Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The King lands in a heap in some mud. I step forward to retrieve him, but an injured soldier climbs into my saddle. “Heeyuh!” He yells, kicking me forward. We move back into the forest, which dies out a little of the sounds. He slows me to a trot and we calmly move through the tangled trees and vines. I’ve walked for about an hour or two, and my senses tell me that the soldier is taking me in a circle. I’ve had enough! I stop and he falls out of my saddle. He’s pale and cold. I nudge him. And again. He’s dead. I turn around. And even when I get closer to the meadow, I don’t hear anything. I get through into the meadow- and it’s not a meadow. It’s a whole lot of death. Horses lay injured or dead. Men lay dying, injured or dead. The once calm beautiful grass has been trampled and it’s all muddy. I walk over to a chestnut mare. I nudge her. She kicks out with her legs. “Stay, and lay still. I’ll be back.” I whisper. She whispers out the other horses. I’m walking over to where we emerged from before the battle, when a voice cries out, “They’re all dead! Leave the survivors, they won’t be for long.” I stand still. “HEY! Horse!” The King yells, waving to me. He whistles. The group of men who survived (the enemies) turn and run towards him. Shots are heard and a bullet flies past me. The King is crying out for me. I turn and look a much younger soldier. He’s only about 17. He coughing and crawling. He looks me dead in the eyes. He’s an enemy. I switch my attention from the King to the soldier repeatedly. I make a choice and canter over to the young soldier. I knell and help him into the saddle. “YOU TRAITOR!” The King screams loading his pistol. I gallop away, towards the forest when I hear two shots. A piercing pain takes my right back leg. I stumble but keep myself up. I turn back, and the King is lying in his own blood.  I take the soldier to shelter in the forest and push him off me. I return for other wounded soldiers. Any, whether they’re enemies or not. I dump them in the same spot.  I walk past the dead King, but whinny out to horses. “Get up and follow me!” Around 100 of the 200 horses get up. Some surviving horses were taken by soldiers, others just ran. I walk around and help injured horses up. On horse I come too is the black stallion. He’s been stabbed in the shoulder. “Up.” I nicker, pushing his weight over. He stumbles up. “Thank you.” He whispers, limping behind me. I take them to the soldiers. Many of the ones who are more stable are helping the others, and the sides vary. Able ones grab an injured one and jump up onto able horses. Injured ones are tied to the saddle and taken along as well. As for me, I take my group including soldiers away, back home. The soldier who I chose over the King comes to my aid. I was shot in the leg, therefore I’m not capable. He soldier walks along beside me. A few kilometers in, I stumble and fall onto my side. I can’t get up. The black stallion comes over to me, nudging me. The soldier pats me softly. “You’re not dying on me. You saved me, and I’ll save you.” He says, pulling off part of his shirt. He ties it tightly around my leg. He pushes me up, with the help of the black stallion and three other soldiers. I reliantly stand and nicker. “Good girl.” He whispers. He walks me and the black stallion along behind the group. “Thank you for saving me.” The stallion utters. “It’s ok. I couldn’t let you die.” I reply. “Yes you could. You chose not to. You saved everyone here. You’re a hero, a true hero.” He says smiling. I whinny softly. After a few hours travelling, the village and castle comes into view. We begin to walk through the streets as people yell and cheer. We get up to the castle. One of the soldiers stands up in front of the crowd. “We have lost this battle. We have sent word out to bigger cities, we will not fight another. Most of us shouldn’t have survived. But one hero saved us all; each one of us.” The Prince yells, “Who is it?!” The soldier smiles and takes my reins. “These paint mare. She carried wounded soldiers to safety, and she managed to give injured horse the motivation to come home with us.” The crowd cheers. “Where’s the KING?!” One woman yells. “He’s dead. Sadly, the mare couldn’t get to him in time.” One of the guards grabs the soldier I saved. “An enemy!”  He yells. “Into the dungeon!” The Queen screams.  *The next day* The stallion and I are in the same paddock, yet we don’t really do much. We both have leg injuries, which we’re being treated for. “If I help the soldier escape, will you runaway with me?” I ask him. “Amazon…  You really are a daring horse aren’t you?” He says chuckling. “I’m wild, what do you expect?” I reply giggling. “Yes, I will.” His name is Conda. He’s a Friesian.

OOOOooooooOOOO. What's gonna happen peeps? Lol, I'm still working on it. :P Oh well. Remember, If you have a horse (or dog, pet etc) comment their name and a description. I'll add them. Have fun my Creators! Yep, I'll call youz that lolz. :) ~ Creationisthething

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