Chapter 16: Science VS. Magic

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You and the Dazzlebooms are heading to rehearsal in the music. You're right now talking to the Dazzlings about their new magic.

(Y/N): "So, how are the new positive charged magic coming along."

Aria: "My voice sounds like I'm a Disney princess."

Adagio: "If we sing like Disney princesses, why don't we dress like them."

Sonata: "Can my gown come with a feather boa?"

Aria: "Yeah, as if we become Disney princesses, you won't catch me in those gowns at all."

(Y/N): "You know I actually watch my fair share of Disney movies, and you three would look great in gowns."

The Dazzlings blushed and giggled from what you said.

Adagio: "Stop, you're making us blush."

Sonata: "I hope my gown doesn't make me too fat."

When you and the Dazzlebooms arrive at the music room, you see Sunset and Mane-iac setting up some lab equipment.

(Y/N): "Oi, what's all of this?"

Rainbow: "I thought we were rehearsing."

Sunset: "Well, you are. Sort of. Back when I was Princess Celestia's student, I learned best by going out into the field and actually doing something. Studying ancient books is fine for some people, but I like to solve magical mysteries by rolling up my sleeves and getting my hooves... uh, hands dirty.", as she said putting on gloves

Mane-iac: "I agreed to help out with Sunset, solving mysteries of the universe is my cup of tea, no matter how insane I become.", as she said with a twitching eye.

Fluttershy and Sonata was a bit creeped out from the twitching eye, so she hugged your arm for comfort.

Applejack: "I can relate to workin' hard outdoors, but what the hay does that have to do with us playin' music?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, though I do dabble in the mystic arts as Terraspin, but I'm exactly magical per say."

Sunset: "We're trying to figure out how magic works here. Why you grow ears, tails, and wings when you pony up and what your instruments have to do with it."

Fluttershy: "Um, are you sure we need to figure it out?"

Sunset: "It'll be fun. Just start playing. You won't even know we're here."

(Y/N): "Okay then, Fluttershy, you should go first."

Fluttershy: "Oh, um, okay.", as she said walking over to Mane-iac.

Mane-iac then put a helmet on Fluttershy's head.


Sunset: "When you play your instrument, we'll be recording the readings from this monitor okay."

Fluttershy: "Will it hurt?"

Mane-iac: "Oh don't be such a baby, it won't hurt, much."

Fluttershy gulped and plays her tambourine. The monitor display shows normal readings until it creates a wave of butterflies, when Mane-iac and Sunset turn to Fluttershy, she pony up, knock out the power and glowing butterflies were flying.

(Y/N): "That was the most adorable accident ever."

Sonata: "Of all time."

Mane-iac got up and turn to the other girls.

Mane-iac: "Now who's next?"

Sunset: "We'll let (Y/N) decide."

Sonata: "Can we go next, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaasse?"

(Y/N): "Okay, okay, the Dazzlings go next."

Aria and Adagio: "What?"

Sonata: "Yay!"

The Dazzlings

Mane-iac and Sunset attach cables from the microphones to their computers in an isolated room.

Sunset: "Okay, we'll record your magic from here."

Mane-iac: "Just sing into the mic."

Sonata raises her hand.

Sunset: "Sonata has one more question."

Sonata: "What should we sing?"

Mane-iac: "Just sing the first song that pops into your head, okay."

The trio nodded and sing the first song that popped into their heads.

After the song, the Dazzlings pony up, Sunset and Mane-iac were mellowed out and Sunset was stroking Mane-iac's hair.

Sunset: "I like your hair, what kind of shampoo do you use?"

Mane-iac: "I use aloe shampoo."

(Y/N): "I think they need sometime get back into reality fo awhile."

Later, Sunset and Mane-iac got back into reality and Applejack was next.


Applejack was floating in pony up mode then return back to the ground.

Applejack: "Nothin happen?"

Mane-iac: "Odd?"

Then a pile of apples fell onto Mane-iac and Sunset, and Applejack takes one and eat it.

(Y/N): "You know the traditional give an apple to the teacher for politeness, well I think Applejack take that to whole new level with that."

Sunset: "Next."

Twilight: "I will go next."

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight is singing a song that popped into her head, same experiment with the Dazzlings.

After the song and transformation, Mane-iac and Sunset are black and smoking from the song. Twilight blushed and smiled nervously from what happened.

Sunset: "Okay new theory, how about you sing so quietly, so no one can hear you."

Twilight: "Sorry about that."

(Y/N): "Hey, you have a great singing voice, you can't help it."

Twilight: "Oh it's not that great, I just sing the first song from my head.", as she said twirling her hair.

Rarity: "Me next darlings, and I want (Y/N) to strap me up to a machine."

(Y/N): "Uhh, okay."


You put suction cup wires on Rarity, she really enjoys it too. When you got to the legs, you saw her panties, you blushed and look away.

Rarity: "Like what you see?"

The whole band heard her and got jealous from that, but they try to hide it, except for Mane-iac. She just draws a picture of herself choking onto Rarity with her hair. When you place a suction cup wire on her forehead, Rarity gives out a flirtatious look in her eye, which made you blush even harder. You then head to Sunset and Mane-iac.

Rarity: "This one is for you (Y/N)."

You blushed harder from what Rarity said. She then plays her Keytar until she pony up, this caused Sunset, Mane-iac, and you get caught by the wires on the floor and fell. Rarity notices this and sees you with a blushed expression.

Rarity: "Oh, sorry."

(Y/N): "It's okay."

Pinkie: "ME NEXT!"

Pinkie Pie

As Sunset and Mane-iac look over Pinkie's readings, Pinkie plays the drums and sped up thanks to her pony up mode. This cause Pinkie to launch a wave of balloons at Mane-iac and Sunset into a wall with electricity flowing through their hair.

Pinkie: "Whoops, my bad!"

(Y/N): "You two okay?"

Mane-iac: "Just shocked as all."

Pinkie laughed from the pun.

Pinkie: "Shocked"*laughter*

(Y/N): "Okay Rainbow, looks like you're up."

Rainbow blushed.

Rainbow: "Why don't you go next, you're a good singer, plus Sunset and Mane-iac are geeking out over your watch."

You then notice Mane-iac and Sunset hugging your arm with the omnitrix on it.

Sunset: "So pretty."

Mane-iac: "So mysterious."

Skurd: "That's not weird at all."

(Y/N) (L/N)

Same thing from the Dazzlings and Twilight, your microphone is plugged into a monitor that leads into an isolated room. You then sing the first that popped into your head. This cause Sunset and Mane-iac to be sucked into your omnitrix.

Author's note: Sunset and Mane-iac is Starlight, as for Trixie is you, and the characters in the video is the 1000912 aliens stored in the Omnitrix.

They witness you singing, while your 1000912 aliens are dancing. Then the girl got shot out of the Omnitrix and back to their spot in the isolated room.

(Y/N): "How was that?"

Sunset and Mane-iac don't have the words to describe it.

Rainbow: "My turn!"

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow's guitar was attached to a computer in the isolated room where Mane-iac and Sunset is. As she plays her guitar, the magic from the guitar flow from the guitar to the computer and made a rainbow paint explosion.

(Y/N): "I know you have to taste the rainbow, but not like that girls."

Rainbow laughed from the joke.

Later, the whole band gathered up and Mane-iac and Sunset is bout to announce the results.

Sunset: "Finally, after all this testing, we've come to a definitive conclusion!"

(Y/N): "What is it?"

Mane-iac: "We have no idea how magic works in this world!"

Sunset and Mane-iac groan and pass out. You then see Silver Quill at the door recording the whole thing on his phone.

Silver Quill: "I'm so gonna put this on Hooftube, SCIENCE FAIL!"

Twilight then gets angry and grab a trombone and did this to Silver Quill.

Twilight then came back into the room and turn to Silver Quill and grab him by the neck.

Twilight: "The next time you say science fail, I will shove a flute up your own flank!"

Silver Quill: "Okay."

Twilight then lets go of Silver Quill and put a smile back on her face.

Twilight: "Thank you Silver."

(Y/N): "I don't know if I call it cute or scary."

Next: Chapter 17: Crystal Clear Spying

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