👑 Chapter 15 - Conversations

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The next morning Inna, CC, Tiffany and I went to the clinic to get the paternity tests done, Jessica and Jackson already there with Margret and who I believe was her daughter.

"Hey," I greeted as we walked up to them.

"HI!" The little girl greeted us as Margret held her hand.

"Well hello there," CC greeted as we smiled at her.

"Everyone, this is my daughter, Zoey. She was already in bed when you all arrived last night," Margret smiled.

"Well then its very nice to meet you, Zoey," Inna smiled as I looked over at Jessica.

"You guys ready?" I asked.

She nodded. "As ready as we'll ever be."

"I'm ready for something to eat!" Jack whined. "Why do we have to wait until AFTER these tests to eat breakfast?"

We couldn't help but laugh.

"Honey, its protocol. I promise, we can all eat out once we're done here," Margret assured him.

"Excuse Jack, he gets a bit crabby when he misses breakfast," Jessica laughed.

"I don't get "crabby" thank you very much," Jack sassed. "I just hate skipping a meal. It irks me."

I chuckled as we then walked in.



"Open please?" the nurse told me as she held the cotton swab up.

I opened my mouth and she swabbed the sides of my cheek.

After blood work, they also wanted a sample of our saliva in case.

"Ah!" We heard a surprised yelp and turned to see Jack with a stern look in his face and a cotton swab in his nose.

Jake and I held back a laugh at how funny he looked.

"I told him not to move," The nurse scolded.

"I got nervous!" Jack argued. "Now, can you please take it out, its tickling my brain!"

We laughed as Jake reached over and pulled out the cotton swab as Jack sniffled out to get rid of the weird feeling, rubbing his nose.

"Jack, stay still," I said.

He sighed and opened his mouth, this time keeping still as the nurse took another cotton swab and rubbed it along the inside of his cheeks before putting it in a little vial.

"Done," she sighed with relief.

"Good. Now can we eat?" Jack asked.

"Soon," I assured him.

"How long do we have to wait for the results?" Jake asked.

"Should take about a week," the nurse nodded. "You'll have a letter sent by mail."

"Thank you," I said as we all exited the room to meet with the others, CC and Zoey eating from the nearby candy dish as Martha talked with Inna and Tiffany.

"Done?" Margret asked as she noticed us walk out.

"Yep. Results should take a week," Jake said. "Tour will be done by then, but if its alright, I'll be flying back here so that we can figure out what to do once we have the results."

"Yes, absolutely. You're welcomed to stay at our house if you want," Margret said.

"No, you've done a lot already, ma'am. I don't want to be a burden to you," Jake said.

"Its really no problem. Better than spending money for a hotel," she said.

Jake looked at me as if to get an opinion, and I smiled and nodded at him.

"Alright, then thank you. I'll let you know when I scheduled my flight," I nodded.

"No problem. Now," Margret smiled. "I'm pretty sure someone was hungry."

"Uh, me?" Jack said in a sassy tone, and we laughed as we decided to all have breakfast together at a nearby iHop and got to know each other really well.

Tiffany is a keyboard player for a band called Skold, and CC is also a DJ sometimes when he feels like it. Jake and Inna are also working on their own music project called ÆLONIA, and aso have 2 dogs at home, Trixy and Ernie, and travel a lot. Inna tells us how she was also born in Ukraine and Jake tells us how he also has a sister and a father, and how his mother sadly passed away a while back.

(A/N: I know Trixy recently passed away, but it wouldn't feel right to not include her even for a handful of chapters at least. ♥)

"What about you guys? Tell us a little about yourselves?" Jake asked as he sipped his coffee.

I shrugged as Jack was busy with his food. "Not a lot to say. Grew up in the foster system, you know what me and Jack went through.... Not a lot, to be honest."

"Oh, come on. There's gotta be something," he encouraged.

I thought about it, and decided one something from the top of my head.

"Well, I always wanted to learn how to play guitar," I shrugged.

"Really?" Jake asked, his eyes widening a little in a bit of surprise. "That's interesting. Do you want to learn acoustic or electric?"

I shrugged. "Whichever. Though I will admit, acoustic sounds so peaceful."

He smiled. "Yeah, it does. If you want, I can always teach you how to play."

"Really?" I asked.

"Sure," he shrugged.

"Well, if its alright with you, then sure," I smiled.

"Awesome. What about you, Jack? Anything you like?" Jake asked Jack.

Jack shrugged. "Kind of wanted to learn guitar, too, but," he said motioning to his eyes. "Yeah. I'm alright with it, though."

"Oh," Jake said, frowning. "Sorry."

"Nah, its alright. I do like animals, though," he smiled. "Mostly dogs."

"Cool. Got a favorite breed?" he asked.

"Hmmm.... Well, from what I remember a breed called a pitbull that came to our foster home before I was blinded. He was really nice," Jack smiled.

"Nice. Those are sweet dogs," Jake said.

"Yeah. Though that pitbull had a drool problem," Jack said, and we all laughed.

"What else?" I asked.

"Hmmm," I said, thinking. "Well..... Can't really think of anything right now. Not really much to me. Other than being the older twin and I guess being a neat freak sometimes, there's not really much."

"I like french toast and frappuchinos are weird to me," Jack shrugged, making us laughed.

"Really?" Inna asked.

"Yeah. I mean, coffee shouldn't feel like a cold smoothie," Jack said. "I like my coffee normal and hot. Though whipped cream is not a terrible choice."

We laughed at Jack's funny logic as we continued the day, and soon they had to leave.

"So, any idea on what we'll do if the test really is positive?" Jack asked me as we sat in the car.

I sighed. "I don't know... We need to think about it."

He nodded before resting his head on my shoulder and I bring my hand up to his hair, ruffling it a bit.

I actually really do hope the tests are positive.


(I really hate to rant, and I'm sorry, but I had to say something about this.)

Is every BVB member other than Andy supposed to go through a shit ton of hell all the time or something??? Because its seems like its all I see lately.

Don't get me wrong, I know Andy gets his fair share, but that ends after about a day or two, right? And either way, why hate someone who is "so perfect" and prefers to be so FUCKING disillusion about his surroundings and let others walk all over him, but not what I want to talk about right now.

The fact that people are sending hate to Jake and Inna, especially after Jake's dog just died not even a week ago, is so fucking stupid.

What's even more stupid is when someone spreads hateful comments about them and when Jake and/or Inna decide to just block them so they don't have to deal with it, that person they blocked just wonders why they were blocked and says they are horrible people for doing it, and even worse people when they try to defend themselves.

Seriously, grow the fuck up. Don't like them, fine, but quit giving them and the other members (and even other bands for that matter) hell just because they rather not respond to your rude comments and shit and just move on with their own personal lives, which is a lot more important than having to deal with people who want their attention for no reason.

Its times like this I wonder how this fan base could be so low with the people they "supposedly" look up to. 😒😒😒

🎵Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Gotye ft. Kimbra
"Somebody That I Used To Know"

♡~ sapphire.

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