Chapter 2

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Naruto awoke in a room with stone walls. He got up and noticed that his wounds were healed. The only reminder was a jagged scar on the spot where Sasuke hit him with his chidori. He found a black t shirt and some ANBU pants and put them on. He walked out of the room and walked around and found a room with people talking. He quickly listened and heard "-he is the last Uzumaki heir!". 'heir?' he thought. "We cannot allow him to die! If he does, then our clan will be wiped out forever!" The same person yelled. He opened the door and quickly said a silent "Where am I and who are you?". Everyone turned around and stared at him until one of them, a red haired man, broke the silence. "So you have woken, young master" He said. "Young master?" Naruto asked, confused. The some of the others in the room nodded while a few glared at him. "You are the heir of the Uzumaki clan, the one who will take the position of leader once you are the correct age" he continued. Naruto suddenly remembered his friends, Sasuke and the promise he made to Sakura. "I dont care about that right now! I need to get back, I need to save Sasuke!" He yelled frantically. The red haired man held up his hand, motioning for the hyper blonde to stop for a moment. "We cannot allow you to go back until we train you to your full potential and make you promise that you will take the position of the clan leader. After an hour of argueing between them, Naruto finally gave up to the red haired mans joy. "Now" He smiled, "Now we shall start your training!" (Timeskip 2 years) A blonde boy with a orange cloak with black blames on the edges walked towards Konoha. "Wow" He said outloud, "It looks pretty bad in there". The red haired man beside him nodded. They walked in and found two chunin, Izumo and Kotetsu sleeping on the job. "Oi, Izumo! Kotetsu!" Naruto yelled. Their heads snapped up and quickly took in the blonde teenager and the red haired man. "Sorry, please write..." Kotetsu trailed off when they realized Naruto had yelled their name. They quickly whipped out their kunai and yelled "Who are you? You look like Naruto and the Fourth Hokage!". Naruto laughed, "You would think that at least some of the Konoha ninja would know who Naruto Uzumaki is". Their eyes widened before narrowing. "Naruto died two years ago. Who are you imposter?!" Izumo yelled. Naruto laughed again, "Guys, its really me. I didnt die, I was with the last of my clan training. Now let be see Baa-chan". Their eyes widened again when they heard the old nickname Naruto used to give the fifth hokage. Soon Naruto kicked the door open to Tsunade's office. "OI BAA-CHAN! IM BACK AND I WANT A MISSION!" he yelled. Suddenly she appeared right in front of him, a fist at his face. "Dont. You. Dare. Act. Like. HIM!" Naruto did a closed eye smile, "Its really me Baa chan. Im sorry that I was gone for so long, but I was training with the last of my clan". He suddenly tapped her forehead and suddenly all his memories of him after his supposed "death" was transferred to her. She suddenly hugged him and backed off to look at him. "Naruto, you look like the fourth hokage! What happened to you?" She asked. "go through some of the memories I tranferred to you and youll find out" he said. She nodded, "Go see some of your friends. Im sure that they would love to see that you are alive". Naruto nodded and told the red haired man, Daisuke, to go and find a hotel to stay in. Then he shunsined to the training ground where he sensed Konohamaru and Jiraiya. Yes, he SENSED them. Being in the Uzumaki clan, he had the natural ability to be able to sense peoples chakra. The only reason he couldnt before is that he didnt know how to. He appeared at the training ground and found Konohamaru making a rasengan, a rasengan bigger than a normal one. "Big Ball Rasengan!" He yelled and slammed it into the ground. It exploded and created a huge crater, ten times bigger than a normal rasengan would. I saw the ero-sennin start to clap. "Good job Konohamaru! In no time we will be able to take down Sasuke and bring him to justice!" Naruto immediately stepped in. "Ero-sennin, Konohmaru! Its me, Naruto!" (1st person because im used to it) yelled. They faced me with disbelief and anger. Before they could say a word I quickly transferred my memories into them and once I was done they stared at me. Suddenly they burst out crying and they tackled me in a huge hug. "Naruto-nii!" Konohamaru sobbed into my chest as I patted his back. I looked at Ero-sennin. He was standing there, crying his eyes out. I gently took Konohamaru off and hugged Ero-sennin before saying "Guys, I gotta go. I need to go and tell the others about me! Ill see ya later!" I ran off to the BBQ place where I hoped Shikamaru and Choji were at. I walked in and found them, not eating, but sulking and they werent the only ones. All the previous rookie teams along with Gaara and his team were there silent. Then I remembered why they were there. Today was the day I supposedly "Died" 2 years ago. Choji looked a lot thinner and I saw him have only one piece of meat on his plate, untouched. I walked up and said "Wassup!" They all looked at me, no GLARED at me. "Guys, whats with the sad expressions? Its me, Naruto!" I said. Suddenly Sakura stood up angrily. "Shut up! Dont try and imitate him beca-" I quickly stopped her by transferring my memories into her and the others. Of course, I only transferred a tiny bit, piece by piece. I would have to take them back later though. Suddenly they burst out crying, one by one. I didnt notice one of them there though: Hinata. Panic overwhelmed me. An year ago, I found out that my "Crush" for Sakura was nothing and I liked someone else, no LOVED someone else. Each one of my friends hugged me but I ignored all their questions before yelling "Wheres Hinata!". They looked at each other and motioned for me to follow them to the cemetery.

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