The Talking Bees and the Invisible Girl

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If you're reading this, then great job. You've made it to the second chapter of this horrid creation. 

Read on.


"Movie night!"

"nO-" Sakura was cut off by cheering. In a flash, everyone had thrown themselves over the armrests on the couches and had dragged her with them. Kirishima dragged Aizawa by his sleeping bag as muffled groans protruded through the fabric. He dropped him on the ground in the center of the floor in front of them. Aizawa poked his head out.

"I should have left you on the street corner where you were standing."

"But you didn't!" Kirishima chirped back, falling back onto the couch beside Bakugou. (AN : there u go, for the people that ship them. U can use ur imagination)

"I put a random movie in so we can be surprised," Bakugou explained, pressing PLAY on the remote. The screen lit up, and words flashed across the screen.

"THE BEE MOVIE!?" Sakura screeched. "WHY DO WE HAVE THIS ON DVD?!"

"Ah! This is a story about how love conquers all, and about how you can do anything if you set your mind to it!" Hagakure cooed. There was silence as everyone stared at her with varying expressions.

"Why is that the first thing you think of?" Aizawa asked the invisible girl tentatively. Even though they couldn't see her, they could sense her blinding smile.

"Because it's true!" she chirped. More silence.

"They're right, though. Bees shouldn't be able to fly," Deku muttered from his corner of the couch.

"Deku?" Todaroki asked.


"Be quiet."


The movie continued.

"They shouldn't be that excited about graduating," Kirishima muttered.

"I think that they can be as happy as they want to about anything!"

At this point they were just ignoring Hagakure.


Sakura left as soon as "Here comes the Sun," began to play at the end. Aizawa had burrowed back into his 'home,' and everyone else was trying as best they could to not cringe. Even Hagakure had gone silent after a while.

"Well. That was... odd," Todaroki commented as the screen went dark. He got up and flicked on the lights.

"You don't have to say that again," Kirishima mumbled.

"Good, because I wasn't going to."


There was always some trouble with having an invisible girl in the house. They would always be bumping into her, muttering a quick "Sorry," and leaving before she could go on another way-too-cheery rant.

But that was fixed when Todaroki and Kirishima ran around the house with bottles of baby powder until they ran into her. They showered her with the powder and there was a dusty outline of a girl.

"Problem solved," Kirishima had dusted his hands off and left without another word. Todaroki had just shrugged when Bakugou asked him about it and left as well.

"It's okay! Now you can see me!" Hagakure had skipped away.

The house was slightly quieter after that.

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