O.C Descriptions

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Britty- A fragile 17-year-old valedictorian of an English writing class. Her voice is usually not heard by her louder classmates, but her quietness is backed by the most calm, level-headed student in 3 years.

Physical- 5'3", red hair, silver eyes hidden behind large, red-rimmed glasses. Usually found wearing loose shirts and sweaters with sweat pants. B-cup, small butt, slimmer hips.

Relationship: Single (with a hidden crush for Mitch).

Jenna- A 19-year-old transfer student turned permanant resident, Jenna's family moved due to inner complications. She's a hip, "lit", student, always keeping up with the new current trends.

Physical- 5'5", black hair, olive-green eyes, with touches of grey patterned throughout. Wearing tight clothes, attempting to drive the guys mad. ĎD-cups paired with an ass a horse would be jealous of. Paired with the hips and legs justified for the job, Jenna is a man-magnet.

Relationship: Single just for the sake of man-madness.

Mitch- 21-year-old American-born ace student from the state of Oregon, his family moved across America to New York for his educational sake. He is a very toned and muscular guy that all the girls love, but there is only one that he loves.

Physical- Being an overachieving athlete all his life has shown to pay off. His torso is very muscular and toned, as well as his legs and arms. Standing at 6'7", he towers over and protects his group of friends. His ice-blue eyes can pierce the fighting spirit of a bear if need be.

Relationship: Single (With a secret love for Britty).

D.Jay- A 20-year-old emo-esque Brit that moved across the ocean to New York because of job opportunities for both his parents. When they divorced, Douglas Jay Walker turned into D.Jay. By day, he's an emo, decent-grade student. By night, he's an avid StarCraft nerd, and a mod for Hana "D.Va" Song's online streams (where he got the idea D.Jay).

Physical- Being a 6'2" game-player, he doesn't find the time for physical exercise. Luckily, he is one of those people you'd think is anorexic. His radioactive-green eyes send shivers down the spines of anyone.

Relationship: Single. "It's a waste of time." He says.

All Atheists.

Just wait for the actual chapters. It is gonna be cool. Also, I know that Britty's silver eyes are biologically impossible, but that's why I write fiction.

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