👑 Chapter 16 - Positive

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Some days passed and tour for the band ended. A couple more days after that, the results came in, but we decided to wait until Jake arrived to open them.

That day was today.

Jake and Inna were going to staying at Martha's house, and the guest room had been cleared for them.

While I sat at the dining table with John, while Zoey, Martha and Jack went to pick everyone up at the airport.

The envelope laid at the table, unopened. Seeing it in my hands yesterday when I got the mail made my heart drop.

In that envelope laid in a folded piece of paper the truth, if the man who found out me and my brother exosted, who knew our biological mother, is without a doubt our biological father.

"So, have you decided what you want to do?" John asked as I picked at my oatmeal.

I sighed. "I don't know.... Say these tests are positive... I mean...."

"Nobody is forcing you to have to leave, you know," John shrugged.

I looked up at him.

"You and Jack are 18 already. You're not obligated to stay with us," he said.

I sighed. "But you and Martha have been there for me and Jack for so long, done so much to assure our well being, including Jack's, hell you even paid for his medical bills after what happened to him... How could we just leave you both for someone we just met after all you've done for us?"

He smiled. "Jessie.... You're acting as if you two may be loosing Margret, Zoey and me forever," he said. "We'll still be there for you two if you ever need us. As I said, you and Jackson are family."

I sighed, but then smiled as he spoke.

"I have an idea," he said, consolingly putting his hand over mine. "When Jake comes here and we see the results, if positive, how about you and Jack spend some time with him before deciding what to do."

"You mean.... Stay in California for a while?" I asked.

"If you two want to," he shrugged as he reached fo his mug and sipped his coffee. "Like I said, its just an idea."

I thought about it.

I mean.... Doesn't sound like a terrible idea.... We can get to know Jake a bit more, and also see a place we've never been to before, maybe even learn more our biological family.

Do we have any grandparents? What are they or were like? Aunts and uncles? Cousins maybe?

The door opening pulled me from my thoughts and I turn to see Jake walked in with Margret, followed by Inna, Jack, and Zoey.

Jack had his hand on Inna's arm as she guided him.

"Hi," I said to Jake as I approached him.

"Hey," he nodded.

We stood there awkwardly before instinctively pulling each other into a hug.

"Whatever happens next... We'll figure something out," he said.

I took a deep breath and nodded before we pulled back and John handed the envelope to Margret.

"Alright.... Everyone ready?" She asked.

Jack held my hand and I gripped it back as we nodded.

Margret took a deep breath and opened the envelope, pulling soke paper from inside and unfolding it.

She read through it, John peering over as Jake and Inna also gripped hands.

"Well?" Jackson said. "What are the results?"

Margret pursed her lips for a second before looking up at us.

"Positive match," she said with a small smile and nodded as she handed Jake the paper.


I take the paper and read through it.

There were some statistics stuff but sure enough they were a lot with percentage result of over 98%, and "POSITIVE" written in giant bold letters at the end.

I looked over at Jessica and Jackson.

So it is true...

I have a son and daughter...

I am actually a father...

Jessica smiled nervously at me before Jack slowly walked over, hands held out in front of him to keep from bumping into anything.

I reached out and held his hand. "Jack," I said, feeling a small smile on my lips.

He was still for a moment before he suddenly rushed up and hugged me tightly.

I smiled and hugged him back as he clung to me.

"What's going on?" Zoey asked, confused.

John smiled and picked up his daughter. "Jake is Jack and Jessie's real dad, sweetie."

Zoey's eyes widen in surprise.

Jessica looked at us, a smile on her face as her eyes looked watery, but she held back.

I held one hand out to her. "Jess?"

She stood there for a second before walking towards me and hugging me and Jack, a little sniffle escaping from her.

I then took a look at them as we pulled back.

"You know, now that I look at it closely," I said, tilting my head a bit. "You look a lot like Emma."

Her eyes widen. "I-I do?"

I smiled and nodded. "Definetly. Only difference is the eyes though..."

She looked down a bit bashfully.

"What about me?" Jack asked curiously. "One of you gave me weird ears, I need names."

I couldn't help but laugh as I ruffled his hair.

"You definitely have some Pitts traits," I said. "Not sure for ears though."

He smiled playfully as I then hesitantly lifted his sunglasses, revealing his bluish- white eyes as they blankly stared at me.

I frowned and sighed as he shyly looked down. "If only I could go back in time, have looked for Emma when i had the chance. Maybe then you two wouldn't have suffered... You wouldn't have lost your sight...."

Jessie gave me a sad smile. "We survived though... If you ask me, that matters most now," she said.

I took a deep breath as I looked at them.... My kids....

We then turned to everyone else, who smiled at us, and then Inna took one step forward.

"I guess I'm a stepmom, huh?" She asked with a shy smile.

Jessie and I looked at each other and then back at her with a smile. "Guess so," she said.

Inna smiled. "I feel guilty though... I'm being given a role that your mother never even had a chance to have...."

Jessie pursed her lips sadly as Jack looked down, and I felt a bit sad, too, since Inna was right.

"But," she said. "Even if I didn't know her, I will try my best for her to be there for you two as well."

Jessie and Jack smiled as then Jessie stepped up and her and Inna hugged each other.

"Thank you, Inna," Jessie said.

They then pulled back as Jessie nervously looked at Margret, who was smiling.

"Margret," she said and walked over, hugging her tightly.

"Whatever you decide next, doesn't change a thing," she said.

Jessie looked nervously at her, then back at me, Inna and Jack.

"What's going on?" Jack asked curiously as he pulled his glasses going on.

I nodded at them.

"Time to figure out what to do next," I told him.


John shared with us his idea aboit Jessie and Jack coming with me and Inna to California to stay with us for a while, perhaps a couple of weeks, to get to know each other better.

Inna and I thought about it and thought it would be great to welcome them to our home.

Jessica, however, felt that if they left that it would feel like they were betraying the family that has looked out for them since they were assigned to Margret.

I understand her feelings though. This all must still be very overwhelming for her, and according to her Margret and John have always looked after her and Jack their whole lives.

I would never make her chose, or force her and Jack away from them. If they do decide to live with me, Margret and her family are more than welcomed to come visit us whenever they want.

"Jess, its honestly no problem if you want to stay a couple of weeks with Jake and Inna," Margret assured. "If you do decide to stay with them, we can always come visit you, and you can always come visit us. Right?"

"Absolutely. You practically raised them and did everything you could to keep them safe, and never think of keeping you apart from them."

Jessica hesitated as then Jack reached out and held her hand.

"Sis...." he said. "Why don't you think of this as, like.... a test run?" He said.

Jessie looked at her brother.

"We stay with Jake and Inna for lets say.... 3 weeks, more or less, it depends what's okay. After that we can decide if we like it or not. If not, we can stay here with Margret," he said.

She was quiet as she thought about it, looking at her caretakers, at me and Inna, then at her brother before back at us.

"Just a few weeks, right?" She asked.

"Of course," I said. "And if you want to return a bit earlier than that, that's okay, too."

She took a deep breath before nodding. "We'll go."

I smiled and nodded as everyone else did.

"We really would like to get to know you a lot more," Jessie smiled nervously.

"Me too," I said.

"I don't want Jessie and Jacky to go!!" Zoey whined with teary eyes.

"Oh, honey, they won't be gone forever," Margret comforted Zoey. "They're just going to be visiting Mister Jake for a while and then after that, they'll decide."

"Beside, we'll still visit you, Zoey," Jack smiled.

"Promise?" She mumbled.

Jack then used his index finger and drew an 'X' across his chest. "Cross my heart and hope to die!"

Zoey smiled before hopping off her mother's lap and running to hug Jack and Jessie, then ran up to me.

"You take care of Jacky and Jessie, mister," she said with crossed arms. "And make sure Jacky has his french toast every day!!"

We all couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she was as her father picked her up.

"Little Miss Zoey, I promise that Jack and Jess will be taken very good care of," I said.

Zoey smiled and nodded approvingly. "Oh, and bring me back a souviner."

"Zoey!" Margret laughed with a scolding tone.

"Oh right," she said. "Bring me back a souviner, please!"

I laighed as everyone else did and nodded. "Deal."

"Well, best we get everything prepared, shall we?" Ina said, calming down from her laughter.

"Yeah," Jack and Jessie said in unison.

I hope it this all works out well.


Reminder: Andy Biersack's 'Concert Of Hope' story The Singer's Pride will be up after:

●The Violinist's Joy reaches 30 chapters.

●The Guitarist's Ballad reaches 20 chapters.

●The Bassist's Beat reaches 10 chapters.

(No, it won't be after one of these reaches the amount first. It'll be after they all reach the listed amount.)

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Motionless in White
"LOUD (Fuck It)"

♡~ sapphire.

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