👑 Chapter 49 - Gemini

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》A Week Later《


"Wait, so, a duet band?" I asked.

"Like Aelonia?" Jackson asked.

"John, you know what goes on with side projects," Dad warned. "Aelonia gets a lot of heavy criticism, Andy Black is under fire..."

"This will be different, though," John said. "This is kind of like alegacy thing, and something exciting, that will leave people wanting to know more."

We sat quietly as we listened.

"A set of twins, the son and daughter of an international rockstar, stepchildren of a Ukrainian singer," John explained. "The daughter who can play a song by ear first try, second try if its a hard one, and the son who can play keys backwards even if he can't see then... Its a unique, inspirational idea."

We thought about it.

"Well, I guess the inspirational part is right," I said.

"Honestly, how can I not be someone's muse?" Jack sighed sassily, making me chuckle and roll my eyes as Dad laughed quietly too.

"You can inspire fans with similar and/or equal disabilities," John said. "They can look up to you guys, give them hope."

I thought about it, looking at Dad, who seemed to also be wondering about it, then at Jack, who was thinking.

He seemed to be thinking the same thing and gave me a single nod.

"Thank John, but... We're gonna have to decline," I said.

His eyes widen. "What?"

"Jessie?" Dad asked.

"We appreciate everything you've done with and for us, really..... But.... Given the fact of your strange desperation of pushing Juliet into her fame through Andy, through Black Veil Brides, makes me question your capability to manage a duo like me and Jackson," I said.

His eyes widen. "E-Excuse me?"

"She spoke perfect English, in case you didn't understand," Jack said.

"Jackson," Dad scolded.

"Look, John..." I said. "You are a hell of a manager, and have stuck by the band's side for years... But even Jack himself has noted how you seem to treat Andy above everyone else."

"Fact," he sassed, pointing in my direction.

"And on top of you giving Andy more spotlight than the others, you're also giving Juliet more fame through him and the whole band for some reason, and she's not even under your management. Those 4 other guys, though, have worked on and went through hell just for their own for their projects, Ashley especially. He's probably struggled more than my dad and Inna has with Aelonia. For Christ's sake, his whole fashion line got demoted to Depop!" I said sternly.

He pursed his lips.

"And yet... Where is Juliet's struggle? Her only labor is selling overpriced BVB merch and useless junk. Where's Andy's? He's doing something, but because of you, he's barely lifting a finger for it," I said. "We rather work our way to the top, just like every other musician who isn't getting the same luxury that Andy Black is getting. If anything, our father and stepmother can help manage and produce us, but that's about it. The rest will be up to me and my brother."

"Jessica, I understand how it looks, but-"

"But nothing. It looks exactly how it looks. Your contract is with Black Veil Brides, meaning all five of them, not just one of them," I said. "Especially that one band member's girlfriend. I won't let you do the same with me and my brother. We either get the same spotlight exposure, or you just find another set of twins like us to pull strings with."

He sighed as I got up from my seat, taking my purse from where it hung on my seat.

"So, thank you, really, but if me and Jack are gonna start on side projects together, it'll be with our dad, his guidance, and a different management," I said as I got up, helping Jackson up.

"Jessica, please, consider this," John asked. "Jackson you have a say, too."

"Sorry, but I agree with my former womb roommate here. You never even helped Ashley when he was getting harassed, practically threw him to the wolves yourselves, you also let our dad struggle when he had the contract problems, you barely even focus on Jinxx and CC," Jack stated, crossing his arms. "Your only focus as far as I know seems to only be Andy and Juliet, and Juliet isn't even part of the band or recording her music, let alone recording actual good tracks as it is."

John started to look annoyed.

"Our decision is final, John," I said, shrugging. "Now, if you excuse us, Jack has a date tonight, along with helping with my dad recording the new Aelonia track before so, and I have to pack for my trip tomorrow. Any duet talk can be discussed with our father and stepmother when I return and you have a better deal on the table for us."

Dad then got up and sighed.

"Sorry John," He said. "They said it, not me. Its their choice."

With that, we left and headed home.


"That was pretty harsh, Jessica," Dad said as we all sat at the table.

"I think she handled it professionally," Jackson said.

"Well, that's true.... Eitherway, I'm actually glad you stood up. Thank you," Dad said.

"It had to be said. Besides, Jack and I have considered joining forces musically, but figured we'd give ourselves some time and more experience before going ahead with it," I said, eating a spoonful of rice.

"Well, you can always practice in the studio with us, start with covers as practice, then try writing songs on your own. That's how your father and I did it when we started Aelonia," Inna said, setting down the plate of veggies on the table before taking a seat.

She's already at 4 months, and the baby so far is doing well. We're all so anxious to find out if its a boy or a girl.

She's agreed to let me and Anna to know so we can plan the gender reveal party once she's at 6 months.

"Sounds like a good idea," Jack shrugged as he ate.

"Alright, but, say we actually do this," I asked. "What would we call ourselves?"

"Hmm... Well... You are one in the same," Inna shrugged. "Why not something twin related?"

"Classic idea," Dad nodded with a thinking look.

"How about Yin-Yang?" Nellie shrugged. "You two are like two halves of a whole."

"Hmm..." Jackson thought about it. "I like it... But it doesn't sound like a perfect match for a rock duo, it... Its missing something..."

"Okay, it should be more about you both," Bret said as we were now all thinking.

"Well.... What about Solis & Luna? Opposite that are still equals who work well together, Latin translation to add a bit of mystery, like in Vale," Dad shrugged. "It would be like stage personas too, like what me and Inna are doing with Dr. Cool and Babe."

"I like it," I shrugged. "But stage personas seem weird. I think we should just go for our own signature name first."

"I got one! Jessie and I are Gemini," Jack shrugged. "How about that?"

"Ooohh, now that sounds interesting," Inna smiled.

"Yeah..." I said, thinking about it. "Gemini, a rock duet featuring fraternal twins Jacky & Jessie Pitts."

"Wait, twins who are Gemini?" Nellie giggled. "What are the odds?"

"Oh yeah," Jessica laughed. "One of the foster homes that took us in when we were 7 were astrologers, really nice people, and the wife had a riot when she found out."

We laughed as then Dad spoke.

"Sun and Moon, Yin and Yang, basically the whole package," Dad smiled. "Question is, you sure you two want me to manage and produce this Gemini project?"

"I know I would," Jack said.

"We've seen the work you do with both BVB, Aelonia, and other bands you helped produce," I said. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Plus, families who work on music together are pretty popular and successful," Nellie added. "I mean, look at the Jonas Brothers, Gloria Estefan's family, My Chemical Romance.... All family based and successful."

"Hmmm... Very true.... Alright  you two got yourselves a manager and producer," Dad smiled, and we all cheered before Jack spoke.

"Well then, its official. Once Jess and Bret are back in the West Coast, Gemini will be hitting the studio," he said. "I say we celebrate with champagne and french toast!"

We all laughed as Inna ruffled his hair.

"Well, we got chicken parmesan and grape juice," she she shrugged.

"That works, too," He said as we all shared a cheers, clinking our drinks when I decided to speak.

"But," I do want Gemini to do something John did have a good idea about," I said.

"Which is?" Dad asked curiously.

"I want us to do more than inspire kids with disabilities like Jack's... I want us to bring awareness, too," I said.

Everyone listened in.

"There are still foster kids out there going through daily trauma like me and Jack did.... I want Gemini not only to be hope for them, but to act and at the very least spread awareness on victims of abuse in the foster care system, make know what millions of kids go through waiting for the perfect safe place to call home, a good family to love them, and some don't even make it past the age of 2 because of the horrors," I said. "Jack is a prime example of the brutality kids in the system can be exposed to... And what's being done about it?"

Everyone looked at each other, nodded.

"If Gemini is gonna be inspiring kids that they can overcome the difficulties the system puts us through, then I want them to also know that there are people out there planning to at least make things better while they wait for the perfect home," I said. "If were ever make it that far, half of proceeds from Gemini shows can go to organizations who help stop the abuse and bring awareness to this."

Everyone nodded and smiled as Bret kissed my hand.

"That is an amazing idea, Jess... I'm sure once we have more of Gemini going on, we can make the proper calls to help work with and be sponsered by the organizations you mentioned to do this," He smiled.

I smiled back before we all went back to enjoying another family dinner together.


Andy better be serious about BVB going under works now. He's been ignoring it for way too long thanks to his now shitty side project.

Here's screenshots of the new Kerrang! interview, a few parts of it, though. (obtained from @shadows_die_devient on instagram. More information can be found there, or just look for the complete article online):

This all just seems shady if you ask me, especially since he doesn't seem to mention Ashley anywhere, but did with everyone else?

What are your thoughts? (Arguments and rude comments will be deleted)

🎧 Currently in Sapph's playlist:

Jayy Von "It's On You"

♡~ sapphire.

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