👑 Chapter 39 - Relieved

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"I said I was sorry, I was just trying to make sure we made it in quickly," CC said as Inna held the ice pack against Jack's face as we walked out the elevator.

"You ran so fast from the car with my kid in tow you ended up making him slam face first into one of the marble columns outside!" I snapped, not amused. "This is why I rather not have you or even Andy guiding him!!"

"Hey!" Andy said offendedly as we walked.

The next morning, Jinxx called and told us Jessie finally woke up, so we all hurried from the hotel to the hospital, where Anna, CC, Andy and Juliet were already there.

"I can't feel the space between my eyes," Jack grumbled against the ice pack as Inna and Nellie helped lead him.

"At least he didn't break anything, though," Juliet said.

At least there is that. Rather not have another kid in the hospital.

We soon arrived into the room to see the nurses attending to Jessica, who was awake, Bret at her side helping her eat soup as Margret, John, Zoey, Ashley, Jinxx and Alice watched, Zoey on Jinxx's lap eating a yogurt cup.

"Dad," Jessie said, perking up once she spotted us.

"Oh Jessie, thank goodness," I said, rushing over as they made room and I hugged her carefully but tightly, and she hugged me back as best as she could.

Inna and Jack also joined in the hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay," She said as she clung to me, then groaned in slight discomfort as she held her stomach.

"Easy, kiddo," Andy said as I laid her back and she took a deep breath.

"Bret told me what happened.... I-Is it true?" she asked as Jack hugged her tightly and she held him.

"Yeah... Its true," I said. "But they're in custody now, and we're safe."

She took a deep breath and nodded and I looked at her.

"Thank God you're okay," I said, pulling her into a hug.

She clung to me as well. "I'm glad you're okay, too, Dad."

We hugged for a bit before the nurse finished and turned to us, making us pull back.

"Well, everything seems alright, but considering the damage she sustained to her stomach, she'll need to rest a few days before she's cleared for transfer to a Los Angeles hospital. She'll also need to be on a liquid diet until then, where the doctors there will decide if she'll be able to have a soft food diet, and have specific medication during her recovery."

"Alright, thank you," I said as Jack had stood up and sat next to her, Zoey walking over and climbing onto his lap.

"Jessie, are you okay now?" Zoey asked worriedly.

"Umm... Yeah! I'm okay, Zoey," Jessie said. "I just have a bad stomach infection that's hurt me a lot, but I'm okay now."

I nodded, knowing Jessica's little white lie was to ease Zoey from any scare or worry she had.

Zoey sighed with relief and smiled. "I hope you get better Jessie."

"Aww, thank you, Zoey," Jessie smiled as Zoey carefully moved over to hug her.

"We're all glad you're okay, Jessica," Margret said as she and John walked over, standing by me. "We'll be staying with you and the band to help with this case."

"That's right, Margret and I will be helping to work this case and make sure these people pay for hurting you," John said.

"I know I'm bed ridden but I want to help anyway I can, too," I said.

"For now, your top priority is to recover and rest," Inna said.

Jessie took a deep breath and nodded as Zoey played with her hair.

"Hey, Zoey, how about you, me and Jack get some ice cream across the street?" Nellie asked, knowing it was best for adults to talk.

"Okay," she said as she kissed Jessie's cheek and then let Nellie pick her up as Bret helped Jack stand.

"I'll be back soon," he said.

"Don't worry, I'll be here," she said as she held his hand and they gripped each other's hands before letting go and Jack and Nellie head out with Zoey holding their hands.

"Those fans I was with... Are they okay, too?" She asked, looking at me.

"Yeah, they're alright. No one else was hurt," I said. "The rest of the show was cancelled, but we'll be redeeming tickets for everyone on a later date."

I probably shouldn't tell her about the dead guard right now...

She took a deep breath before softly groaning and holding her stomach.

"You okay, babe?" Bret asked as he sat next to her.

"No, yeah, I'm alright. Just sore again," she sighed.

"Want some more pain medication?" Jinxx asked, going to the machine and getting the pain killer button.

"Sure," she nodded as she held Bret's hand as he motioned to the bowl of soup, but she shook her head as Jinxx pressed the button twice. "I'm fine."

I leaned over and kissed the top of Jessica's head.

"Get some more rest, okay," I said as she dozed off.

"She had woken up a lot earlier," Jinxx said. "But she wanted you all to get some rest."

I smiled, knowing that wad just like Jessie to do.

"Its fine. I'm just relieved that she's okay," I said.

"Hopefully we can all head home soon," Alice said.

"Agreed," Andy said.

I sat by Jessica's side when Inna took a deep breath and held her hand to her chest, looking a little ill.

"Inna, are you okay?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, just... Just not feeling so well," She sighed.

"Well, we did skip breakfast," Juliet said as Margret gave her some water.

"I'll go get her some food then. Ashley, CC, let's get some grub," I said, getting up.

"But I just sat down," CC whined.

"Payback for the epic whiplash you gave my kid just moments ago, now let's go," I scoffed as Ashley walked out first, CC groaning and standing up before following and we head to the cafeteria.


I took another deep breath as Margret handed me the cup of water.

She then furrowed her brows as she looked at my face, but then smiled.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"How far along are you?" she said.

I froze as I felt my cheek blush a little.

"Wait, what?" Andy asked.

"Y-You can tell?" I asked.

"Of course I can. You're already glowing," she said. "I'm guessing you found out not too long ago."

I couldn't help but smile shyly as the other caught on.

"No way," Jinxx smiled in surprise.

"Almost a month along now," I said, and everyone cheered (somewhat quietly) as Alice and Anna hugged me, and I laughed.

"Congrats to you and Jake, Inna," Lisa said excitedly.

"No wonder you've been so under the weather lately," Bret said. "Nonetheless, congratulations."

"Thank you," I said. "But nobody can tell Jake or the twins just yet. I want to wait until Jessica's back home at least to tell him."

"Don't worry, our lips our sealed," Jinxx said. "So long as I'm godfather of course."

We all laughed before calming down and relaxed, Bret laying down next to Jessica who sort of shifted in her sleep before relaxing.

I smiled and looked down at my stomach, even though its flat and barely buldging at the moment. The baby should be about the size of an apple seed, more or less, but I know he/she is there.

I'm glad things are looking up now...


So, I play this game called Covet Fashion, where it gives you challenges and you design and customize looks for that specific challenge) and they had this challenge where I was just tempted to do this look:

Looks familiar to anyone?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Lmao I have no chill, somebody take my phone away 😂😂😇😇😇

(Note: I know Andy isn't an athlete.... like, ever tbh...... but the challenge details made it seem fit to make this. I regret NOTHING 😝).

🎶Currently in Sapph's playlist:

MAGIC! "Rude"


♡~ sapphire.

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