Chapter 23

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Ginger hugs my warm neck. We're at the edge of the Inoka property. "I don't want you to leave, Beauty."
She mutters, tears rolling down her cheeks. "You two are the best horses anyone could've hoped for. I love you." She says, untying my bridle. She releases my mane, and I nicker, pushing Ranger forward onto the wet ground. "Goodbye, Ginger." I mutter, wishing she could understand. I trot over to Ranger, and turn back to her. She mounts her horse, turns and canters away.
"I love you..."

Ranger trotted through the muddy ground. It was going to be a long ride home.
"Ma, where are we?" He asks.
"It doesn't matter where we are, we're free." I say.
Excitement bursts through my entire body. I can't believe it. I'm free. We're free! I whinny loudly into the sky, starting in a gallop and bucking side to side. "We're free!"
He joins me, as I excitedly prance and play in the mud like a foal. I stop, puffing, and look at him. He's confused.
"Walk with me, Ranger."
He trots beside me as we navigate through the roots and trees.
"A long time ago, long before us, horses lived wild and free. They had no owners, feeders, or groomers. They groomed themselves, fed themselves and looked after themselves. You were born domestic. You were owned. I was wild. I was born in a herd of foals and mares, and my father, the stallion where we ate long, overgrown grass, ran crazy to our hearts content and drank from the quiet running streams in the pastures. We were free. But one day I decided I didn't want to be free, and travelled into a city, where I met my first owner. I've travelled through cities, survived a war, escaped and raised a child. You, Ranger. But now, I'm free again. And I've realised that nothing can compare to being free, because I'm wild. Now, Ranger, we must travel home. To where I was born. It is long and dangerous, and people may want to catch us, so listen to what I say."
"Yes, Mother." He replies.
We emerge out of the forest. Now the journey begins...

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