Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I wasn’t surprised when Esperanza stopped. She looked over her shoulder at me. “Amazon...” She whispered. I looked at Spirit and walked slowly over to her. There, lying in a pile of mud, was my mother. She was still dead. Her body did not smell and she was not decomposing yet. I fell to my feet and laid in her mane. “Mum...” I uttered as a gust of wind went through. Esperanza helped me to feet, hiding the sight from my infant eyes. As we moved off, the rest of the herd whispered towards each other. I lowered my head, and took slow, heavy steps. If the bear was here I wish it would just eat me. What was I going to do with my life? What do I even have to live for? Then it struck me. My mother didn’t die in vain. She took her life for mine. And no matter how much I believe I don’t belong here, she saw something in my life. She knew I had something to live for. What that is I’m not sure. I raised my head and looked into the distance. When I’m old enough to leave the herd, I will. I’ll leave and find the one who I belong with. Who will care and love me. And give me a reason to be here. The sun was setting over the town and I closed my eyes. I imagined myself with a young human on my back, gliding through the wing like kite, running so fast it felt like we were flying. I now know what I need to do. I will live the life my mother wanted me to live. **

And that was my choice. So I left the herd a year later. I was a lot taller, and stronger. I wasn’t near full grown, but I was bigger. I looked back as the others slept and grazed quietly. I moved with soft steps. I travelled for two days straight, and then I came over the hill. And what met my eyes was glorious. The city of Inoka. With long gravel paths, surrounded by farms, houses and market stalls; and a large castle at the back. I lifted my head and snorted happily. I moved down the hill and as I did, I heard some young children rushing around outside the city. I trotted over and for the first time sunk my hooves into soft gravel. A gasp filled the air. I turned and I saw a group of kids. They were sitting on a fence.  Their eyes gleamed  and glassy. “Wow! She’s beautiful.” The two young girls said. I reached my nose out. A little girl with fiery red hair held out her hand. I moved over and sniffed it. “Hey girl.” She cooed, patting my neck. I nickered softly. “Wow Natalie!  You should take her home, your Mum will let you have her! You have the space.” A young brunette said. “Yeh! I’ll take her home.” She grabbed a small lead rope from the fence they were on, and tied it around my neck. “C’mon girl. Let’s go home.” I happily followed the girl; the first two steps. A group of four boys jumped in front of her. “What-cya got there, Natalie?” One hissed. “A horse. I just found her. I’m taking her home now.” The young girl replied. “No! My Father will have her! She’s far too beautiful for a family like yours.” The tallest boy said snatching the rope. I jerked back and raised my head, grunting. He gave it a yank. “Calm down, horse. God, you’re coming with me.” How dare he insult the little girl! He doesn’t know nice from pride! Even if it kicked him in the ass! I jerked back and refused to move. He pulled out a small whip from his boot, and whipped me. I launched forward, kicking out with my hind legs. In shock he let go and Natalie grabbed it. She gripped my mane and hauled herself onto my back. She gave me a soft kick and I moved. We cantered through on the soft, sweet gravel until she asked me to stop. For awhile now I’ve been watching how tamed horses behaved. I know the commands. I slowed to a stop and she led me towards a small house with two small fields of carrots, and a paddock of livestock, and one huge Clydesdale. She knocked softly on the door. A young woman answered. “Natalie darling. What have you got?” She asked coming outside. “I found her. She walked inside the city and came over to me. May I please keep her mother?” Natalie begged. “I have no problem with it. Ask your Father.” Natalie hugged her Mother and handed me over to her. “Hello, Sweetheart.” She whispered softly stroking my neck. “Father! Come look!” Natalie returned with a tall man, black hair, gleaming blue eyes and a pipe in his mouth. He was a strong man. “May I please have her? Please?” Her Father looked at her Mother. “Natalie, how many times do I have to tell you? You can’t bring home strays. We don’t have the money to pay for another animal.” He said. “Oh c’mon, Steve. I think we can arrange something.” Her mother said. ‘Steve’ grabbed her mother’s cheeks. “I said no.” He shoved her off. “Please Father. She will help. I can ride her to get supplies and things. Please?” Natalie begged.  “Fine. If the horse dies. That’s your problem.” He spits walking away. Natalie squealed in excitement. She took me into the paddock and let me off the rope. She went and got some food as I looked around. The Clydesdale trotted over to me. “Hello.” He said. “I’m Quake.” He said. He was a chestnut brown, with four white socks. He swished his tail. “Hi, I’m Amazon.” I whispered as Natalie came over. She sat a bucket of oats in front of me. She got out some brushes and began to brush me. She showed me to a warm stable and I slept there. Every day, after Natalie’s chores she would come out to me. (She’s been there two days.) The next day, Natalie came out with her Father and took me to a round yard. She sat on the fence and her Father came in with ropes. He commanded me to go in a circle; at least I thought that’s what he was commanding. He began to yell at me with anger in his voice. I didn’t understand what to do. He whipped me on my back legs and it stung really badly. I bucked out and refused to do as he commanded. Natalie came in as he was walking over to me. “No! I’ll do it.” She whispered taking the ropes from him. She was perfect, and I did everything her Father was trying to command me to do. She stopped and hopped on my back. She commanded me into a walk, then to stop. Then into a trot, then to stop. Then into a canter, and then to stop. Her Father was impressed. “Good. Now you just need to teach her more, so we can sell her.” Natalie stopped. “SELL HER?!” She yelled. “That horse is stunning and will be a huge horse. She’s going to get us money and a lot of it.” Natalie frowned and led me into the paddock.

Authors Note—Sorry about the wait, guys. I tried to make a long chapter. Amazon has a long journey ahead. Well, stay awesome. Thanks...

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