The begining

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I am going to switch the perspective from one hero to the next to show their stories ~Julie ❤️


All I wanted was some free time but no... THIS HAPPENED. I have to take care of my siblings because my parents don't do the best job. I go to an arts school and all I have to say is I'm not the most popular person.

When you have the worst day of your life when your parents get murdered earlier in the month and siblings die in a field trip bus crash tell me. Soon as I heard, I ran away from home. Then suddenly shadows consumed me as everything was dark.


My life was boring and too good for me. I was always scared of what others would think and thought no one cared.

Everyone cared. The problem is, I felt greedy for taking their compassion.

I did dance company at school and couldn't talk to the others that well. So I ran away. I ran from all my problems and ended here. In front of two deer beckoning me to follow so I did. There was a flash and all I saw was a flash and soon, darkness.


I hate everything about the people around me.  My parents divorced because my father drank.  I had to stay with my dad to take care of him.  It's awful. I get out of the house as much as possible.

I take any chance I get.  So when I saw a fire I used it as an excuse to go put it out.  I grabbed on to my fire extinguisher and went back out to the fire. As I approached it, my vision blurred and I felt the darkness consume me.


I can't believe it. They died. They died doing the thing they love.  My parents drowned scuba diving. They went too deep for their own good and now their gone.

Now I'm lost. I jumped off a bridge into a river and washed up at the rivers end, in the middle of a forest. As I attempted to get up, I fell asleep.


I hold secrets I must keep. I'm a pick pocket thief. No one really cares though. The names ironic when you steal for food and draw for other money.

I'm still homeless but the forest is my home. I am an emotional person but, only on my own. I went to my cave and attempted to get inside fast but ended up falling on the floor, not knowing how to feel in my daze.


I heard the words " welcome children" as I woke up there was a man who looked in this 30's staring at me and 4 others who looked my age. All guys and 1 girl. Great...

They awoke too with auras around them one was black, another blue next, red and the final, purple. I looked at mine. It was white-ish yellow but I didn't care.

The man said "I am Sir Golson. I will your master in showing you dear children about yourselves. I'll be teaching you about your supernatural abilities in magic." Wait... magic?

He told us we were to be of the selected 5 to protect from evil. You probably are wondering "what evil? Society is good". nope. We protect people from other superior beings that hunt people down.

He settled us into rooms of our own. Finally. He told us we would have consistent training and bonding exercises and start up school again in a week. Yay! More make up work and people thinking I killed my self because I wasn't there for a week.


The old man gave me a room of my own. I don't know anyone else here and I don't want to grow attached. I saw 3 other guys and 1 girl. Great... at least I don't have to steal anytime soon. It hurts me inside whenever I do but, I don't want to die.


Looking back earlier I saw we all had auras. Why? Do they describe our 'powers' or our personalities. I really don't know but I want to. I thought about everything that Golson said and drifted into sleep thinking of what to ask him in the morning.

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