The Team of Troublemakers

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~Michaela's POV~

I wasn't asking for trouble. I actually hate getting into trouble.

Well, let's start at the beginning.

I was just minding my own business in the field of Mars.

I playing with bubbles, with Aunt Hazel watching me. I kept asking her questions about how bubbles are made.

Aunt Hazel laughed. "You are so much like your mother."

I pouted.

She laughed again. "Now your acting like your father." I grinned.

My smile dropped off my face.

"Hazel, where is my father?"

She looked lost for words.

"Percy... is busy. He's on a quest right now."

"Where's Mommy?" I asked.

"Your Mommy is on Olympus."

I look at Hazel. Mommy was on Olympus a lot. And, Dad was always on a quest.

Hazel smiled, like she knows what I'm thinking.

Suddenly, Leo came running towards us. He stumbled and flipped over. After he did his last flip, he landed right next to Hazel and I.

Hazel, being the mother she is, literally ran to Leo and made sure he was fine.

Leo was trying to tell her he was fine, and wave it off as nothing. But, you should never say no to Hazel when she fussing over you because of an injury.

"Hazel, I told you, I'm fine." Leo tried to convince Hazel, again. And failed, again.

Hazel continued to look him over for injuries. Leo sent me a pleading look.

"Leo, why were you running over here?" I asked absentmindedly.

Hazel looked at Leo, waiting for his answer.

"Oh. Hazel we're needed on Olympus." Leo answered.

I frowned. Olympus, Olympus, Olympus. It's always Olympus. Stupid gods.

"Michaela, you're the oldest, can you watch the others?" Hazel asked.

I nodded. They left to go to Olympus.

I picked everything up and walked home. Everyone I walked pasted looked at me like I was a lonely puppy. I hate sympathy.

I kept walking with my head held high. The leaders of Camp Jupiter were gone. So, that meant they were on Olympus as well.

Great. What are they even talking about?!?


Published: April 20, 2015.

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