Interview of Chasing_Happy

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(raise teapot) Thank you for allowing me to interview you today! (beams happily)

Thanks for having me. (:

Why did you choose Chasing_Happy as your username?

I started a Wattpad when I was eleven or twelve years old, and my username used to be BananaSplit01012014. My uncle's nickname for me was Banana (since my name is Anna) and 01/01/2014 is my dog's birth date. I grew out of that name a couple years ago and started to dislike it, so I changed it to Chasing_Happy. There's no emotional significance behind it, I just thought it was cute. Everyone is chasing happiness in their life, and so am I! Maybe one day I'll change it to Caught_Happy (:

(smiles) How cute! When did you decide to write your own fanfiction? What gave you the inspiration for it?

I have always loved to write. I found a diary of mine from when I was six or seven with the story "Horse Girl" written in it. It was riddled with spelling errors and rather morbid considering a six-year-old wrote it (the main character's entire family dies), but I remember putting work into it! My late uncle was a poet and introduced me to the art at a young age, so I've been writing poetry for many years now! I first started writing fanfiction, however, in grade 6. Two friends and I wrote a Percy Jackson fanfiction together, taking turns writing alternating chapters. They introduced me to Naruto and Wattpad, and boom, I started writing Naruto fanfiction and bouncing ideas off them.

That's so cool! What are some Naruto fanfics that gave you inspiration to write?

Stumble by Writer168 was my biggest inspiration!!! I was absolutely obsessed with that fic— it got me into Sakura fanfics and inspired me to write Queen of Masks (:

It seems like Writer168 inspires many writers, myself included. How does it feel to surpass the 1k mark for followers? How do you feel your story has received over 793,000 views and 44,157 votes?

I feel some sort of pride when thinking about that, but it's not the sort of accomplishment I really tell people about lmao. I'm hoping to hit the 1M mark for views on Queen of Masks, but I'm more focused on my newer work.

What does your new work entail? 

I have one fanfic called Rebirth, my second and likely last Naruto fanfic. However, the one I am most focused on is a my hero academia fanfic called Weak. It is an OC fanfic with a main character named Charlie! It's essentially about her personal life and education in UA. I'm having a lot of fun playing with her character development (:

If you could change three things about Naruto, what would it be and why?

If I could change one thing in Naruto, it would definitely be able to create better written female characters. I love Naruto and anime in general, but well written girls should not be a novelty!!!!

That's partly why both my Naruto fanfics are Sakura centered. I was really disappointed with her canon character—she had so much potential to be an amazing character that the author just failed to utilize. (Burn SasuSaku)

I can understand where you're coming from with the writing of the female characters, and even Kishimoto has admitted he wished he had done his female characters better himself. Could you tell us some of your friends that you've made here on Wattpad who help you write and inspire you?

I've made so many friends off this app, but the one I am closest to would have to be @strawhat_pirate. We've been friends for like five years, I think?? (Since end of 2016 or beginning of 2017) I love her to the moon and back. She's such a talented writer and inspires me to improve every day.

(Takes a sip of her tea.) As one of the owners of the NWA account, what is your favorite part of it? What inspired you to create this account? (CROWILLOW SHOVES INTERVIEWER OUT OF THE WAY) Imouto! I'm not your friend Anna!? i don't inspire you?! (sobs sadly) you inspire meeee!

I thought this went without saying ma'am, we run an account together, of course we're homies ಠ_ಠ Sarah is just someone unexpectedly special to me. (: My favorite part has got to be inputting entries.

 I didn't make it LOL . I just saw a message on their board a couple years ago asking for new admins, and the two of us volunteered. (:

(Bows) Thank you for allowing me to interview you today!

Thank you for interviewing me!!

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