👑 Chapter 25 - Substitutes

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"I wonder what's taking Noah so long," Inna wondered.

"Maybe there's traffic?" I shrugged as I sat on the couch, Ernie nearby sleeping I think.

"Maybe..." she said. "I'm going to get some juice. Do you want anything while we wait?" Inna asked.

"Nah," I said. "Maybe later."

"Okay," she said, and I hear her walk away.

I sighed boredly as I then felt Ernie's nose nudge my arm, and I pet him.

It didn't take long before I heard the doorbell ring.

"Finally," I said as I sat up.


I walked over to the door, expecting Noah to be there, but was surprised to see a young girl blonde haired girl instead.

"Hello," she greeted. "Are you Mrs. Pitts?" 

"Umm, yes, can I help you?" she asked.

"Hi, my name is Nellie, I'm Noah's little sister," she said.

(Picture:  Cornelia "Nellie" Daphne Ross, portrayed by random WeHeartIt girl)

"Oh, hello, nice to meet you," I smiled as we shook hands. "What happened with Noah, though?"

"He actually came down with that flu bug that's been going around. He meant to call and say he didn't want to miss eitherway, so he asked me to fill in for him this once," She said. "You can call him if you want, he's resting at home."

"No, no, its alright. I think Noah did mention you before. Just the other day, my husband caught it, too. I'll let him rest and call him in a while," I said. "Bu please, come in. I'm sure Jackson won't mind a substitute."

She gave a small little laugh as she walked in and I lead her to the living room as Ernie happily greeted her.

"Ernie, down," I laughed as he jumped on her.

"Hehe, its okay," she said as we entered, Jack sitting up on the couch.

"Jack, this is Nellie, Noah's little sister. He's sick, but offered to have his sister tutor you just for today," I said. "Nellie, this is my stepson, Jackson."

"Oh okay," He said as we walked up and he got up, holding his hand up. "Nice to meet you, Nellie."

"Its nice to meet you, too, Jack," Nellie greeted kindly. "I'm not as smart as my brother is in lingustics, but he's taught me a lot about Braille and Morse code, so I hope you are okay with me being your tutor today. We can mostly just review for now."

"Its okay," Jack shrugged. "Just try your best. I'm sure you'll be great."

"You guys can get started if you want, I'm going to be working on a few things in the studio room before Jack's father and sister come back," I said. "If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask."

"Okay," Jack and Nellie said in unison as she helped lead him to the dining room, and I headed to the studio.


"Alright you're doing great," I said. "Now, let's review a little, shall we?"

"Bring it on," Jack laughed. "What's the topic?"

"Hmm.... How about countries of the world?" I asked.

"Sure," Jack smiled as I got a notecard, putting it in front of him, then placing his hand over it.

"What does that say?" I asked.

He felt it a bit with his fingertips.

"Hmmm..... Peru?" He asked.

"Correct," I smiled as I took the card and gave him another one. "How about this one?"
"Uhh.... Oh! Germany," he said.

"Nice! Now, try this one," I said, giving him a tricky one.

He felt around, brows furrowing behind his sunglasses.

"Uhhh... Luxembourg?" He asked.

"Yes, you got it. Now, try this one," I said, putting it down and letting him feel the card.

"Oh, easy," he said. "That's France."

"Nice," I said. "You know i always wanted to visit France."

"Really?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, I mean... It's just so beautiful," I said. "Especially the Eiffel Tower."

"That's the big pointy tower, right?" He asked. "I remember seeing abpicture of in in a book when I was much younger."

"Hehe, yeah," I smiled. "France has a lot of awesome places to go."

"I wish I can be able to see it, too," he said sadly.

I bit my lip in regret. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't-"

"Hey, its okay. Just because I can't see doesn't mean you can't talk about what you would want to see," He said.

I looked down as he continued.

"You know, when I was a kid, I always wanted to see the whole United Kingdom," he said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah," he nodded. "Big Ben just looked so cool, and in a weird way reminded me of a time traveling space ship," he said.

I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

"There was also Russia, but mostly because I thought that huge church over there looked like a big candy factory," he said.

"You mean the St. Basil's?" I asked.

"You can imagine my disappointment when I realized it was a church instead of a house for Willy Wonka," he chuckled, and we burst out laughing.

"Yeah... Times were pretty simple back then before..." he said, then stopped.

I felt my smile fall as I saw him looking down.

I pursed my lips and hesitated before deciding to ask.

"Ummm, Jack?" I asked.

He looked up but then before I could speak the front door was unlocked and opened.

"Inna, Jacks, we're home," I heard a male voice call out.

"We bought your favorite lunches," a girl called out.

"That's my dad and sister. Come on," Jack said with a smile as he got up. "I'll introduce you."

I shyly got up and helped him to the kitchen where a familiar man with a lot of tattoos and black hair was setting some bags down on the counter, along with a girl with long dark brown who looked a lot like Jack.

"Hey Dad, hey Jessie," Jack greeted.

"Hello Jack and.... Girl I've never met before?" The man said in a confused way as they saw me, Mrs. Pitts walking in.

"Oh, yeah, I was supposed to call but got carried away in the studio," she said as she entered. "Noah got the flu that's been going around."

"Yeah," Jack said. "This is Nellie, his little sister. She offered to come tutor for today."

"Its nice to meet you, and I'm sorry for the short notice. It got my brother pretty bad, and he asked me if I can fill in for him at last minute," she said.

"Don't worry about it, its fine. Its nice to meet you, Nellie," the man said. "I'm Jack's father, Jake, and this my daughter, Jessica. She's also Jack's twin sister."

"Nice to meet you. Hope my brother didn't cause you any trouble," she chuckled.

"Hey!" Jack protested as his parents laughed and I giggled.

"Jack was great, and he's doing really well in his lessons," I said.

"That's good," Jack's dad said as we then heard a car horn beep.

"Oh, its my mom. Guess the time got ahead," I said in surprise.

"No problem. Thank you for coming today," Mrs. Pitts said with a smile.

"You're very welcome. If you excuse me, I'm gonna go gather my things," I said, and they nodded before I went over to get my bag and books.

"You know, you're a pretty good Braille tutor," Jack said as he walked back into the dining room.

I turned around. "Really?"

"Yeah, of course. You're pretty smart," Jack said. "And I liked talking with you."

I felt my cheeks start to get warm and looked down. "U-Uhh... Thanks..."

"Once my stuff was gathered I was going to exit when Jack asked.

"Hope to see you around again," he said a bit shyly.

I smiled. "We'll see.... bye, Jack," I said.

"Bye," he replied as I left, saying goodbye to his family before heading to my mom's car.


I stood outside as I heard the car pulling away.

I smiled softly until I felt it.

"I know you're smirking, so quit it," I told my sister, who laughed.

"You like her though," she said.

"N-No I don't!!" I stuttered defensively, feeling my cheeks burn red. "Besides, I don't even know what she looks like! And we just met today! She probably doesn't feel the same."

"She's pretty, and she seems really nice," Jessie said. "Its okay to like her."

"But... Look at me," i said, pulling ny glasses off. "Girls don't want ScarFace, they want... like.... models.... People who aren't disfigured."

"Hey," she said sternly. "You are not ugly. That scar doesn't determine who you are, your own person does. If she doesn't see that then she's not worth it."

I looked down.

"You're a good guy, Jack. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like you at their side," I said.

I raised my head. "You think?"

"I know," I said. "Don't rush into it and get to know her. If she doesn't see what me, Dad, Inna, or the others see, than its her loss."

I smiled. "Thanks, sis."

I then felt her pull me into a hug, and I hugged her back.

"I know you'll make someone really happy one day," she said.

I smiled. "You too..."

We hugged for a few more seconds before heading inside to eat.


I just wanted to say that I don't know A LOT about Braille or any lessons of it, so I tried my best to come up with something in this scene. If anyone knows more about Braille and how to teach it, then you can tell me in the comments for next time if you want.

An another note, anyone here familiar with the game Covet Fashion The Game?

If I made a Fashion House there, would you guys join it? Just curious. 🤔

🎹 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Florrie "Left Too Late"

♡~ sapphire.

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