Chapter 2-Sleep over

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I walked over to Declan and Skip with Riley asleep in my arms. They keep talking not noticing me coming over to them with Riley. Declan looks at me as did Skip. I smiled at them as I stop next to them.

"Declan, I think Riley fell asleep" I said as I handed her to him

Declan took him and held him, "thanks Yuya, now if you guys excuse me I have to go to a meeting. Hope to see you again, Skip and Yuya" he says before walking away with Riley asleep in his arms.

I smiled as I watch before getting hugged tightly by Gong. I chuckled and tried to get out of it.

"Um Gong can you let me go" I said

Gong nods and let's me go, "Gong is sorry but Gong is happy" he says

"Its fine Gong" I said

He nodded and walked away. Yugo came over to me with Yuto and Yuri.

"That was nice dueling Yuya" says Yuto

I smiled. "Thanks Yuto"

He nodded as Yuri put his arm around him. If you guys haven't figured out yet but Yuto and Yuri are dating each other. But anyways, I smiled at them.

"Hey, Yugo, Yuto and Yuri do you guys want to have a sleep over tonight at my place" I asked

They looked at each other before nodding. I smiled.

"We would love too, Yuya" says Yugo

I smiled and hugged all of them. They all hugged me back. I smiled and closed my eyes before pulling away from it. They looked at me.

"Do you guys have to run home to get anything or are you guys good to come over" I asked

"I have to run home and get some things" Yuto says

"Same here then we both will head over to your place, Yuya" Yuri says

I nodded, "okay do you remember where I live"I asked

They both nodded. I smiled.

"Okay see you guys when you get there"

They nodded and waved before heading to their homes. I looked over at Yugo.

"Do you need to go home too Yugo to grab your stuff" I asked

He shook his head, "no I don't, so I can just go with you"

I smiled and nodded. "Cool then let go" I said as I started to walk.

Yugo nods and follows me. I put my hands behind my head as I walked. Yugo looks around as he walks next to me. I hum as I lead him to where I live with my mom. Yugo smiles as he listens to me hum. We both get to my house and I open the door.

"Mom I'm home and I brought one of my friends home"I said

My mom, Yoko, came out of the kitchen.

"Oh hey Yuya, Yugo. Didn't expect you to come home with friend" she said

Yugo nods "hey Mrs. Sakaki"

I laughs nervously, "is it okay if Yugo, Yuto and Yuri have a sleep over here tonight"

My mom nodded "of course it is, make sure you guys have fun"

I nodded "thanks mom, oh Yuto and Yuri will be here later cause they had to run home to get some stuff for the sleep over"

She nodded "I'll let them in when they get here"

I smiled and hugged her "thanks mom"

She smiled and hugged me back "your welcome Yuya"

I grab Yugo arm and took him up to my room. Yugo chuckles and follows me upstairs to my bedroom. A little red baby dragon came running up to me and tackled me down to the ground. Yugo chuckles. I pouted before laughing. 

"Flame, I missed you too now get up off me" I laugh.

Flame got off me and went over to Yugo. Yugo looks at him before going down to it's level to let it sniff him. Flame sniff him before licking his hand. Yugo smiles and gently petted under his chin. Flame purred. Yugo notice something on my dragon. Yugo looks up at me.

"What are his name, Yuya" he asked

"This is Flame my dragon" I said

Yugo nods and smiles "he is very cute. He looks like your odd eyes and he has the same necklace that you have too"

I nodded "Yep its my way of saying that he belongs to me."

He nodded "okay, hey is it okay if I call my dragon. He doesn't like being by himself"

I nodded "sure Yugo, go right ahead", I said as Flame climbs up and hangs on me.

He nodded and whistled. A white baby dragon flew through my window. Flame got off my shoulder and walked over to it with me. The white dragon watch me and Flame. I got up and went over to it. Flame and me stop in front of the dragon and put my hand out to let it sniff me as Flame sniffs it as he walks around him. The white dragon lowered it's head to sniff my hand. I smiled as I waited for it to see that I'm safe. The white dragon licked my hand and I smiled as I petted it. Yugo smiles as he watch.

"Whats its name" I asked

"His name is Clear Wing or just Snow" he say

I smiled, "that's a cute name, he looks like your Crystal Wing Dragon in your deck"

He nods, "yeah, me and him have been through so much. I don't know where I would be if I didn't have him. He help me get through stuff" he says as he pets him

Snow purrs and leans into his touch before climbing onto Yugo shoulder like Flame does. I smiled as Flame went back onto my shoulder.


He nodded "yeah he means everything to me"

Snow let out a little roar as he nuzzles Yugo face. I smiled as I walked inside my room. Yugo and Snow followed me into my room. I picked Flame off my shoulder and set him down on my floor as I sat down on my bed while Yugo set Snow down next to Flame and sat down in my desk chair. Snow layed down next to him. Flame goes over to Snow and start to play with him. Snow plays with him. Yugo smiles as he watch's.

"Sorry about my mess bedroom"

"Its fine Yuya, its not that mess but if you go to my house and see my bedroom now that is mess so yours is like Yuto and Yuri rooms" he says


He nods "really "

I nodded as I hear a knock on my door. Flame let out a little roar at the sound as did Snow. Snow looks over at the door.

"Come in" I say

Yuto opens the door and smiles. Next to him was Yuri. Yuto had his dragon  standing next to him as he came into my room. Yuri came in from behind Yuto with his dragon. Yuto dragon was all black. Yuri dragon was a purple with yellow horns that it made it look like his Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. Flame growls at Yuri and Yuto dragons. I smiled back as I sat up on my bed.

"Hey Yuto, Yuri, I see you brought your dragons. What are their names" I asked as I picked up Flame

"This is Dark, he is my best friend and my dragon" Yuto says as he gently petted Dark

Dark purrs as he nods and closes his eyes.

"This is Spyro, he is a very powerfully dragon that I got before I moved here" Yuri says as he looks at Spyro

Spyro shook his head and looks at Dark, Snow and Flame. Dark dose the same thing. I set Flame down. Flame went up to Spyro and Dark and looked at them. I smiled.

"Those are nice names so are you guys ready from a sleep over" I asked

They all nodded. I smiled and jump on my bed.

"Then lets get this sleep over party started" I said jumping on my bed

Yuto, Yugo and Yuri smiled and cheered. I giggled as I jump off my bed and plug in my phone to the speaker that was in my room and turn on my music app then I select a station to have it play and it played the music. I chuckled as I watch my three friends goof off. Then the music played all og our favorite song. I grin.

"You thinking what I'm thinking"

They all nodded and smiles. I smiled back.

"Then let's do it" I says

We all laughed as the music started to play.

We all got ready as the music started

Long time no
See I know
Whatcha got on your plate today
Do you want to run away

We'll make it
No breaking'
Awake and ready to escape
No stopping 'till all the way

Don't count me out
Chasing' disaster;
I'm goin' faster
Free my feet
I'll be unleashed

Yugo, Yuto and Yuri join in

Meet ya there
I dare yah to come through
In the air
We'll dance like we used to
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
You're givin' me a little mania

I smiled as I took over

In a dash
We'll crash down the party
I can taste
The race in your heart
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
You're givin' me a little mania

And I don't know how
Long this road goes out
But I got a date
With a time trail showdown

Been a long while, I'll
Show the way through the wild miles
Ain't a chance we go outta style
Sky blue:
It suits you!

Little did we know that my mom was outside my bedroom listening to us sing. We all smiled as we sang together.

Meet ya there
I dare yah to come through
In the air
We'll dance like we used to
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
You're givin' me a little mania

In a dash
We'll crash down the party
I can taste
The race in your heartbeat
Na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na
You're givin' me a little mania

We finished the song and we all hugged each other. Flame roars cutely. Snow wagged his tail. Dark nodded and Spyro stomp his foot and shook his head. My mom open the door. We all looked at each other before looking at her.

"You guys sound great together, you guys could form your own music team. Yuya you do sound like your father" My mom says

"Thanks mom" I said

She smiles. "Now boys dinner will be ready shortly so get washed up. Do you guys want go eat up here or downstairs"

"We want to eat up here!" We all said together before laughing together

My mom smiled "okay, but go and get washed up and I'll bring dinner up here" she says as she left

We all looked at each other before racing to the door but sadly we all got stuck inside the door. We all laughed as we back up and let once of us out before running down to the bathroom laughing. We each took turns to get cleaned up before running back to my room.

My mom was coming to my room with our dinner. We were throwing pillows at each other while we waited for our dinner. My mom walks in and ducks as a pillow flew to her. My mom sighs.

"Okay boys your food is here so stop playing with the pillows and come and eat it while its still hot" she says as she set the food down on my desk before leaving the room

We all run to my desk and grab food before sitting where we wanted to as he ate. Our dragons were playing with each other as we were eating. I smiled as I threw a pillow at Yugo as I ate.

Yugo glances over at me and I smiled innocently as I ate. Yugo smirks and throws the pillow back at me. I glared at him before getting another pillow thrown at me. I move the pillow and got another one throw at me. I pouted as Yugo, Yuto and Yuri laughed. I laughed and threw it at them. We started our pillow fight again.

We all crashed about 1 in the morning  after the pillow fight. My mom came up and tucked all of us in. I slept on my bed, Yugo fallen asleep in my desk chair, Yuto fallen asleep on the floor and Yuri fallen asleep against my bedside. My mom smiled and quietly shut my bedroom door.
Yuya:hey everyone I hope you like this show, I know I'm suppose to wait for Yugi and Yusei to post their chapters but Yugi let me do this cause I had a really good ideas for this chapter so yeah I hope you guys like it

Yugo:Yuya don't tell me your bothering the readers again

Yuya:no I'm not

Yuto:*rolls his eyes*sure you aren't

Yuya:come guys

Yuri:you do know that they have a point Yuya

Yuya:*pouts* you guys are mean but you you three do the encloser

Yugo, Yuto and Yuri:*nods*sure thing, Yugi doesn't not own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh characters or the music videos only the plot and the baby dragons

Yuya: oh yeah here is what our dragons look like

Flame (My dragon)

Dark(Yuto's Dragon)

Snow or Clear Wing (Yugo's dragon)

Spyro (Yuri's Dragon)

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