Chapter 27

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I barrelled through the open trees; every step edging me closer and closer to flying. A hawk flew high above, flapping it's strong, brown wings. The wind blew against my face, my heart was racing and the pounding of my hooves unyieldingly echoed through the thick forest. Racing through the last few trees and clearing a broken one; I took a sharp turn to my right, turning the dirt up as I did. I let out a whinny, one to be heard from miles away! But then the world around me slowed.

As my huffs and puffs of exhaustion became softer, I began to worry. A world so full of nature and not one thing to be heard? I kept racing, but the pounding of my hooves remained silent. And then I heard him.

Ranger, calling to me. I saw him out of the corner of my eye, the dark sky clouded his silky, jet black coat. He call-ed to me again. He was terrified... I skidded to a stop and my hooves dug so deeply into the dirt that when I hit a rock, I face planted into the ground.

I rolled onto my side in agony. I laid there, huffing in the cold wind. Ranger stood there, the terrified look in his eyes. He was sweating, his jet black coat dripping with the sticky substance. He was standing in front of a large patch of trees, and their shadows made it completely invisible behind him. I nickered, trying to get a response.

"Ma, it's over..." He muttered.

Two dark eyes opened behind his slim rump, a grumbling growl emerged from the mouth of a dreaded beast. The enemy I have feared my whole life, and the one I have fought with my entire life. The grizzly bear responsible for my mother's death.

I screamed to Ranger.

"Run! Run!" I scream, struggling to stand. I jolt to my feet, stumbling into a rear. The bear swipes once across Ranger's light back, and he lifts his head, falling forward. I hear the snap of his neck as he falls onto his head, and I let out one last scream. I bolt towards the bear, as it roars out of it's slobbery jaws. I try to dig my teeth into it's neck, but b fore I can, it grabs my neck into it's jaws. Blood runs down my neck and face in rivers, as the pressure of it's jaws tighten. And then I hear my own neck snap.

I scream awake into the dark, silent night sweating. The rest of the herd grazes and sleeps a few metres away. I get to my feet and walk over to a cold, running stream nearby.

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