Chapter 3

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Link and I took a few steps back as the little thing came out. I blink before getting down to it level looking at it.

"Its okay little guy, we aren't going to hurt you" I said softly sitting down on the ground

The thing came over to me. It looked like an egg but it also looked like a guardian just super small. I smiled before hearing the guardian walk over to us. Link got ready to fight. I sighed and stands up

"Its okay Link, he is on our side now" I said

Link looked at me before looking at the guardian still not trusting it. I groaned softly before picking up the little guardian going over to the animals. Link blinks before running after me. The guardian follows us. I got on my horsr as did Link.

"Okay so we should keep going but we need to get you a better weapons since a tree branch isn't going to do very much damage to the bad guys" I said

He nodded as we had our horses start to walk. I glanced at him before tossing him a rusty sword and a wood shield.

"Here, this will help until you get better weapons" I said before having Sunlight start to trot ahead

He catches them before catching up to me. I looked ahead before glancing at the guardian giggling. I smiled and let Sunlight run. He smirked and had Epona run after us. I laughed as we ran all the way to the village and pulled the horse to a walk before going into the village. The two guardians followed expect one was riding on Sunlight. Link looked over at me.

"Um how are we going to get that thing in without them trying to kill it" he asked

I pulled Sunlight to a shelter and hop off as Link does the same.

"I figure it out as we walk" I said before walking into the village

Link follows me into the village. I sat on the guardian as it walks in.

Normal P.O.V.

Link walks next to the guardian still unsure of it but just kept quiet. Ray hops off the guardian before grabbing his arm and dragging him to the clothes store. He blinks and chuckles softly following. She let go of his arm once they were inside and went over to the manicans. He slowly goes over there and stands next to her. She grabs an clothes set and hands it to me smiling.

"Here try these on, they should fit you" she said putting her hand behind her back

He nods and takes them before going into a room and changes into them

She put the same hood that he had on smiling before turning around.

"So what do you think, you liked" she asked

He nodded. She smiles and nods.

"Alright let go and see Impa" she said before walking out

He smiles and follows her out. We both stop seeing the little kids playing with the guardian and smiles. She looks at him.

"See told you that he was on our side" she said before walking deeper into the village

He rolls his eyes following her. She giggles as she walked up to a house with two people standing outside the house. She walks up the stairs and goes inside making sure her sleeves were down. He walks next to her looking around. They both stop in front of an old lady with her head down. Ray held the little guardian in her arms. The old lady lifted her head and looked at the two young one.

"Ah it about you two came, Link do you remember me" she asked

Link blinks and shakes his head. The lady eyes widened. He looks at Ray who shrugs her shoulders. The lady looks between them before looking at Ray and the little guardian that was in her arms. Ray notice that she was looking at her and glups a little.

"Ah you must be Ray, the princess own chosen knight. I'm surprised that you left the castle"

Ray looks away and looks at the guardian that was in her arms. The little guardian turns and looks at Ray and makes a small sound to her. The lady watches.

"May i see your arms, I want to see something" Impa asked

Ray glups and slowly nods before setting the little guardian down and walks over rolling her sleeves up on both arms. Impa looks at the two marks on her arms and nods.

"Just as I thought, your the daughter of Calamity and the choose one to wield the tri-force of power" she said

Ray looks down and covered her arms back up rubbing her arms. Link eyes widened hearing that she was the daughter of Ganon. Impa watches their reactions thinking about how to help.

"Ray, I want to talk to Link for a few minutes alone. Can you please step outside the house and closed the door behind" she asked

Ray nods and picks up the guardian before walking out and closed the door behind her. She leans against the door listening quietly. Link watches before looking at Impa.

"Link, I want you to listen closely to what I'm going to tell you" she said

Link nods and sits down in front of her.

"So might now know that she is Calmity Ganon daughter but just because she is the daughter of him doesn't mean she will be like him. Zelda was able to help her see the light instead of the darkness but she still has a long way to go before she can fully control her power along with the tri-force of power"

"But that just mean that she can betray everyone and attack us when she has a chance. She could just be faking it."

"Link stop! She isn't faking it, she is really trying to change but she needs help. Zelda thought if anyone can help her it would be you. Zelda trust that she can change and help defeat her father and bring peace to hyrule again."

"But how do we know that she isn't"

"Link enough! Stop thinking the worst about her! Do you think if she was faking it she would had the guardian kill you by now"

Link closed his mouth and looks away not being able to say anything. Ray let's some tears fall before walking away from the house and gets on Sunlight. The big guardian gets up and follows Ray. Ray tells Sunlight to get out of here. Sunlight rears before running out of the village with Moonlight the guardian and Snow behind her.

"Look, you need to give her chance. She the only one who can control the guardians. You and her need each other for this journey. Please don't mess this up Link. Go to Hetno town. Pura will help you with your and Ray sheikah slate"

Link sighs and nods before heading to the door and opens it. He looks around before running down the stairs looking around.

"Ray? Ray!?" He yells looking around

He ran to where they park the horse and wolves. He saw his wolf Twilight and Epona but didn't see Ray horse or wolves. He ran back into the village and runs back into Impa house.

"Impa, we got a problem. Ray is missing. I can't find her in the village" he said looking at her

Impa looks up at him, "you need to find her before she makes a mistake. She must of heard our conversation. Check the dueling peaks stables and if she not there check terra town. That where she lives when she wasn't being a knight" she said

Link nods before running back out and runs over to Epona and jumps on her back before spurring her to run. Epona rears up and runs out of the village with Twilight at there heels. Link looks around as he hangs on before going towards Terra town hoping that she would be there. Ray keep Sunlight running all the way to her home town letting her tears fall as she hangs on thinking about the conversation that Impa and Link had about her. She didnt look back as she looks ahead. Once she was close to Terra town she slowed Sunlight down to a trot and had her go to the grass field before pulling her to a stop and slides off taking off the saddle and bridle knowing that she won't go far from her.

She sits down in a spot pulling a notebook out of her bag. Snow and Midnight lays down in front of her. Sunlight starts to eat the grass staying near her. The guardian lays down behind her allowing her to lean against it. She leans against the guardian before starting to write wiping her tears away taking a deep breath.

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