Chapter 4 The selection

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While waiting, Elizabeth was sitting quietly on a couch while Dawson walked to Basil.

"Why would she come to meet him here?" Dawson whispers.

"Because she doesn't like to go and meet her grandmother," Basil whispers back. "Mrs. Andermice is a very strict woman. She immediately demanded that Elizabeth should learn etiquette and other things a noble lady should. I heard when Elizabeth was there. She always hid behind her mother or father."

"Oh dear…"

"Captain Andermice luckily cares for her and knows how she feels about Mrs. Andermice. Which is why he suggested that she can come to visit him here," Basil said.

Then the doors opened, and Nigel came pulling a wheelchair on which sat an old and wise-looking mouse. By seeing him, it was hard to believe he once was a Captain. His fur color had a bit of a grey hue while his beard and mustache were white. Even so, his eyes looked to be full of wisdom and happiness. His body looked a bit weak because he was in a wheelchair, but he obviously was in good shape when he was young.

"Grandfather Chucky!" Elizabeth cheers and goes to hug the old mouse.

"Oh, how nice of you to come visit your grandfather." Captain Andermice chuckles. "Now…do the 'thing'." Elizabeth holds her hands close to her face and lets out the cutest little growl as if trying to imitate a lion or a tiger. "There’s my little tiger cub." Captain Andermice smiles and hugs her again.

"Tiger cub is the nickname he gave her," Basil explained to Dawson. "He even calls my sister a Tigress."

Dawson wasn't sure how to answer that, but taking note that Elizabeth's parents travel a lot, Captain Andermice decided to call them like that by their travels and adventures."

"Great to meet you as well, Mister Basil." Captain Andermice said and wheels close to them. "I would like to thank you and congratulate you on how you saved the queen and the entire Kingdom."

"I would have wanted to be there too." Elizabeth pouts.

"Now, now, dear. I know you have faced far more dangerous situations, but this was very serious." Captain Andermice said.

"Not as much as King Cobra." Nigel mumbles in which Captain Andermice starts to laugh a little, and Elizabeth pouts more.

Dawson looks confused at Basil. "When Elizabeth was a toddler, they were visiting India. She wandered a bit further from others and got face to face with King Cobra." Dawson looked pale. "Luckily, locals managed to save her, but it sure affected her father."

"Now they can't take her to India anymore." Nigel points out.

"It was one time. I was so small." Elizabeth said in her defense.

Soon, all four were sitting drinking tea before Captain Andermice cleared his throat.

"I assume you're here on a case," Captain said, sounding a bit serious.

"That's right, sir," Dawson said.

"Something to do with Mister Dawnmouse."

"So you have noticed," Basil said while looking serious.

"I think that's my cue to make sure no one is hearing," Nigel said and went to the door.

"What gives it away, Chucky?" Elizabeth asked.

"As you may have heard, Dawnmouse was picked as a Chairman a week ago." Captain Andermice began. "Tomorrow, he should hold his first meeting as a Chairman. But I noticed some changes in him two days ago."

"Someone is blackmailing him," Basil and Elizabeth said at the same time. Basil then looked upset at her for mimicking him.

"I thought that too," Captain said. "Not all were happy when he was selected as Chairman."

“Especially those sour mouths…”


“I can’t help it, sir. There are times I wish to kick their thuckers.” Nigel admits. Elizabeth tries to hold her laugh at that.

"Well, we came to ask more about Dawnmouse," Basil said. "I understood that this was an unusual way to select a Chairman. I like to hear about it."

"Very well." Captain Andermice sighs. "After what happened in the Queen's Jubilee, it made me think hard about who would become the next Chairman. I decided that the next chairman of the Diammonium club would decide where to donate money."

All three were surprised to hear this. Diammonium club, the club of nobles and rich ones would donate money.

"As expected, many were shocked by my decision, but I didn't back down. And so, there were three candidates; Mister John Dawnmouse II, Mister Francis Mussen, and Mister…"



Elizabeth tries to hold her laugh again, hearing the last name.

"Switchboly, Mister Ronald Switchboly.” Captain cleared. Basil tried now to hold his laugh and managed to do so better than Elizabeth. "Each of them gave a speech on where the club should donate."


"Well, two of them gave good and reasonable suggestions. Mister Dawnmouse suggested that we donate to education. 'Children are our future. Each and every one of them,' he said. Mister Mussen suggested culture. Art school, music, theaters, museums…"

"And the third?" Dawson asked.

"Mister Swiss…I mean Switchboly," Captain slips out. Elizabeth laughs at that with Nigel. "He suggested traveling."

"Traveling?" Dawson wondered.

"My thoughts exactly." Captain Andermice said. "Why donate money on travels? I mean, it would be a different thing if it is archeological exploring, but simple traveling…" Captain takes a sip of his tea. "Either way, Dawnmouse and Mussen got most of the votes until Dawnmouse won by two votes."

"How did Mister Mussen take his defeat?" Basil asked.

"A bit disappointed, naturally. But after selection, Dawnmouse came to him and said he wanted to include art and music studies in schools when donating. Mister Mussen was glad to be assisted in this."

"Is he here now?" Basil asked.

"Actually, now that you mention it…" Nigel said. "He hasn't come to the club today."

"Could he be unwell?" Dawson suggested.

"If so, he usually informs us about it if he won't arrive. However, he always comes after lunch." Nigel said.

Basil looks concerned about this. "What time is the meeting tomorrow?"

"Five o'clock in the afternoon," Andermice said.

In this, Basil gets up, along with Dawson and Elizabeth. "I think I have all the information for now," he said.

"Oh, by the way…" Elizabeth said. "How many votes did Rolling Swissballs get?"


Nigel tried hard to hold his laugh. She purposely spelled it wrong. Dawson was shocked by that while Basil rolled his eyes.

"Switchboly? He got only three votes." Captain Andermice answered.

"Three, you say?" Basil said while having a pondering look with Elizabeth.

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