A Widow in White

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In the middle of a busy street a senkaimon opens, unseen to the human world, the hustle and bustle of a quiet sunday morning goes about as it manifests. From the white light walks a long brown haired man, his eyes hued in purple sclera and white irises. In the center of his chest sits a beautiful black pearl known as the Hogyoku, his body is garbed in the remains of a chrysalis that hid the extent of his metamorphosis into a transcendent being. He is the only one to exit the gate, and all who had fought at his side had either betrayed him or lie dead and dying in the streets of the fake version of this very city. An evil smile splits his face, a once handsome man turned monster bent on killing god to install himself on the throne of the heavens. Aizen has arrived to the world of the living, the transcendent evil that wafts from him radiates out and physically distorts the horizon with both his spiritual pressure and his malevolence. He raises his hands outwards as if basking in the praise of an audience hailing him as a king, breathing deeply the dense reishi that situated itself in the little town of Karakura. 100,000 would be sacrificed, 100,000 would never see the next day, 100,000 would cease to exist, 100,000 souls to create the King's key. Aizen lowers his head from looking at the sun, drifting towards its bed on the horizon, and down the street. In the center of the road stands a short black haired woman in the tattered remains of a set of arrancar robes underneath a set of black shinigami robes.

"When will you be satisfied?" She asks, her face stained with tears. "You took everything from me..." She says her voice begins to crack as sobs rattle through her. She is slightly hunched over, like the weight of the two blades she carries is dragging her down.

"I will be satisfied when the false god that sits upon the throne of the soul king is deposed and I rule in his stead." Aizen answers, taking note of her pitiful form. "Those that stood in the way of the new world had to be destroyed."

"Is that how you see it? Of all things, hollows, the denizens of hell, humans, quincies and shinigami alike, all don't compare to how evil you are. Did you feel anything when you slaughtered them, the souls you destroyed to make your half of the hogyoku? When you killed my friends, what about Ichigo? You told me he was your greatest success why?"

"Ichigo is my greatest triumph, as are you. He didn't meet my expectations, and I left him alive in the fake city with the others." Aizen answers, the sadness present on Rukia's face disappears and turns to the fury the likes not even hell could contend with.

"It doesn't matter." She says with a laugh to herself, "When I win, I'm going to rip the hogyoku from your corpse and use it to undo everything you destroyed." She says standing to her full height, her two swords resting at her sides pointing slightly away from her center. "If I should not be enough to kill you. If I die, he will annihilate you and do the same."

"You will not die in this battle, for you carry within you the next piece of my plan. What is growing inside you is the product of a perfect being and the perfect espada." Aizen says, leveling his sword at her pointing to her lower abdomen. "You are with child, and that child will succeed me as the next soul king. Everything has gone just as I have planned, everything except you, my wonderful outlier. Who'd have guessed that a street rat from Rukongai born with only a name to own...would one day mother the new god." Rukia stays silent, the news that she is pregnant should be utter elation, but all she can feel is desolate and entropic.

"I'm going to kill you now." She says, her reiatsu beginning to freeze the ground she stands upon.

"I am immortal, Rukia Kuchiki, the hogyoku has responded to my will and made it so that I shall not be defeated until I attain my ultimate goal." Aizen responds with a sick grin on his face. "Fret not, Ichigo is still alive, but barely. He will be coming here to pursue me in time. When he arrives he will see my transcendence and you two shall live in my perfect world."

"I told you before. That is not my name." She says sternly, not breaking eye contact with the monster before her. "I am Rukia Kurosaki."

"It matters not what you call yourself, I have already said that I will not strike you down. You are with Ichigo Kurosaki's child, and I refuse to allow that experiment not to come to fruition." Aizen says as he raises a hand to offer her to join his side. "You are to be the mother of the first natural born transcendent being since the soul king himself. You should feel proud, for I, the new soul king, named your first born to be my heir to the new world."

"You once told me that the Hogyoku responded to your greatest desire." Rukia begins, lifting the two blades so that the crimson sword is pointed upwards and that the white blade is pointed towards the ground. "I will make it so that your greatest desire will be to die, so that the suffering that I put you through will finally end." Aizen arches an eyebrow at her statement. She takes a deep breath and whispers the next word. "Eclipse."

Aizen's eyes widen slightly when he hears the whisper of the word on the wind, bringing with it a cold like that he had never felt before. The swords that she holds at a diagonal across her body begin to glow, the ribbon at the pommel of both blades floats upwards and wraps around the other blade's ribbon. Red entwined with white, winding so tightly that the fabric looks like a single braid of red and white silk. "Emperatriz de la Luna." When she speaks the air becomes fog as it leaves her mouth, the ice that was fractaling out from her feet flash freezes the asphalt. The clear sky is shrouded in a frozen blanket of clouds that spell an ill will of winter. From the dark gray storm above a frigid tornado envelops her form, white lightning strikes around the city freezing everything caught in the path of the electricity. The winds scream through the air with enough speed and wrath to strip a normal man to bone in an instant as frozen blades of ice travel near sonic speeds as they're spun about by the tornado of ice.

As the winds calm and the tornado ropes out and dissipates, the queen of the hollows has resurrected herself. A large collar frames her head, exposing her face and longer hair. Her hair is a soft lavender purple, her eyes the same gentle color but her sclera is as red as blood. Her skin is as pale as the ice that surrounds and cloaks her, her clothing as white as new fallen snow. The tattered shihakusho she was wearing underneath the arrancar's robes have become one, the sleeves are frayed in long jagged and torn strands the inside an abyssal black interrupted only by her skin. The center of her chest sits a large hollow hole encompassing the space where her broken heart once was, from the hole leading up to her collar are larged fanned out and deep purple flaps of fabric that sit perfectly still as if frozen into place. The front of the new garb is emboldened in gold down the center revealing a seam. A yellow sash sits at her waist tying it together. The cloak parts at the mid thigh revealing her legs and bare feet as the ends of the shihakusho that hang near her legs are tattered and flutter in the breeze created by her own reiatsu. Her twin swords have fused into a single weapon, the white metal of her zanpakuto has twisted into a long slender handle leading to a frozen jeweled point at the base. Towards the top the metal begins to bleed to red as it approaches the blade of the weapon. The twisted metal making up the shaft looks like frozen arteries tangling around a long blood colored scythe blade. The main end is almost two meters long and the other end sits with a blade facing the opposite direction a third the length of the parent blade. Atop the scythe's blade sits a white jewel sharpened to a similar point as the bottom of the weapon. Behind her at her waist sit nine lavender and white tipped tails that fan out from the base of her spine.

"Interesting," Aizen says as Rukia glares at him through silvery eyes that burn with frigid hate. "Your exposure to the hogyoku has created something wondrous and yet... how did you discover how to evolve a resurrection?"

"The same way your arrancar learned to wield power." She answers coldly. "I defeated my blade, and devoured your espada. The lack of emotion made Ulquiorra taste horrible, I wanted to taste his fear."

"Ulquiorra was my greatest achievement among the vasto lorde but it seems even he was a failure." Aizen sighs, raising a hand dramatically to his face and pinching his nose in disappointment. "His death has furthered your ascension, Kurosaki Ru-gah!" Aizen gasps in excruciating pain before he could finish speaking. Rukia had teleported right behind him and stabbed him straight through the chest with the larger end of her scythe buried to the handle in Aizen's back. The crimson blade pierced straight through where his heart should be and now protrudes from the traitor's chest. Rukia herself is standing on his shoulder holding the white and red handle of her massive weapon.

"You talk too much." Rukia says, her expression emotionless and unimpressed with the artificial god's monologuing. "Shut up and Die already." She demands, grabbing the handle of her scythe before jumping off of Aizen's back.

She wrenches the scythe as she drops to the ground, using it as a fulcrum to throw Aizen over her head. Aizen growls in pain, trying to reach behind him to push the blade from his chest but when he's flipped airborne the blade sinks further into him. Now with Aizen in the air, she spins herself and the blade around rapidly. With a hard yank, she cuts the blade free of Aizen, through his clavicle and shoulder sending him flying. Having thrown her enemy from the center of the town, Rukia knows she only has a few moments before Aizen recovers and tries to stop himself. In a burst reishi she vanishes, teleporting to where the artificial god was thrown before charging a black and lavender cero on her palm. Aizen manages to stop himself in mid air, the wound created by the giant weapon had already healed over. However she doesn't allow him a moment to recover, as he rights himself and begins to levitate, Rukia appears in front of him with a massive black sphere of reishi collecting in her palm. "Cero Oscuras." She says emotionlessly, the lavender black beam of energy is fired at point blank range right into his face. The force of the beam once again sends him careening away from the city, however this time it's strong enough to slam Aizen into the top of a mountain. The impact crushes the stone on the rock face leaving it a massive cloud of dust before the cero strikes.

The concentrated beam of energy seemingly vanishes when it makes contact with the ground, Rukia herself appearing again looking over the mountain where Aizen had impacted. A half second passes before a massive flash of white and lavender hued light appears from the peak of the mountain. The massive explosion expands outwards in a blinding ball of light, the silence of the light is then followed with a pressure wave that can shatter eardrums, concrete and the surrounding shorter peaks of the mountain. The shockwave pushes the clouds from their places in the heavens creating massive rings around the mushroom cloud created by the cero. The towering mushroom cloud being equivalent to the castle bravo nuclear warhead. The heat generated from the blast incinerates everything on the cliff face and for dozens of miles around. Thankfully she had managed to launch the monster almost fifty miles from the location of the displaced Karakura town in soul society.

The mushroom cloud is dispersed by a tower of purple light emanating from where Aizen once stood. Rukia's emotionless expression shifts as she barely lifts an eyebrow at what she is seeing. The cloud of ash and dust is blown away as Aizen's spiritual pressure cascades across the mountain range. The tower of light begins to dim before shrinking to the bottom of a burned crater. The mountain had been flattened to the same elevation of the surrounding fields, the only thing remaining of it is a bare completely flat surface burned black from the heat of the explosion. In the bottom of the scorched crater, a white figure stands, three sets of gentle butterfly wings spread from his back. Rukia teleports down to get a better look at what Aizen is becoming, it's evident that he is evolving again. A hollow hole with a cross brace sits in the center of his chest, the Hogyoku still embedded in its place. Aizen's hair had grown longer, and now a third black eye sits in the center of his forehead. His eyes are now framed with silver irises and purple sclera and the third with black sclera and a silver iris.

"I'm impressed, Kurosaki Rukia." The newly evolved Aizen begins. "Your attack nearly disintegrated me completely. However, thanks to the hogyoku I managed to survive such a blast. I truly am proud of what you have become and how far you have gotten. I hope that you're capable of much more than that attack, if you want me to wish for death you'll need it." Rukia merely stares at him with the same dead expression on her face. "Evolution requires fear, I thank you Kurosaki Rukia. You have helped me reach the next step."

"If it's fear you want, then it's fear you shall get... " Rukia responds, her crimson and silver eyes glow slightly before snow begins to fall from the heavens. Aizen raises a hand to a falling snowflake as it gently drifts towards his skin. The moment it touches the flesh on his hand, a gash almost deep enough to sever his fingers appears and sprays blood. "The Final Dance. A Waltz with Death."

Spinning her scythe around her body causes the ice and snow falling from the heavens to begin to fall faster and faster. After the initial cut on his hand, Aizen is left speechless at the fact that she can not only cut him but do it so perfectly that he doesn't even feel pain from the wound until he looks at the gash. Though the Hogyoku's power regenerates his severed fingers, he is forced to shield himself from the blizzard that she is willing into existence. The snow coming down is pulled towards her as it falls, now orbiting her body in a sphere of ice and death. The barrier Aizen has created for himself is slashed by each falling snowflake that touches the deep purple spirit energy that he shrouds himself with. "She's far stronger than I thought she'd be capable of. I may be fused with the hogyoku but she had continuous exposure for months before I managed to get it from her." Aizen tries to internally rationalize how this little soul reaper turned espada is capable of such power. The barrier he has erected is buried in a blizzard of razor sharp snowflakes, that spin around it violently as she levels the scythe towards him. Each snowflake cutting straight through the stone beneath him. Glaring at his cowardice, She lunges forwards to continue her attack. Flipping forwards, bringing the massive crimson blade of the scythe down so hard that the air around it cracks from being cut. The scythe pierces through the reiatsu barrier narrowly missing Aizen, before it's yanked outwards shattering the ball.

"Enough of this!" Aizen yells, "You've endangered my plans enough you fool." He declares, raising his sword attempting to cut through her scythe in order to disarm her. Letting go of the weapon, Rukia raises a single hand and catches the blade of his sword between her fingers. The force of the strike is enough to shatter the stony ground beneath their feet. "W-what?! Impossible!" Aizen shouts before trying to yank the blade from her grip but finds that he can't get the sword from her grip. She grabs the blade with her entire hand before lifting the other and flattening out her hand forming a point with her hand. Along her skin, Ice quickly freezes to her flesh forming a long blade over her hand. Aizen's shock is short lived, quickly replaced with pain unlike anything he's ever felt. Rukia had plunged the blade into his stomach, stabbing him with her entire hand much like he had done to her. But with him, she twists her hand around causing his blood to begin to freeze around the wound before tearing her arm through his side before spinning and kicking him in the chest. Around her, the blizzard begins to pick up speed intensifying to hurricane force winds.

As the snow begins to assault his flesh, thousands of small cuts lacerate his skin, he flares his spiritual pressure outwards in order to create a barrier around himself that melts the deadly ice crystals. He raises the sword to block an incoming strike from Rukia, but due to the massive curve in her weapon it's near impossible, as the second edge on the blade cuts him across the chest as she catches his sword in the hook of the scythe. She yanks the blade backwards and pulls his guard away from him before spinning twice, slashing the hooked blade around with each cut. Aizen raises his blade to block the two attacks, and manages to stop the second one after leaning away from the first impact. She immediately breaks the blade lock before spinning the opposite direction bringing up the sharpened point at the end of her scythe to eye level. She throws a series of stabs and lunges towards Aizen causing him to back pedal even more as he blocks each strike from her. In a burst of black and purple reishi she teleports, causing Aizen to look around frantically for the tiny soul reaper. "Getsuga Tensho." he hears her whisper from right over his shoulder before she drags the hooked blade along his back and fires the black getsuga into him.

Aizen is sent flying from the blast, careening face first into the mountain side as another getsuga fired seconds later blots out the sun as it nears him. Sensing this attack coming, Aizen teleports from the crater allowing the getsuga to impact the rock face harmlessly. The attack flash freezes the entire mountain in over a foot of ice. As he reappears behind her, Rukia turns quickly and flares her tails outwards creating a ring around herself almost like a halo with them. From the white points of each gray tail a swirling black and soft purple ball of reiatsu begins to form as they get bigger and bigger. "Cero Ultima." She declares calmly as she fires all nine black ceros towards Aizen. The nine beams converge into a single larger mass in front of her body, becoming a ball of destructive energy so large that it completely covers her appearance from the ground. She pulls her tails backwards after having fed it enough power before raising a single hand and flicking the surface of the ball. This causes an electric shockwave to ripple across the surface of the charging cero before it explodes forwards in a massive beam. Aizen's eyes widen in fear of this technique, a millisecond before the beam swallows him, he raises a reishi barrier to protect himself. The ultimate cero swallows Aizen's bubble instantly and bores itself through the edge of the flattened mountain continuing into the artificial glacier and valley beneath it. As it detonates, the surrounding mountain range is completely evaporated by the massive explosion, turning the granite to dust and then to ash in a magnificent and terrifying ball of darkness. She wills the winds she's controlling to sweep away the settling dust revealing Aizen at the bottom of a new crater half completely incinerated. Aside from a bit of charred flesh still hanging on to his blackened bones, the only thing that survived the attack was the hogyoku itself that still floats in the skeleton's strange circular formation of bone at its center.

"Get up. I'm not done ripping off your wings, little butterfly." She mocks, causing the skeleton to jerk upwards before the partially cauterized flesh from the attack begins to slowly regrow over his skeleton. "That's it, I know you're scared. You should be, when I'm done with you, there won't even be any atoms to put back together."

The half-incinerated skeleton of Aizen teleports from the crater where he was almost killed. Rukia merely scowls seeing him run again, directing her attention upwards to the air where Aizen manifests once again in a flash of bright purple light.

"Marvelous. Truly Marvelous. I have to say, out of all my experiments you are by far the best result I've ever reached. And to think the child you shall bear will be a perfect being above even the soul king!" The mad captain declares as he finishes regenerating. "Is this the height of power that I will reach as well? Or is there something even further beyond?"

"Beyond you say?" She asks, when she says this Aizen's three eyes widen in shock realizing what she's about to do. She flips the massive scythe in her arms again stopping it perfectly level with her chest perpendicular with her body with the massive blade to her right side. "Bankai." Aizen's heart almost stops as her tails flex outwards creating a perfect circle around her body.

The air around him flash freezes as the black and lilac reishi explodes from her body freezing everything around her. Exploding out and upwards in a massive frozen mushroom cloud that freezes the air, the reishi and the atoms themselves freeze solid. Aizen reflexively tries to shield himself from the onslaught of frigid air, raising his hands to try to block it from his face. All this does is cause his fingers to begin to freeze as a thick layer of ice begins to envelop his entire body starting from his hands. The ice blasts through his fingers, causing them to fall off, as his entire body freezes over. All he can do is watch as he's enveloped in a blizzard, ice crystals growing over his skin and piercing into his flesh, into his mind and body. For almost fifteen miles around her, everything is covered in a thick layer of ice, as the mushroom cloud expands over the former mountain range. He watches as the snow and ice begins to get slower and slower, as the ice begins to crawl across the moisture of his eyes, unable to blink he's trapped staring forwards at the caballero encima. The ice is so cold, he cannot feel it anymore, he cannot feel anything anymore. Not her spiritual pressure, not even his own heartbeat, so cold that time itself seems to have frozen.

Standing in the center of an artificial snowflake so large it can be seen from space, Rukia exhales a breath of cold fog. "Hakka no Togame." She speaks. The tattered robes of her resurrected form have been restored. She stands in a regal dress, gray like a cloud covered sky with arcing strands of blue and red ice framing the back of her neck and shoulders. In the center of her chest, her hollow hole still sits prominently. Along her back long blue ribbons tie to the center of her back just above her nine pure white tails. A frozen hair clip ties back her hair from in front of her face. Her gray white hair is a mix of strands and ice and follicles that shimmer in the frozen sun. Her blood stained sclera now accented with icy blue irises. The scythe having transformed once more, now back into a long slender beautiful katana blade. "I will keep you in that prison of ice, for eternity." Her voice caused snow to escape her mouth. "Your only release will be your desire to die." She says as she looks at the frozen statue of Aizen, reaching out towards her now encased in over a meter of permafrost. 

Author's Note: Once again I have to thank G-X9k_Literature for the picture of Aizen, which I actually helped draw this time.

The pictures of Rukia's Resurrection and her Bankai are ones that I actually did!

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far and what is to come as the Winter War arc comes to an end and I go into the next arc, The Thousand Year Bloodwar. (I'm skipping the fullbring crap. That arc was worse than the bleach filler. Instead I have something special in store for you all.)

As always, I'll see y'all in Hueco Mundo.

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