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Frost is the wolf above. 

(I know, bout time)

The silver-gray she wolf padded forward to look down on her pups. "Where's Duck going? Can we come too?" A small he-pup asked. Frost forced herself to let out a faint wolf smile. "No. You can't go with Duck. She's going somewhere important." She answered her only son slowly.

"Why can't we come with? Are you leaving too?" Her other daughter, Misty squeaked.

"Because I said. I'm not staying, but your sister is. Duck is going to be well fed and cared for. Maybe when you're older you'll see her again." She soothed.

"Okay." Misty murmured. "Can me and Adder play now?" Adder barked in joy for his sister's idea.

"Yeah! Come on, Mama? Can we?" Frost reluctantly agreed, and walked towards her daughter who sat playing with her tail by herself. "We're leaving soon, have you ate yet? It'll be a long journey for you." Her pup looked up and barked in reply. "Yeah, I ate already. River let me have some of her milk." Duck chased her tail again.

"Well, that was nice of her." Then she added, "Did you tell her thank you?" Frost asked. River has been so kind, she thought.

Duck replied simply. "She said it was a going away gift." Duck pounced onto a small bush full of snow, carefree.

Frost nodded. "Come here, my pup." Frost cooed. Duck slowly walked towards her mother. Frost began to lick her pup when Alpha Pine stalked over. "It's time to go." Pine announced as he watched the moon above. "Can I have a few moments?" Frost asked. Alpha nodded and left to talk to the peacemakers, Fox and Berry.

"Say goodbye to your siblings." She murmured, nudging Duck towards her other cubs who were tussling near the den.
"Okay." Duck padded towards Adder and Misty, now sitting staring at their paws.

Duck rested her head in her brother's chest, and licked her sister's head for the last time. "I guess I'll see you at our first howls?" Adder murmured, barely enough for Frost to hear.

"Maybe. I'm not sure yet." Duck answered, shuffling her paws, claws drifting through the snow.
"Bye." Misty said carefree. Misty barked, jumped onto her hind legs, and rolled out her tongue.

"Nice posture." A smaller not-yet-matured wolf came walking by, snickering with another. "For an Omega." Frost snarled at the two. "Tree, you had no right! Shut your jaws on a bone and go whimper to Alpha. And for you, Rain, I expected better behavior from an Alpha's son." Frost glared as Tree walked away, tail between legs, head hanging low.

Birch glared at Tree. What a fine Loud Bark he'll be. Too bad he has Tree as a brother. Rain just needs to stop worrying about what the other wolves are thinking.
Frost glanced at her pups. Misty and Adder were sitting together silently on a small snow bank, and Duck was wrapping her tail around her paws and staring at them as well.

"Don't worry about them. They won't hurt you, they're not much older than you." She calmed, gently nuzzling Duck's chest with her nose.

"I know mama! I'll show you!" Adder jumped up barking. "I'll shred Tree's ears if he does it again!" Adder squealed, then barked and pounced on a small berry, squashing it.

"Way to go Adder! You shredded our only toy!" Misty pushed her brother. "Enough now, time to rest. I'll be back soon, listen to River and Willow for me." She murmured warningly.

Misty and Adder barked obediantly, then disappeared into the cave where the pups, mothers, Alpha, peacemakers, beta, Clover, and long growls slept, and sometimes loud barks.

"We have to go." Stone, her mate, licked her cheek and stood before her as he picked up Duck by her scruff.

"Then let's go." She murmured heartbroken.
Alpha lead the way through the gloomy night air of the forest towards the border. Fox and Berry paced behind her, Stone beside her, Cave on her other side, and Pine leading.

"We're here." Pine said grimly.

"What smells so funny?" Duck asked from her father's jaws.
Frost sighed. "It's the MountainPack. You're going to be staying with them, I told you yesterday, don't you remember?" She tried changing the subject.
"Alpha Pine. I see you've brought the trade?" A hard voice came through the thick air. "Yes." Alpha slurred his words as Frost's heart slipped into a broken splinter.

Stone stood silently beside her, looking over the MountainPack's patrol as they appeared, slithering through into their view, sending shivers down Frost's spine.

"Where is your pup?" Alpha asked the patrol as a she wolf appeared with a young gray pup in her jaws.

Frost turned and put her head into Stone's shoulder. "It'll be okay." Stone murmured, already setting Duck on the snow barren ground. "They smell like rocks!" Duck barked.

Frost sighed. "That's because we're just as tough as rocks." The MountainPack leader padded towards Frost's daughter. Stone and Frost both held back a snarl.
Frost licked her pup and stepped back. "Goodbye, my dear child." She whispered. Pine turned to face the she wolf carrying the pup. "We will take her from here."

The she wolf solemnly nodded, setting her pup down. "This is Ember." The she wolf murmured gently and stepped away from her pup.

Stone stepped towards the pup and sniffed it. Gently, Stone picked up Ember.
"Who will nurse her?" The she wolf asked. The MountainPack alpha looked at Frost. "Not me, surely! I've just lost my own, not to be replaced. Willow or River will take care of her. Not I, as I need time to grieve." She said confidently. The she wolf that had brought Ember picked up Duck carefully and the MountainPack patrol disappeared.

"Let's go." Alpha Pine ordered, and the patrol grew to a steady pace.

Frost kept glancing at Ember as she hung in Stone's jaws. "She'll be fine." Stone said, she knew he had to stay calm, for the pack.

So how was it? How many stars? Haha, how do you think Misty and Adder will take this? Find out when I update the next chapter!

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