Chapter 20

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The sun rose, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Sam was a very lovely man. He gave me treats and pats. He loved me. And I loved him. It was the day that we would arrive home, and I'd meet his family. He was sure they'd love me. I hope so. I trotted up the dirt and gravel pathway, surrounded by paddocks of cattle. Not many, and they were all skinny. No wonder. The grass was all trampled and eaten, on the few parts of dry ground, that is. Most was mud or infertile dirt, and grass couldn't grow. Then came five sheep, and a few pigs. And a small cottage lay at the end of the bumpy road. It was wooden, and had crops and flowers growing around it. It was all in good shape, and just beside it was a stable. I could see a head from inside the stables, but didn't take much notice. We stopped and sam called," CHILDREN, WIFE!" Two adorable young children came bursting through the door, followed by a humble-looking woman. The woman had curly black hair, and it went perfectly with her gem-green eyes. Her lips were plumb, and red. She was slender, but what looked like good health. The two children, a girl and a boy, were the same. They had striking resemblance to their mother, although splashes of their father is easily noticed. The young girl had pale blue eyes, and white hair, while the boy had a gloomy brown eye colour, and had his fathers brunette hair. They hugged Sam, as he smiled and held them as if it was his last day on earth. I nickered. "Daddy, where's Billy?" The little girl asks, looking at me. "You know how your grandpa left his body one day and he is now in heaven? Praying and watching over us. Well, Billy, sadly, had to go to heaven as well. A wonderful woman gave me her young mare, in exchange for a few supplies." He says, putting them down. "So, who is this?" The boy asks, walking over to me. "I don't know her name, you get to choose." He replies. The children bolt over to me, patting and praising my beauty. "She's beautiful, Daddy!" The little girl says. "Yes, Susie. Be careful remember. What shall we call her?" He asks, as his wife comes over and they kiss. "What a beautiful young horse. You're very lucky to have had that woman." His wife says. He agrees. "Can we call her Beauty?" He asks. The children like that name, and begin to coo it. Sam unhooks me and leads me into the stable. There, is an middle aged mare. A buckskin, like Spirit. "Hello, I'm Amazon." I nicker. She walks over to me with heavy steps. "I'm Astro. Excuse the smell. I'm in foal, and I'm not in good shape. I just hope my baby gets through." She says. I look at her tummy. "Yes, it looks like you'll have a beautiful foal too!" I say. She nickers.

As soon as I'm used to the place, they allow me to roam any paddock I wish. Astro usually grazes under a tree, and us two get the best paddock. Whenever the children are around, I like to playfully chase them. They enjoy it. Susie and Calum enjoy riding bareback,too. I'm used for work, and I do as I'm asked. Sam and his family are all lovely people, and they love me and Astro. Poor Astro. She's not at all in good shape, and her foal is bound to be ready soon. It also looks too big, but how would I know. I know her story, which is that she was wild, but she was hunted. Not to ride, to eat. Sam had rescued her from a bear trap a little around two years ago, when she was in early pregnancy. She respected him for that.

Tonight was the night. I was woken by Astro's pain filled whinnying. She was laid on the ground, and in so much pain. Sam couldn't do anything. The foal was definitely too big. She tried and tried, but she had no chance. "Amazon." She called desperately. "I don't my baby to die." She nickered sadly. "My baby is going to die." She whispered, on the brink of giving up. I walked over and looked. The two front hooves where showing, but no head yet. "Push!" I told her. When she yelled back at me, I gave her a nip. "Do you want to lose your baby??!" I screamed. She pushed, and push was the last thing she did. She let out a scream, and then stopped. She was frozen. Not even a breath. Sam, who was trying desperately to bring her back, didn't notice me. I wasn't willing to let this baby die. I grabbed the front leg with my mouth and yanked. As easy as it sounds, it wasn't at all. I had to make sure not to break any of its bones or worse; kill it. It eventually came out of its deceased mother. Sam was amazed. It wasn't breathing though. I gave it a shove and a little kick. I watched, hoping, praying, that it would be ok. And finally, it took a gasp for air. I began to lick away the after birth. It was beautiful...

A/N hey guys! How's it going? Just wanted to say, do you want a boy or girl foal? And what coat type/colour do you want? Thanks for all the suggestions and stuff. Love you guys :)

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