👑 Chapter 40 - Stronger

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Warning: mentions of abuse are found in this chapter. Discretion is advised. Please read with caution.



It wasn't more than a week until I was finally transferred to a hospital in Los Angeles.

Flying in a helicopter while laying on a stretcher is so weird, but definitely an interesting experience.

Dad of course got pretty airsick. I'm guessing he's more used to airplanes.

I laid in my hospital room with the files I asked CC to get for me about the case.

My dad and Aunt Lisa were working on the case with our lawyer and poilce, preparing for a court date while Inna was at home with Jack, Margret, John and Zoey.

Nellie returned home and her mom and brother have even visited me, wishing me a speedy recovery and even giving me flowers.

Fans across the country and world have been sending me gifts and warm wishes as well, and apparently there is even fan art of me and Jack, from portraits to me even performing in Tucson when my dad was ill, and even some art of me and Bret together.

The fans even came up with something called Bressica..... Its so weird but cute. Hehe.

I'm also thankfully upgraded to a soft food diet. Not that I have a problem drinking water, juice and soup all the time, but I rather have something that's somewhat chewable.

I should be resting, but I needed to know more about this. I guess that's the studious side of me, but I want to be ready, since I know I will be questioned about this once I'm back on my feet.

I also found out about the dead guard and felt so angry. The man had a family, and they killed him in order to try to kill me. They had no remorse, and just killed a man who was a husband.... a father.... I already asked my father and John to provide something for the family, pay for the funeral expenses or something. Its the least that can be done.

I can't let them get away with this.

My mother.... My aunt.... God, they suffered so much under these people... These monsters.

I stared at the photo of my mother that was taken after she and Aunt Lisa ran away.

She had a dark purple, almost black bruise on her left eye that nearly had it the white of her eye tainted with a bloody red, indicating a vessel in her eye must have burst, and her lip had a big gash near the corner stitched together, and another gash on her forehead, almost touching her temple.
There was a scratch mark on her left cheek, too, and another bruise on the right.

I sighed as I put the picture down amd looked away, pulling my breathing tube from my nose and sighed, rubbing my temples.

"You should be resting," a voice sung teasingly and I lift my head to see my boyfriend standing there with a bag of food.

"Staying in bed all day gets me bored," I chuckled as I closed the file as Bret walked in.

Bret stayed while his band returned to the East Coast. He wanted to be by my side as I recovered, and soon his band will join him to begin recording for Heathens.

He placed the food bag on the table before rolling it over and I realized it was from Panera Bread.

"I figured outside food beats hospital food," he said. "And, its healthy, so its a plus."

I smiled at him as he leaned in and we shared a kiss.

"Thank you, Bret," I said as I helped him set up.

He got me a bowl of lowfat tomato soup, passion papaya green tea, and yogurt. For himself, a steak sandwich with a smoothie.

"Hope this helps," He said, sticking the straw in the cup of tea.

"Its perfect, babe," I smiled as I adjusted my bed to sit up a bit more. "Thank you."

He then carefully sat next to me as I set the files down.

"So, why are you looking through those files?" He asked as he bit his sandwich.

"I know I will have to testify once I regain my strength, I just want to make sure I know everything I can so I can assure they rot in a cell for what they did," I said, and sighed. "They could have hurt my family... My friends... You... Even the fans could have been hurt..."

He frowned as I reached into the file and showed the picture of my mother.

"Look at her.... Look what they did to my mother..." I said, and he winced in pain before wrapping his arms around me.

"She and your aunt are safe now," he said, kissing my shoulder. "I know you want to fight, but that got you hurt, Jess... I thought I lost you.... I was so scared...."

I looked at him in shock, his beautiful green eyes getting somewhat glassy.

I sighed and looked down, deciding to tell him as I put the picture back.

"I saw her," I said.

"What?" he asked.

I took a deep breath. "I saw my mother... When I was unconscious," I said.

His eyes widened. "Wait, really?"

I nodded. "She said Jackson and I have to be braver now more than ever...That she wishes she was braver, too.... Maybe then me and Jack would have been united with our father long ago," I said. "She wished she was stronger."

"Well those psycho parents of her's were gonna hurt her. I mean, look at you, its a miracle they didn't even put a tube in your stomach," he said. "Plus, her body wasn't strong enough... Its nobody's fault that she couldn't handle the birth."

I sighed. "She told me to tell my dad that... That she's sorry...."  said. "She only wished things ended differently."

"Well, now it can," he smiled, holding my hand.

I smiled back before pulling him closer and leaning a bit over him, my head rested against his chest as he put his sandwich down and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head.

"Bret?" I asked, now curious.

"Hmm?" he asked as he looked down.

"What is your mom like?" I asked, knowing I never really asked him, and he mostly spoke of his father.

He was quiet before he just sighed.

"I don't really know.... She left when I was like 3 years old," He said.

"Oh... I'm sorry," I said, regretting my answer as I looked up t him.

"Its alright, Jessie, really," he saud, a sad smile on his face. "I grew up just fine with it being my dad and me. I wouldn't be who I am without him."

I smiled as I leaned up and softly kissed his lips.

"You know... I was thinking... Before the attack in Tucson...." he said. "How would you feel about a road trip of the East Coast... Just you and me?"

My eyes widen. "A-A road trip?"

"Of course, once you're recovered and everything," he said. "We can see all of the East Coast, Pennsylvania especially. I know you loved that place.... And you can even meet my Dad."

I smiled, but then it fell as my mind processed it.

"But, I mean.... it'll be my first time away from Jackson.... I can't just leave him alone..." I said.

"He's not alone," Bret said. "He has your Dad, and Inna, the band, and now he has a girlfriend."

He has a point...

"You're not obligated to come, and I'm fine if you say no," He said. "But I would love it if you decide to come."

I thought about it, considering pros and cons.

Pros, I can spend time with my boyfriend, meet his family, take a break from practice and see more of what I couldn't see while on tour.

Cons, I'll be away from my family, from Jackson, part of me is still nervous to love Bret, now travelling?

I know Bret could never hurt me in anyway. I'm not scared of his hugs or kisses like I thought I would be with a guy I'd meet because of what happend to me as a child. He makes me feel safe.

Thing is... I feel like I will never be enough for him... I feel scared that I could never give him

"Jessica?" Bret suddenly said, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Wha... What?" I asked, somewhat in a daze.

"You're crying..." he said worriedly.

I frowned and touched my cheek, and sure enough, it was wet.

"What's wrong?" Are you in pain again?" he asked, getting up. "I can get a nurse to-"

I quickly took his hand and looked at him.

"I'm scared, Bret....." I confessed, feeling more tears build up in my eyes. "I'm scared of losing you, but not just physically...."

He frowned as he sat back down, holding my hands.

"Everything that man did to me..... I was too scared to love anyone like this after what he's done.... because of what he's done," I said, my voice breaking. "Then you came into my life and..... And I didn't feel scared anymore... I actually felt safe..... But now I feel like I can never be enough for you.....I-I can't even give you my virginity for when the time comes because he ripped it away from me."

"Jessica," he said, holding my shoulders as I was already sobbing.

"I love you, Bret, but I'm so scared I could never be able to give you whatever you want," I cried. "I'm so scared because I don't want to lose the greatest thing to happen to me since my brother and I were finally adopted, or when we were finally united with our father..... Bret, I.... I really do love you and want to make you happy..."

"Jess.... Jess, look at me, hey," he said lifting my head to look at him, wiping my tears away.

"What happened to you was horrible, and you didn't deserve any of it," he said. "But that motherfucker is dead and he can't hurt you or even hold you back anymore."

I sniffled and looked at him.

"And Jess.... You are good enough, hell even more than that," He said. "Even just knowing that you love me back is more than enough for me. And yeah, it may hurt to know I won't be your first, but that doesn't matter. Love is more than just sex to me, and eitherway I can wait as long as you want."

He then held my hands before kissing them.

"Jess, I love you no matter what. You're a strong ass beautiful woman and I'm the luckiest guy ever to have a girlfriend like you," I said. "Don't ever belittle yourself like this again... You are more than people take you for."
I couldn't help but smile.

"God, you're too good to me," I said, wiping the tears away with ny hand, then gave a half hearted chuckle. "I probably look like crap now and here you are saying I'm beautiful."

He shrugged with a sweet smile. "I guess I'm just cheesy like that."

I laughed as he then kissed me and I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck as he hugged my waist.

We then pulled back and his beautiful green eyes stare back into my brown ones.

"I love you, Bret," I said.

"I love you, too, Jessica," he said.

We kissed once more before hugging and then I decided.

"I'll go with you to visit the East Coast," I said.

"You will?" he said, pulling back.

"I'm a bit nervous of leaving my family for the first time... But I kmow they'll be alright for a while," I said. "Plus, it won't hurt to spend some time with you."

He smiled before kissing me again and laying down as I curl next to him, groaned a little when I shifted a bit badly and felt a dull pain in my stomach.

"Be careful," He said, gently placing his hand on my side.

"I know," I sighed as I carefully adjust myself so I'm more comfortable and the pain fades away, Bret holding his arm over me.

"Better?" he asked.

I nodded, nuzzling my face into his neck as he hugged me.

"I'll feel even more relaxed when I see these pricks locked up," I said.

"Trust me, they will be," Bret said.

I am blessed.... I'm glad I have Bret in my life. I'm glad despite everything I really can let love into my heart again.

The same goes with my family. I'm glad I can be able to love both my father and my stepmother, and my brother as well, and I'm glad despite his disability, Jack can find love, too.

I'm hopeful.... And I need to listen to my mom and be strong now more than ever, for them.

Mom.... I won't let you down....


I still can't believe Gaia Patra and Chris Motionless actually broke up. I know they will continue being friends and all, but they looked so sweet and happy together, and I actually thought they were gonna last together. 😢💔

Nonetheless, I respect their decisions and will continue to support then both in their careers.🌹🌹🌹

I am actually a lot more upset about this than I sound, but I rather just keep it short for now (and I already vented my feelings with my best friend, LOL 😂).

Also, I will continue to mention Gaia in any current MIW based story I have up where she's mentioned, whether its published or is saved in drafts, (There will be a note in case).

🎹 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Imagine Dragons "Thunder"


♡~ sapphire.

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