Chapter 7 Rescue

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Basil is very aware of what his sister and her husband James have taught Elizabeth. As a traveling family, Elizabeth couldn't go to school. So, they hired a governess that came along. Elizabeth had three governesses before she came to stay in Baker Street. Luckily for her, they all were understanding towards her and taught her more than they should have. Sometimes Basil wonders if that was a good thing or bad thing. For example, Elizabeth now has very good hearing than any mouse could have. She could hear an important conversation from a long distance or behind the doors. This is sadly why Elizabeth is ideal to sneak in and find out what's going on in Ratigan’s old lair.

Knowing what he was thinking, Elizabeth looked hopefully at him, waiting for him to say the words she wished to hear. Basil sees the wishful look in her eyes and sighs. "Just so you know, I dislike this idea very much."

"Just say it."

"Go listen to what's going on. But only that. No attacking." Basil clears. "We don't know how many are there."

"Yes, yes," Elizabeth said before sneaking in.

Inside the barrel, it seems like someone ransacked the place. All the valuable things have been taken away. There were a couple of coins and gems on the floor instigating that there used to be a pile of them. There were some broken things such as chandeliers, which would give a hiding spot. Some may think Scotland Yard cleared all, but something was off. There were thorn drapes as in taking in a rush. Police mice are not that careless. But if so… who…

Suddenly, Elizabeth's thoughts were cut when she spotted young John Dawnmouse and Mr. Mussen both tied up near the platform where they used to be the throne. Mr. Mussen had a black eye and a couple of cuts on his forehead, which shows he was beaten up. Young John looks like he has cried many times and was about to. On the platform were two mean-looking mice. Both were about the same size, but one of them was strong, looking with a scar on his right cheek. Elizabeth recognizes him as Ben, the kidnapper. The other one had an eye patch and black cap and was playing with a knife nervously.

"Take it easy, Tom," Ben says while smoking his cigar. "Tomorrow, this is over, and we get the money."

"But what if they find us? What if the kid's father won't refuse his title?" One name Tom answers.

" What if… What if… Look! I could've done this all by myself. You wanted to get involved in this."

"Yeah. When it was just looking after the kid. But now we have someone from the same rich club. Police will come to look for him."

"Hey, it wasn't my idea to kidnap him. The client asked that we take him too, so the third candidate will be selected as a chairman. And as for the cops, they wouldn't even think to check the boss's old lair."

"But still, what if the Chairman won't refuse his title?"

"Then we send a message to him that he knows we're serious," Ben smirks evilly and picks his friend's knife from his hand.

"How…?" Tom asked before he realized what his friend was after. "Ooooh… You wouldn't…"

"Hey, I have done this before," Ben said while finishing his cigar. "I once sent an ear to one family, and they knew I meant it."

Hearing their conversation, Elizabeth was shocked behind her hiding place. John got scared and tried to move away until he came to the wall. Mr. Mussen moves between the boy and the two criminals.

"You wouldn't dare!" He shouts.

"Watch me, fancy pants," Ben said and kicked him away.

"Oi! Didn't we need him unharmed to take the blame for the kidnapping?" Tom said.

"It was till you gave those cuts and the black eye," Ben says. "Now we must improvise. I'll cut the kid's tail and send it to his parents."

"No, you WON'T!!!"

Elizabeth jumps out from her, hiding and kicking right at Ben's ribs, before landing between John and Ben, and picks a hat-pin from her straw boater hat.

"Rats!" Basil says in a low voice.

"Looks like the 'kid' is out of the bag," Kitty says and enters the barrel. Basil rolls his eyes and enters as well.

The two goons notice immediately Miss Kitty and Basil. Ben grits his teeth and tries to pick Elizabeth to treat them by her, but Elizabeth is quick and used her hat- pin like a tiny sword. Tom tries to go help his buddy, but Miss Kitty has already picked up a piece of wood and hit him so hard that he gets knocked out.

"Engard!" Elizabeth shouts.

"Why you little…" Ben tries to grab her, but Basil stops him and holds him down.

"Release the boy!" Basil orders her.

Elizabeth hurries to John and starts untying him. It's a good thing she learned some knots and how to undo them during her travels. She got John free in no time and was going to free Mr.Mussen.

"No! Save him first. Get him out of here!" Mr. Mussen shouts.

Ben was starting to get free while Basil was having trouble holding him down.

"Do as he says!" Basil shouts.

Elizabeth takes John by his hand and starts to run out from the barrel with him. In the run, her hat fell off.

"NO!" Ben shouts and hits Basil with the knife's butt on the left side of his face, which made Basil lose hold of him. Ben goes after the kids.

Kitty tries to stop him, but suddenly, someone pulls her down. It's Tom who has woken up. "Not so fast, tots." He says.

Suddenly, Basil takes hold of him in a choking position by his right arm and pulls him off from Kitty.

"Release, Mr. Mussen, and give me the rope to tie this crook," Basil tells her.

Kitty quickly gets up and helps to free Mr. Mussen. As soon he was free, Kitty brought Basil the robe, and he tied the fiend before he would pass out.

"I could've handled him, you know." Miss Kitty said to Basil. "I have handled some bar fights."

"Didn't look so," Basil said. "Stay here with Mr. Mussen. I'm going to help the kids." He said before picking up Elizabeth's hat and leaving the barrel.

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