6. A Night To Remember

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My eyes opened and Hermione was standing by the bed, in her pyjamas. "What's up 'Mione?"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked me. I couldn't refuse as I made space for her to lie next to me. We cuddled for around twenty minutes but then Hermione started getting different ideas...

"Hermione..." I said as she connected her lips with mine to begin what was to be a long make out session, "your dad said none of this..."

"He'll never know if we're quiet." Hermione smirked before kissing me again. My hands roamed her back as she fumbled with my shirt to take it off. She admired my toned torso before tracing her hands across my scars.

Not even saying anything she moved her head down and starting kissing each one of my scars. "You're so handsome Y/N, with or without scars."

It got to the point where Hermione started hastily trying to take my joggers off when I stopped her. "Hermione...are you sure?"

She looked at me. "I want to Y/N, I want my first to be with you."

It was everything I had ever imagined it to be, it was perfect, perfect because it was with the girl of my dreams.

After tidying the bed up and putting our clothes back on, me and Hermione crawled into bed and held each other tight in our arms before drifting off to sleep.

Waking up, I realised Hermione wasn't next to me and looked around, she must've left to go back to her own room. Memories of what happened came back to me and I couldn't help but give myself a satisfied smirk.

Getting out of bed, I made my way downstairs to find Hermione sitting with both her parents eating their breakfast.

"Ah, Y/N! Nice of you to join us." Mr Granger said.

I laughed. "I'm not really a morning person sir."

"Well, I made waffles so come join us." Mrs Granger said, beckoning me to a chair.

Sitting down next to Hermione she gave me a little smirk before carrying on with eating her waffles. I enjoyed the waffles although they were really nothing compared to Mrs Weasley's cooking.

"I hope you two didn't do anything dodgy last night." Mr Granger said as I was drinking my orange juice.

I almost spat it out but I refrained myself as Hermione replied. "No dad, we slept in separate rooms."

I nodded with what Hermione said and carried on drinking my juice.

"What are your plans for today then?" Mrs Granger asked me.

"I'm not really sure, I think 'Mione might show me around the Muggle world." I replied.

"Yep, I am," Hermione said, "we're going to go shopping and then Y/N has to go home."

Thankfully for me, the Granger's didn't ask about my family life because I didn't really want to bring it up, spending the last couple of days with Hermione was my break from the nightmare that I would have to go back to later today.

"Thank you for having me here Mr and Mrs Granger." I said politely before I left.

"Anytime." Mrs Granger smiled back at me.

The two of us left Hermione's house before beginning to explore London together, I followed Hermione whilst she went shopping and together we drank hot chocolate, the Muggle substitute for Butterbeer and we also had a nice lunch date.

I looked at the menu that the waitress handed me and there were some unrecognisable foods I had never heard of before. Once Hermione helped me pay for the lunch, we left and proceeded to walk the streets of London.

Me and Hermione went together to various clothing stores and I was a typical boyfriend as I was sitting outside the changing rooms waiting for Hermione to come out with different outfits that she had tried on.

"Which one do you like the best Y/N?" Hermione asked me.

My mind blanked. Was this a trick? Was there a right or wrong answer?

I paused for a bit. "Well, you look beautiful in all of them, so I can't pick."

I went over and gave her a quick kiss and she looked up at me.

"You're too sweet."

Finally, when Hermione had decided what she wanted, we made our way to the checkout and this time, without her help, I was able to pay for her clothes. I was smart and quickly before meeting up with Hermione, I went and exchanged some of my wizarding money for Muggle money, just so I could treat Hermione.

When the time came to leave, I was upset but I knew that I had to return back to the Malfoy Manor.

"This was perfect 'Mione, thank you." I smiled.

It was like the weather was listening to us and to top our farewell off, it started raining.

It was a cliche moment. We were standing on a road, the rain pouring on us as we were about to exchange our goodbyes.

No words had to be said, to seal our farewell off I pressed my lips against hers and we shared a bittersweet kiss, like they said, actions spoke louder than words.

"I'll see you soon? At Hogwarts?" Hermione asked me, her eyes meeting mine.

I nodded. "If I act like a prick to you, I'm sorry. I'll try my best to be a nice Malfoy."

She chuckled at me before we shared a final kiss before parting ways. As I walked to Diagon Alley I turned back and saw Hermione looking at me. Smiling at her, I turned round and didn't look back.

"What did you do these last couple of days?" asked Voldemort as I returned.

I had a lie ready. "I showed some Muggles their real place in this world using the skills you taught me grandfather."

With a satisfied smirk, Voldemort replied. "That concludes our training my heir, you have proven to do well and I am proud to have you in my ranks. You are dismissed, Hogwarts starts again tomorrow. I will see you soon."

Nodding, I watched Voldemort leave before retreating to me and Draco's room. Draco looked stressed, he was scribbling furiously with his quill in a small notebook and I didn't question him, maybe it had something to do with the task Voldemort had set him. The task that I would have to finish for him if he failed.

The task that involved killing Albus Dumbledore.

A/N: Hello everyone! You may have noticed that this chapter is substantially shorter and the lemon scene has been removed, this is because of the new Wattpad guidelines and I don't want to risk this book being removed!

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