The Rabid Boi

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Yayy, another chapter

So, you know what I said about adding another character


I got some suggestions

Or, rather, one

I'll give you a hint on who it is

It starts with "M" and ends with "ONOMA"

(and @Egray_15 helped me with this chapter)


Laughter, familiar laughter echoed through the dim halls. It had only been hours after All Might left, and they had all gone back to sleep.

"What is it this time?" Sakura peered around her door, blinking sleep out of her eyes. The lights flickered in the hallway, and there was another figure in the darkness. But it wasn't All Might this time. The person looked scrawny, and had pretty flat hair. Then he laughed. It sent shivers down her spine.

Another door opened in the hallway, and a fluffy green haired boy timidly stuck his head out of his room.

"Do you know who that is?" Sakura asked, making him jump.

The person in the shadows laughed again.

"Yeah," he muttered, and went back into his room.

"Great, now I'll have to ask someone else," she said under her breath. As she moved across the hallway to the closest door to her own, the person didn't even move. He just stood there as she raised her hand to knock on Todoroki's door. But, before she could, the person spoke.

"I THOUGHT 1-A STUDENTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE BETTER THAN 1-B STUDENTS, BUT HERE YOU ARE, SLEEPING." His voice cracked on practically every word. "1-B STUDENTS DON'T SLEEP. YOU'RE ALL WEAK!" Then he laughed, an insane, maniacal sound that reminded her of a rabid animal. And all of this only made her knock on Todoroki's door faster.

"Todoroki," she hissed loudly. "There's a crazy guy out here that seems like he knows-"

His door opened.

"Go away, Monoma."

Then he returned back into his room.

'Monoma' fell silent, but then staggered out of the shadows. He looked like he was on at least fifteen different types of drugs. His eyes were wild and unfocused.


Then he was tackled to the ground by a yellow blur. Aizawa had flopped onto the boy, and was now lying on top of him, smothering him with his sleeping bag, all the while going back to sleep as muffled cries came out from under him.

Kirishima's door opened, and he blinked a few times before asking, "What's going on?"

"Some guy named Monoma is-" she was instantly cut off.

"MONOMA?!" Hagakure's disembodied voice spoke. "It's amazing that someone else could get into this place! Maybe he could show us the way out, if he wasn't..." she trailed away, but her words didn't need to be said to be understood.

"Like this?" Sakura finished, gesturing to the wiggling heap on the floor.

"Yeah." It was the first time anyone had heard her not as an optimistic ball of fluff.

They watched as Aizawa crawled out of his shell, and Monoma popped his head out from underneath.


Aizawa shoved the infected boy into his sleeping bag, and zipped him up. He thrashed inside, it slowly disappeared to the bottom of the bag, and then was gone. No sign of life remained in the bag, it was just an empty shell. Aizawa unzipped his home, and got back inside.

"The deed has been done," the scruffy man said, his tone flat. Then he hopped back into his room and fell asleep on the floor.

"Well that took an unnecessary amount of time," Deku said.

"We should have just put him down," said Bakugou

"I would have happily done that," Sakura replied holding a sharp knife.

Todoroki popped his head out of his room. "Oh good, he's gone. Who killed him?"

Everyone pointed to Aizawa on the floor.

"Aizawa did?" he asked in confusion.

"No. It was his sleeping bag," Bakugou replied.

Todoroki blinked. "Okay."

Sakura paused, before saying, "It's been a long day. Or, rather, night. Let's all get some sleep. Aizawa, for once, is setting a good example."

Everyone nodded, and glanced at the still heap on the floor, before heading to their rooms.


The next morning, everyone met up in the same room they had before. Which was, coincidently, the same room they had met in to talk about Aizawa before. And they needed to have another talk about him, especially when they didn't find him this morning. His sleeping bag was still and empty.

"Okay." Bakugou stood in front of the whiteboard. He had somehow gotten glasses.

"You still look like a dad," Kirishima noted. Bakugou glared at him before continuing.

"Aizawa is dangerous," he began. "We need to do something about him or his sleeping bag/shell."

"We could-" Kirishima was cut off.

"No. All of your ideas are vetoed."

"Aww, come on!" Kirishima complained. "I have some good ideas!"

"Oh yeah? What about vegetable ketchup? Remember that?" Bakugou said smugly and crossed his arms.

Kirishima sunk back into the couch, silent.

"Yeah. That's what I thought."

Sakura clapped her hands together. "Anyways. We need to get rid of it."

Todoroki looked up. "The sleeping bag, or Aizawa?"


"Shouldn't we know what's up with the sleeping bag, first?" Kirishima asked.

"I know what you're thinking, and don't do it," Bakugou warned him.

"ToO lAtE." Kirishima swan-dived into the sleeping bag.

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