made my way to the tower. I stop in front of it looking up at it. I blinked before starting to climb up it. I couldn't believe that I was climbing this huge tower. I shook it off as I climb up to the top and once I got up there, I looked around and walked around the top before walking over to a terminal that was in the middle of the tower. I looked at it before looking at the sheikah slate. I took it off the hooks on my belt and put it in the slot that looked like that it would fit the sheikah slate. I took a step back and watch the tower glow up before scanning the area that I was in. I saw the crystal above the terminal glow before seeing a small drop land on the slate and I looked closer before seeing the whole area appear on the slate. I took it of before walking to the edge to the tower and saw the four shrines that the old man told me to do. I climbed back down the tower before making my way to the four shrines. It took about two days to complete the four shrines. I came out of the last shrine and looked at the sheikah slate before seeing a glowing dot on it pointing to the temple that the old man told me to go to once I was done with the four shrines. I made my way to the temple before hearing a whimper coming from behind a tree. I stop and looked around before walking over to tree and looked around it seeing a wolf. I blinked before slowly walking over to it. It was a brown and white with green on the top of its head and the tail and a chain around its one foot.

The wolf slowly looks up at me before getting up. I put my hand out for the wolf to smell me. The wolf smells my hand before licking it. I chuckled and petted him before getting up and started to make my way back to the temple. The wolf watched me before getting up and followed me. I looked next to me and smiled as I keep walking. The wolf stays next to me as we walked up to the top of the temple. I saw the old man up at the top and stop a few feet behind him along with the wolf who stop next to me. The old man turned around and looked at me and wolf. He nods and starts to tell me who he really was and what my mission was. I slowly nods listening as I petted the wolf. The wolf wags its tail closing it eyes. The King walks to the window of the temple.

"There's also someone who I want you to find. I really didn't trust her to begin with but she is very useful and my daughter Zelda trust her so I need to find her and have her help you bring Calamity Gannon down for good and bring my daughter back" he said before dissapearing 

I blink and nods before jumping out of the building with the parigaidue flying all the way the stables. I notice a girl getting on her horse with two wolves next to them. I gently landed near the stables and the wolf appeared next to me.

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