Chapter 41

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Prancing through the woods with a stupid grin on his face, Ozone felt as happy as a lark. The Forest was as good as his. Nothing could stop him now. And nothing was going to ruin his happiness. That is until a certain fluffy white dog tackled him to the leaf covered ground.

"Where's Tiberius?!" Gidget barked, pinning the mountain lion. Trotting into the clearing behind the fluffy white dog, Norman wagged his tail and trilled, "Hi Ozone!" Staring at the young griffin cub in shock. Ozone stuttered, "You're supposed to be dead." Sitting down, Norman shook his head and chirped, "Nope. I'm alive. And my dad needs to know I'm alive. Where is he?"

"I ain't saying nothing," Ozone declared. Glaring at the mountain lion, Gidget asked sweetly, "Norman, does your dad have you do anything during violent situations?" Nodding his head, Norman confirmed, "Yeah, we have this fun game where I cover my eyes and wait until he tells me I've won!" Smiling as she looked over at the cub, the dog replied, "How about we play? Are your eyes covered?"

"Yes they are!" Norman quipped, his eyes covered by his taloned forepaws. "Don't open them until I say otherwise sweetie," Gidget instructed. Her kindness was quickly replaced by ferocity as she suddenly started slapping Ozone across the face. "Where is Tiberius?!" she barked. Each slap hurt more than the last, Ozone wailed, "I'll talk! I'll talk, okay?! I sent him towards the human hunting grounds!" Booping the mountain lion on the nose, Gidget stated, "Thank you. Norman, we won. We have to get to the human hunting grounds."

Dragging his feet with each step, Tiberius barely noticed the herd of deer he was walking by. At first the deer were a bit skittish, worried they were going to be hunted. But once they realized that they weren't in any danger, they relaxed and even moved out of the griffin's way as he trudged along, granting him the silence and personal space he needed right now.

His gaze focused on his own taloned forepaws, Tiberius honestly didn't care if he went back to the Forest. It had been his home for years but it was nothing without Norman. All it offered was memories of the past, memories he wished he could forget but couldn't. Tears threatened to fall again but the griffin held them back. Trembling from the effort, he closed his eyes.

"Daddy!" a voice far off in the distance cried. Tiberius barely even heard it but it was there. It sounded almost like Norman. Dismissing it as part of his imagination, the griffin was about to keep on moving when he noticed that the deer were interested by something behind him. The voice, meanwhile, came again only louder this time, "Daddy!"

"Norman..." Tiberius mumbled, confused. Was he hearing the ghost of his son or something? He dared to turn around and watched with the deer herd. At first he didn't see anything. Then a white dog came running out of the woods and into the meadow. "Gidget?!" Tiberius called, surprised to see her. "Tiberius! Norman's alive!" Gidget howled, just as a familiar griffin cub burst out of the woods behind her. Racing alongside the fluffy white dog, Norman exclaimed, "Daddy!"

"Norman!" Tiberius cried, blinking his eyes. He feared this was a dream. But it was reality. His son was running across the meadow, alive and well. His heart soaring, the older griffin dashed through the deer herd. Gidget soon found herself falling behind Norman, who was picking up the pace. The deer herd, meanwhile, stayed out of the way as the two griffins raced towards the middle. Launching himself at his dad and causing them to tumble backwards, Norman purred, "I missed you so much Dad!"

"I missed you too Norman. Thank goodness you're alright," Tiberius mumbled, hugging Norman close to his chest. Finally getting over to where the two griffins were, Gidget flopped onto her side. "Man I'm out of shape..." she wheezed. Chuckling softly, Tiberius pulled her into a group hug. Watching the spectacle, the deer herd were becoming an emotional wreck as they all spoke in unison, "Aww..."

Just then a gunshot rang out.

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